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S 3" ; sts. high 2 K 1 *-' M {Of rfy, opp. |9 TV) ; 

sts. costly, (with frames) of ivory Am 6 4 ; for reclining at feasts, made of gold and silver Est i 6 ; cf. fTJiaa 'D Ez 23 41 glorious couch/ TTTJ nitsen a K 11*= a Ch 22" (v. Tin).— Cf. also 33^ (330), feny. T [ntSp] n.f. spreading, outspreading; — only pi. cstr. VB33 nitSD Is 8 s </je outspread- ing of his wings (cf/'Ges s " 7 - 7 »K6 ll - I - 1M ' 399 ), fig. of invading Assyrian army. ' ntSTp n.[m.] that which is perverted, perverted justice (see •/Hiph. 3 g) ; — only 'D n«i)D Tj?n Ez 9 9 (as above Ke Sm Da Berthol Toy RV > j>erverseness AV) >Co DDH ( as 7 a ). t/pj vb. lift, bear (rare synon. of l^J; BAram. X pP? Z//J/ hence specif., Syr. '^.j sustulit (aquam), further, be heavy ; also bor- rowed and denom. forms in Ar. and NH, cf. Fra" ') ;— Qal Pf. 3 ms. ') La 3 s8 ; Impf. 3 ms. fa. Is 40 15 ; Pt. act. bah 2 S 24™;— lift, c. ace. Is 40 13 (fig. subj. '*); Zt/t over thee (?y) i.e. offer 2 S 24 12 , but rd. nnia (as || 1 Ch 2 1 10 ) We Bu HPS ; lift (and lay) upon (?S) La 3 s8 . Pi. impf. sf. D.?t?3^ Is 63' and he bare them, fig. of '1 bearing his people (|| ON|W). T7CDJ n.[m.] burden, weight; — 'j cstr., of sand, Pr 27* (||TJ3). t [^3] adj. laden, only pi. cstr. *|M £»B$ Zp 1" those laden with silver. tj/tOJ vb. plant (NH id., and deriv.; cf. Sab. nyU3 pavilion [? as planted, established] DHM z " Gl " Tll - aaB) - 337 - 349 );— Qal Pf. 3 ms. Nu 24 6 + , 2 ms.nyt?? Dt6 u , sf. 3 mpl.D?llBJ Je 12 2 ; 1 s. TiypJ Je 45 4 + 2 t., WVBJI Je 42'° Ec 2 s , sf. !|*(jf©3 Je 2 21 , Vn?BM consec. '2 S 7'° = 1iTri?B31 iChi'7 9 , trnyBM consec. Am 9"+ 2 k, etc!; Impf. 3 ms. "hi Dn if 5 , JJftS Gn 2 s + 2 t., sf. ,r >??!l Is 5 2 ; 2 ms. yon Dt i6 !1 + 2 t., sf. 3 fs. nyprn ,/, 8o 9 ; sf. 3 mpL tojfern Ex 15 17 , B^ffl ^44 3 , etc.; 7mu. WBJ Je 29 s + 3 t.; /«/. 8*$ Is 51" Je i8», yiD?b = Je i 10 31 28 , nj?pb Ec 3 2 ; Pt. act. yCSii Je 11 17 , l?pb -^ 94' (shewing orig. a ace. to Lag 8 * 84 ); pi. EPypi Je 31 6 ; ;;a«*. jnt33 Ec 3 2 , pi. D^O? Ec 12";— 1. ;>Zam«, c. ace. of tree or vine NU24 6 (JE; subj. '"'), Gn 21 33 (J), Lv 19 (H), Is 44" * 106 16 (subj. *»), Ec 2* also (fig. of people) Je 2 21 n 17 i^8o 916 ; c. ace. IJB3 of vineyard Gn 9 20 (J), Am 5" 9 14 2 K I9 M = Is 37 30 Zp i 13 Dt 20 6 28 3039 Je 31" 5 3 5 7 Ez 28 26 IS65 21 Pr3i" 1//107 37 Ec 2 4 ; olive trees and vineyards Dt 6 11 Jos 24 13 (D) ; garden Gn 2 8 ('<), Je 29 528 ; so c. ace. flP| IT}?* Dt 16 21 ; VPfl ') D^DVJ Is 17 "> (fig. of idolatry) ;'abs. (lit.) Is'65 22 Ec 3 22 (opp. ~$y) ; c. 2 ace. Is 5" (plant vineyard with vine). 2. plant, fig. = establish, usu. of establishing people, c. ace. 2 S i7 10 = 1CI117 9 Am 9 15 (opp. BTI3), Ez 3 6S6 E x j^w (song), esp. Je 24 s 32" (3 loc), 42 10 (opp. eri}), 45 10 («PP- id.), ^44 3 (allof establishinglsr.); of establish- ing wicked Je 12 2 ; abs. of establishing people Je 1 10 1 8 9 3 1 28 ; more t., establish heavens Is 5 1 16 (|| Hv " ,D ^); J*»«iAfix (late use) tents Dn 1 I 45 ; D'JftDJ ninp'^p Ec 12" nails planted, i.e. fixed in; even }TK '3 ^ 94 s A« that planted the ear. Miph. Pf. 3 pL W»3 IS40 24 be planted, fig.,= be established. t [Ve5] n. [m.] plantation, planting, plant;— abs. VQ1 Jbi 4 9 ; cstr. yp? Is5 7 ; sf. •I!;03 Is 17; pi. cstr. *}?OJ Is 17 10 ;— 1. pZawta- «t'ora IS5 7 (fig. of Judah, planted by '*); 17 10 (fig. of idolatry), so 2. act of planting Is 17' 1 . 3. plant Jb 14 9 (in sim.). tn^QD n.pr.loc. 1 Ch 4 23 , © Afa^, A Aract/i, © L Erafi/i. t[^B>3] n.[m.] plant;— only pi. ttfPJ ^ 144 12 (fig. of vigorous sons). tytSJD n.m. place, or act of planting; plantation; — abs. 'o Ez 34 s9 ; cstr. VPP Is 61 3 ; sf. iJ?PP Is 60 21 (Kt ; Qr *!$«); ^ypp Ez 17 7 , also 3 1 4 , but rd. nypp © Hi Co Berthol Toy; pi. cstr. ^PP Mi i 6 ; — 1. planting-place, "^PP D"}3 Mi i 6 vlanting-place for a vineyard, so EZ31 4 (rd. nypp, v. supr.); prob. also D$18 < rd. tity '» © Co Berthol Toy i.e. peaceful (fruitful) planting-place ; cf. 'OniriJ? if=beds where it was planted. 2. act of planting 'D ~)3fJ Is 6o 21 sZiooi o/7«'s (wy) planting (fig. of people). 3. '» 'o Is 6 1 3 plantation of * (id.). t[Hpj] vb. drop, drip, fig. (esp. of pro- phet) discourse (NH id.; % ^B? aVo^>, dr»/>/ Syr. a&j drip, )kis^ «fowp (m»"- '- im ) etc.; Ar. (_iij t'rf./ Eth. }TQ: r^., Imi: coZar«  (stillando), expercolare) ; — Qal Pf. 3 mpl. ^BPJ Ju 5 4 + 2 1.; WJM Ju 5 4 ; 7w^/ 3 fs. ^ Jb 29 s2 ; 3 mpl. ttfl Jo 4 18 ; 3 fpl. naatsri p r 5 » a 4";