PIBO Je7 24 +6t. Je (all neg.), bo 25 4 44' ( + inf.), Is 55 3 ; to inspired teacher Pr 4 20 (|| S^pn), 5' (|| id.) v' 3 (all c. b), 22 17 ^45" 78 1 (|| hi%?) ; to receive revelation V' 40 6 ; of God, listening to men, sts. ||J»B>: 2 K i 9 16 = Is 37 17 , Dn 9 18 , c. b f 17 6 ; also (c. "bx) 31 3 71 2 102 3 , c. b 88 3 116 2 , abs. 86'; once vb'tj ONI Hon'anrf/ itsed <o incline etc. (either rare intrans., or obj. om., e.g. "?W; rd. perh. ONI (BW ?) aw ^ / t?ic?i««d, after nVMl). f. bend ^^ heavens, of '1 (cf. Qal3b), yjfi44 i ;=hold out, extend unto (from above, b$?) Ezr 7 28 9 9 (obj. IDn). g. thrust aside, esp. c. ace. BB trp, f perverting or wresting justice: Ex 23 s (E), 1 S 8 3 Dt 16" 24 17 27 19 Las 35 , cf. Am 2 7 ; BB^p nirnx nionb Pr 17 23 ; also c. acc. pers. (Hebrew characters) Is 102 Am 512 Is 29 21 Mai 3 5 , r-yrg d^3K «< Jb 24 4 , nionb BBE>B3 pnx p r l8 « ; here belongs prob. nonb EX23 2 (E; abs.), perh. ins. CSPO ( c f. Bu ZA * il. (1891), 113 T>_ T «dloc. ' x, -i„ J » /. ■Ky ). lx. thrust away, of », j?B WP "P"^ ^27'; cf. ."i^nen uypb^ Je5 25 your iniquities have thrust away (de- prived you of) these (harvests). fills': J0S21 16 , nWVi (so Baer) 15 56 n.pr. loc. town in Judah (15 55 © Tav , A@L l€rra, 2 1 16 © Taw, ©L Itrra). TntSO, PlED adv. downwards (from [CO] for [HOD] a place of declension (cf. HDJ, 3 a), with n_ / oc . ; Ol 222 " Kb" 260 : cf. the opp. nflQ, sub nby):_l. alone, Dt28 43 and thou shalt descend HBO HBO downwards, downwards, i.e. lower and lower, Pr 15 24 'O biKE>p "UD JJfpb. 2. nppb : a . downwards Dt 28 13 'ob PMlp xbl, Is37 31 = 2 Ki9 30 'ob enfe? ( c f. Ph CIS 11 - 2 '"'- byob 1B1 Cob Eht5> Db p bx let them not have root downwards, or fruit upwards), Je 31 s7 Ec
21 2CI132 30 ; Ezr 9 13 uftjg nppb robin nnx '3
either (Be) hast kept back, downward, part of our iniquity (prevented it from appearing, and being counted against us), or, held us (Ges), or thy anger (Ke), back, below (cf. byp nbypb above, 2 Ch 34*) our iniq. (punished us less than our iniq. deserved). b. nopbl, (a) of space, and downwards, Ez i 27 'bl Vjnp HN-ippi, 8 2 ; (6) of age, and under, 1 Ch 1 7 s3 BHtt [3pb 'bl ru«>. 3. ncobp beneath (v. fD 9 a : opp. nbypbp above), Ex 26" =36*', 27 s = 3 8 4 , 28 2r =39 a> . n^D 2tj n.m. El4 -" (f. Mi 6 9 ace. to MT, but dub., v. infr.) 1. staff, rod, shaft. 2. branch. 3. tribe (Ecclus 4 8 2 staff, 45 6:a tribe);— abs. "o Gn 38"+ ; cstr. HBO Ex 4" + j sf. 19° Gn 38 18 4 5 1., cp Ex 8 1 , ^nopis io"+iot.; pl.niap 1 K8' + , etc.; sf. DniBO EX7 12 Nu 17 21 ; also VBO Hb 3 14 (but rd. T?P, or— Gr— I'nCD) ;— 1. (cf. bj30, B3E>) «tejf of traveller Gn38 1826 (J); in gen. Is ro 16 (sim.; ||C3B>); from staff as support comes fig. Dnb/flBD staff of bread (food supply) Ez 4 16 5 16 1 4 > 3 Lv 2 6 26 + 105 16 ; of staff or rod, Moses as shepherd Ex 4" 7 15 (J), 4 17 7 172 » 9* io 13 17 5 (all E); cf.also Is io 26 ; Ex 14" Nu 20*- 911 (all P) ; called D^ftn '0 Ex 4 20 17' (both E),becauseofmiraculouspower connected with it; cf. mirac. rod of Aaron 7 9101219 8 11213 (all P), and of Egyptian magicians 7 1212 (P); cf. Aaron's rod that budded Nu if****" ( c f ES 8e m .,.i8o iM .d. W) . can . ied eyen by warr . or
S 14 2743 ; b& nop Is 9 3 i. e . rod that strikes
his shoulder, task-master's rod (||13 btin B3B>), cf. io 5 and v 24 14 6 (||C3^), all fig. of oppression '; ITJPW nop 30 32 appointed rod (of punishment); cf. 'o Ez 7 10 " (but text obscure, Co— q.v.— sceptre), also Mi 6 9 ace. to MT, but v. sub 3 ; used in beating out (C3n) fennel Is 2 8 27 ; staff as badge of leader or ruler TJTnpp Je48 17 (||bgp),cf.^iio 2 ;soNui7 17 -' 7 - l7 ' 7 +iot.Nui7; appar. shafts, i.e. arrows or spears, Hb 3 914 (cf. Now Da GASm). f2. branch of vine Ez I9 11.12.!4.H 3 trib g( l83t:)) orig company led by chief with staff: specif, of tribes of Isr. in both sg. and pi., 1 K 7 14 8' = 2 Ch 5 2 , Ex 3 1 2 + 5t. Ex; LV24"; Nui 4 +8 9 t. Nu; Jos 7 1 + 56t.Jos(allP); iCh 6 45 + 21 1. 1 Ch6, 12 31 ; prob. also Mi 6 9 (vocative; so © We Now GASm).— Cf. 03e>, and on relation of these two words for tribe in Hebr. usage D r jri i-n.ae82),:asf. TntflTp n.f. eoueh, bed (place of reclining ; DniCO Ecclus 4 8 6 );— abs. nop Am3 B +i 4 t.; cstr. nop 2 K 4 21 ; sf. ^OD f 6 7 , ^nop Ex 7 s8 , fr>pp 2 S4 7 +6t.;pl.niopabs. 2Ki"i 2 2 Ch 2 2 n , cstr. Am 6 4 Est I 6 ;— couch, bed, common article of furniture 2 K 4 10 , cf. v 2132 1 K 1 7", for repose, esp. at night, or in illness Gn 4 7 31 ( J ; 'OH B>SO) cf. 4 8 2 (J), 49"(P). f6 7 Pr 26 14 2 Ch 2 4 25 (prob.)! and for sitting, or reclining by day 1 S 28° 1 K21 4 ; '0nSSAm3 12 ; seat of King Solomon Ct 3 7 ; in bed-chamber (33C>p Tin) Ex 7 28 (J), 2 S 47; sts. portable 1 S 1915 cf. v 113.16, hence =bier