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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/668

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mrea Ez 31" 11 . 3. permit, only pt&j> »»^J ■&) '131 'Up Gn 3 1 28 (E) and hast not permitted me to kiss my sons, etc. — For nonpen B>tsri1 1 S 4 2 rd. prob. BO! (® ?kAii<h/) Dr Klo Bu, or < E>pni (nj?p) grew _^erc« HPS (Lbhr prop. ctojn c f. Ju 15 9 etc.). For neto nnn is 21 15 (||n3mn^)rd.perh.nB^>'rt. ' Niph. Pf. 3 fs. neto? Am 5 2 ; 3 pi. 1BT33 Is 16 8 33 s3 ; Impf 3 mpl. ^03M Ju 15' + 2 t; — 1. he forsaken, Am 5 2 she (Isr.) lieth forsaken (?"$ loc). 2. &e loosened or Zoose (prop. 6e 7e< alone, left to hang down) of ship's tackle Is 33 s3 . 3. be let go, spread abroad, of warriors, Ju 15 19 2 S 5 1822 (all c. 3 loc, for purpose of plunder); of tendrils of vine Is 1 6 8 (fig. of Moab). Pu. Pf. only S5te3 [to")K Is 32 14 palaces are aban- doned, deserted (|| W "*$ fi»n). t [n© , ip2] n.f. twig, tendril of vine (as spreading, cf. -/Niph. 3) ; — only pi. nit^Bjn '00 "^PO Is 18 5 tlie tendrils he hath removed, cf. nTife><t33 Wpn Je 5'° (appar. cited from Is.; expl. by Finn JournTr "'* YictIn """ S06r - from use by shepherds of poterium spinosum, called nettsh, as defence of sheepfolds), — in both of destroying city (under fig. of vineyard); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) D' 1"OV J e ^g 32 thy tendrils went over the sea (fig. of prosperity of Moab). ["O] v. nm. N"0 (/of foil., cf. At. 'U (med. "), be raw). f 11. N3 adj. raw, of flesh Ex 12 9 (P;

"12a opp l ,€>2). Of [Ml T^a, rra v. 30. L - J AT • AT " "pa v. m rrra v. 11. Yij.

  • T *

nv3 v. rvu eub 1. rm. T nira, rtirra v. rro. pa v. p. tnt*Pa n.pr.loc. Nineveh, capital Assyria (As. Nind, Niwua, NirvA, cf. Schr cotg.o„. Ul r " a »);— Gn 10 1112 (J), 2 K 19 s6 = Is 37* Na i 1 2° 3 7 Zp 2" Jon i ! 3 »m*W ca n ed r^hjn nrpn v 3b 4 » (cf. 3 4f ) ; @ n<™,, ®l Niwut. Site on E. bank of Tigris marked by mounds Neby Yunus and Kuyundjik, opposite Mosul. Cf. Layard "'"'"h «id I" Rem»in«, 18« : Monument! <*»•"•'• Billerbeck u. Jeremias BA8l "- I(189B ' I07ff - D s 3 v. D13 Qal 1. ad fin. " ^D l, 2 n.pr. of 1st month (loan-wd. fr. Bab. Nisannu, cf. Schr 0011 " 1 ' 1 MuEs-Arnolt JBL * • < um) - n ; NH = BH; so Nab. Palm. v. Lzb 323 ); —only post-exil.: '1 EHh Ne 2 1 Est 3' ( + EH.nn pt?N-in),=pre-exil. 2'3Xn (BH.h)._ On sacred- ness of Nisan cf. also RS 8em -'- SOT > M ' id - 406t yiara v. yw. -pa v. -0. fl. P"^] vb. break up, freshly till;— Qal Imv. mpl. H»$, c. ace. cogn. - ^? Ho 1 o 12 Je 4 3 . |n. "Pa n.[m.] the tillable, untilled or fallow ground; — ■') abs. as ace. cogn. ^ , ? "M D3P Ho 1 o 12 Je 4 3 ft'ZZ- ytwt i/t« untilled ground (fig. of unaccustomed moral action); cstr. only D^IO T} ^jfeTTJ Pr 1 3 s3 abundant food (yields) <Ae fallov} ground of poor men (i.e. with ' s blessing). — I. "V? v. 113. II. "TVJ (/of foil.; cf. NH -I s ?, Ar.^i, Syr. i*J (in Lexx), all = the system of heddles or ' apparatus [of small cords with loops, or eyes] by wh. the threads of the warp are raised and lowered to make an opening for the passing of the woof ' GFM PA0S 0ct - 1889 ' *** '■; cf. As. niru, Syr. -Ji, yoke).

["fiao] n.m. beam (prob. round) carrying 

the heddles (in loom), = hat.jugum, soGFM lc "; — only cstr. in phr. 0'?"]N 1130? beam of weavers 1 S if 2 S 2i 19 = 1 Ch 20 s , 1 Ch n 23 , all sim. of thick and heavy shaft of spear. f [^DJ] vh. smite, scourge (rare Arama- izing form of n:i) ■ — only Niph. Pf 3 pi. W33 )HXrr|0 Jb 30 8 they are scourged out of the land. t[*Oa] adj. stricken ;— mpl. D*?J Isi6 7 (Kb" 1 ' 73 ), of Moab prostrated by conquest. t[Npa] adj. id., alw. f. nt03_ 0" a stricken spirit, Pris 13 17 22 (both opp. ncfe> 3.?), 18 14 . tn^Da n.f. a spice, (usu. understood of tragacanth gum, exuding fr. astralagus bush, Di " 27 - 26 and reff.; Now ArchlM( * n,i249) ; cf. alto Low' 24 ; but = Ar. ilXj = iJLXj summitas rubicunda sive fiores plantae (i.e. a certain plant, Frey), ace. to Hom AuM,M4 );— abs. '3 Gn 37 25 ( + If b6, as merchandise), 43 11 ( + id., also B>3^ ( D'StJS, OHpf, as gift). ^TDJ (./of foil., mng. uncertain; Eth. i7^f — gens, stirps, [cf. Sam. 133 Gn 21 23 ]).