naa T"T3J ii.Tm.] progeny, posterity, alw. c. P? in standing phr. (Ecclus 41 s 47 mi! , both c. p) ; _abs. teya '3 *6i b r? *6 Jb 18", cf. Dt? '3] pjj -K^1 Is 14 25 ; sf. ^^ 'J*?^ »j> Gn 21 23 to me aW to my offspring and to my posterity. [HDJ] vb. smite (not in Qui) (NH Hiph. id.; Pf. 3 pi. 13H SI 4 , Inf. [n]3i"6 ib. 2 ; Syr. &j, laesit, nocuit, repugnavit; Aph. laesit, vulneravit; Eth. Jh?I laesit, nocuit; cf. Ar. ">j 6e defeated, iIiS>J the inflicting of injury on an enemy Lane 3038 );— tMiph. Pf. npj nMl consec. 2 S 1 1 15 and he shall be smitten [struck by weapon in battle] and die. + Pu. Pf. 3 fs. WIM Exo 31 ; 3 pi. 133 v 32 (J), both be smitten dovm by the hail. Hiph. <8 , Pf. 3 ms. ftpi Ex 9 s5 + ; sf. 'JSrn consec. Gn 3 2 12 , Q3H Je 5 s ; 2 ms. n'Sri Ex 1 7 s + ;
s . wan Ju i5 16 + , Warn Ex 3, M +; 3 pi. WJ
Gn 19" + ; 2 mpl. DH'Sn Je 37 10 +3 t. consec; etc.; Imjtf. 3 ms. nil Ex 2i 2 ° + , }! H06 1 (but rd. Tin We Now GASm); Tp : Ho 14" (v. infr.); H3>1 Jos io 40 + , usu. Id Ex 2 12 + ; sf. 2 ms. naa: Je 4o' 5 + 2 t., 3 ms. 13!! 2814" (but rd. H3 © @ 93 Th We Dr Klo Kit Bu HPS), 13?: 1 S 1 7* + 2t; usu. in3HNu2i 24 +; 3 fs. W. Jon 4 7 - 8 ;
ms. nan Ex2 13 + ; sf. 3 ms. ttfn Pr 23 1314 ; s. H3K i S 18" +; n|KJ Ne 13*, WJ Ex 9 15 ; mpl. »: Mi 4 14 ; usu. «3 Gn 1 4 5 + (1S4' rd.
prob. Hoph. q. v.) ; 1 pi. "nM Nu 2 2 6 ; ^1 Dt 2 s3 , etc.; 7m». nan Ez6", ^n Am 9'+; mpl. On
S 13 29 , etc.; /«/. a&s. nan Dt3 16 +, nian
2 K 3 24 (Ges « 76<r ) ; c*<r. nisn Gn 4 16 + , etc. ; Pt. nap Ex2 n + ; cstr. nap Ex2i 12 +; pi. D*W 1 S 4 8 + , etc.; — 1. a. lit., «mt'<e (with a single, non- fatal, blow), strike, sq. ace, ass Nu 2 2 23 - 25 ' 27 (tea^v^allJ); manEx2i 1519 (E); cheeks Jbi6 10 ; man (on) cheek (2 ace.) Las 30 V'3 8 ; man'nb-^J Mi 4 14 (3 instr.), 1 K 22 M = 2 Ch 18 23 ; eye Ex 2 i 26 (E); TJ30 03B> Is 14 29 (fig. of con- queror); with (3) stone or fist Ex 21 18 (E), cf. (fig.) Is 58 4 (abs.); smite lion or bear 1 S 17 35 ; strike river (with rod nop) 7 17 (c. ?5> obj., + 3 instr.), v 20 Ex 17 s (E; 3 instr.), also (with mantle) 2 K 2 81414 , cf. smiting Euphrates into (b) seven streams Is 1 i is ; dust Ex8 ,213 (P); rock 17 s (E), Nu 20" (P; 3 instr.), V 78 20 ; fig. smite earth V3 1232*3 Isn 4 (of future Davidic kg.); strike on ground (nint< ; with arrows) 2K13 18 , also (abs.) v 1819 ; strike weapons out of (ft?) hands, Ez 39 s ('» ; fig. of making power- less); lintel of door Am 9 1 ; barley-loaf strikes tent Ju 7 13 (in dream); in fig. of regret, remorse ink tn 3? 7|»1 2 S 24 10 and David's heart smote him, so 1 S 24 s ( + " , B i N"?5? because); of goat smiting (butting with horn) the ram, so as to break its horns Dn 8 7 (in vision) ; smite = hit with missile, sling-stone 1 S 1 7 49 (c. ace. pers. + insp-i>K), cf. 2K 3 s5 (but text perh. corrupt, v. Benz); arrow, 1 K 22**= 2 Ch 18 33 (c. ace. pers. + P3), 2 K 9 24 (c. id.) ; of piercing, nisn TJ331 1H3 n^na 1 S19 10 smite with the dart into D. and into the wall, pin D. to the wall, •vi?3'nrrns t|>i v 10 , cf. 18", H??' n, ?0 3,3 ?$ 26 s . b. smite repeatedly, beat, a man Ex 2 1113 (E), 5 16 (J), Ne^ 25 (JO partit.), cf. Dt2S u ; here prob. also 1 K 20 35 - 35 - 37 " (S'sSl nan beating and bruising him); of Assyr. under fig. of task- master Is io 24 ; beat a woman so as to bruise her (VSB) Ct 5 7 ; beat by authority, scourge Je 20 2 37 15 Dt25 2 - 3 (c. ace. pers. -face. cogn. nan nap), v 3 cf. ntan J3 v 2 i.e. worthy of scourg- ing, bastinado, (cf. Dr) ; 2 Ch 25 16 ; Pr 17 10 19 25 23 13U (3 instr.); cf. D'apb WI3 '13 Is 5 o 6 ; of hail, beat down herbage etc. Ex 9 2S25 (cf. Pu.). c. 'I? }a>l 2 K 1 1 12 and they clapped hands (in applause); elsewhere only Ezek., in mockery; 513-^J *|3 Ez 2I 19 - 22 ; 1f33 6" (|| lj>fi3 SF&; ace. V3J 22 13 . d. give a thrust (with fork) into (3) pot 1 S 2 14 ; strike roots Ho 14 6 (in fig., but 13?>1 We Now). e. rarely smite (in battle) so as (merely) to wound 1 K 8 s8 , so ( + ace. cogn. nap) v 29 9 18 =2Ch2 2«; fig. of V B wounding Isr. Ho 6 1 (opp. E'an, bind u]>), Je 30 14 (c. ace. cogn.). Cf. smite with (3) the tongue Je 18 18 . f. smite, of sun, etc., c. ace. pers. Is 49 10 ^ 121 6 ; c. i>? Jon 4 8 . . Smite fatally : a. (subj. man) smite, c. ace., 4-word of killing (dying): — obj. lion and bear 1 S 17 35 ; man Ex 21 1220 (E), Jos io 26 (JE), 11 17 (D), 1S17 60 2 Si 15 2 31 (JO partit. + 3 among), 4 7 14 6 18 15 21" 1 K 16 10 2 K 12 22 15 30 25 2l = Je 52 17 , 2K 25 25 Je 4 i 2 Nu 35 161719 - 11 (P; all c. 3 instr.); c. ace. + typh"7S 4. 3 instr. 2 S 2 23 smote him (fatally) in the belly with (on text v. HPS), 20'°, cf. 3 27 4 6 (but del. © Ew Th We Dr Bu HPS); tfM insm Dt 19" and he smite him in his life (mortally), and he die, cf. (without word of dying) v 6 Gn 37 21 (J), Je 4O 1415 [otherwiseLv24 ,7 - ,8 Nu35 1116 - 30 Dt27 35 Jos 20 39 ] ; with prolepsis D v?n nisn? smite the slain