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-i3: Na 3 19 (IP??'; of Nineveh), esp. in Je (of Judah) : Je io 19 14 17 30 12 (all + nbnj severe; ~™?), 15 18 (nam, 'D) t l9 * 4? i7 jgw as acc> cogn 30 h c. vb. NST heal v 17 ; also "0 JTIO Is 30 26 (||"OB'); of wounds made by '<' s arrows ^64". 2. = daughter 1 S4 10 14 30 , usu. as ace. cogn. c. n3njosio 20 iS6 19 i4 14 io 8 23 5 iK2o 21 2Chi3 17 . 3. = defeat, as ace. cogn. c. nsn Jos io 10 n 33 15 9 2 Ch28*; = conquest (of '<) Is 14 8 . 4. plague, esp. disease, as punishment (of '<),

S4 8 Dt28 MMM (||^n), v 81 (||^.), 2 9 21 (||irs6nfi), 

Lv 26 21 (H), as ace. cogn. Nu 1 1 33 . — ni3D 2 Ch 2 9 rd. nbbD (v. b«) as || 1 K s 25 , so ® 93 Be Ot andTh 1 * 6 ' 25 . tiD2, n32 n.pr.m. Necho (II), king of Egypt (Egypt. Nkw, i.e. (Steindorff 8 * 81 - 346 ') Nekawo; As. Niku Id.'"- Schr C0T2 K »■ 29 is grand- father of Bibl. Necho);— contemp. of Josiah andNebuchad. [b.c. 611-605]: 133 2 Ch 35 20 (© -Papaa, Nf X aa>), Mbj 2 Ch 35" 3 6 4 ' (® <t>ap aa> N^ao)); to3 njnt j e 46 s , nb3 njria 2 K 2 3 2933 - 34 - 36 (all © id.). . JwJ n-pr.m. v. sub [13, and v. J'TS. )"7DJ (-/of foil.: prob. be in front of; Lag BN30 cp.Ar. IXj marry (perh. orig.inphys. sense); Syr. u~aj is gentle, |l'iLaj gentleness). Tnp3 subst. front, always in prep, or adv. phrases, with sf. in33 EX14 2 EZ46 9 :— 1. as adv. ace. in front of, opposite to, Ex 1 4 2 il"l33 ynn ; 2 6 M the candlestick jnj'B'ri 1133, 40 24 , Jos 18 17 (in the || 15 7 , ^> ri33 : v . } 5 c), 1 K 20 29 nfcj rob nW on*}, 2 2 K (= 2 Ch 18 34 ), Est 5"; Ez 4 6 9 Qr XV iVl33 *? shall go out m^rowi o/ himself, i.e. straightforward; cf. V133, 133 1 a (6). Fig. Pr 5 21 b^k »3-y! '• »yj n33 9 fe& «<,«< of V B eyes are, etc., Ju 18 6 D33"n i n?3 6«/ore 'i is your way, i.e. under his eye and favourable regard. In the phr. )B n33, J e 1 >j™ insE> SSto njn T? s n?3 was o«/ore thy face, La 2 19 ' Ez 14 3 t3!T3B n33 CflJ D3ij| i>ie»3J? (i.e. they contemplate it with pleasure), v 4 - 7 . 2. combined with preps.:— a. rob - ^, NU19 4 few *» 'J-^W m lyiD and sprinkle it towards the front of, etc. b. I"l33p : (a) as adv. Pr 4 25 io'D.' '3^ "j^y let thine eyes look to tine front or )•?</«< on (|lTBJJ3J)l ^J «P^j (6) as prep. Gn 30 38 fxsn njjji in front of the flocks, 25 21 faB'N nzjib . . . "injn in front of, i.e. ore eerta?/ o/(cf.^ro), his wife ; (c) nsbny, j u i 9 *ra: 'j-ny »t5*j a * /ar a* in front of Jebus, 20 43 Ez 47 20 (i> n33"iy). S yn . , q-v. T[n33] adj. and subst. straight, right, straightness, f. nribJ, pi. D'ffo Di-; — Is 57 s inb3 -]bh he that waiks in (cf. '33" 50 10 ) his straightness (Ges 'der seinen geraden Weg geht'), fig. for straightforwardly (cf. Pi^ 25 ); nn33 w / ia < is straiglU in front, fig. straight- forwardness, honesty, Am 3 10 '3 niby tyT *6, Is 59 14 mb &9W1 (6tu (linos); 2S ! i 5 3^n3T D*nb3} D'3io thy pleadings are good and right (i.e. irue), Pr 8 9 (of words of Wisdom) D<nb3 0^3 p3B? i. e. they lead straight to the right goal (||d'-ib*; comp. v 8b B»ipjsn bnpi nna px), 2 4 26 D'nb3. Dn:n 3^5 i. e . either corra^eading to the right point), or honest answers ; Is 30 10 ninrw vb ^nntib true things' (opp. nipbn, ni?nnp illusions), 26 10 b>$ D'lnbJ p«3 in a land of rectitude (Che) he will do wickedly. t [73 J] vb. be crafty, deceitful, knavish (As. nakdlu, be crafty, cunning; X i>33 be crafty, Pa. deceive; Syr."^aj deceive, plot; cf. perh. wi?A act faithlessly, (DllA faithless, Pra AmhT. spr. «>) ; _ Qal p L ^ Mal , ,4 ^^ p i# iy. 3 mpl. c. ace. cogn. 02b ^33 ne*K Dn^33 Nu 25 18 their wiles with which they beguiled you. Hithp. Impf. "mvirb ink ^|3n>l Gn 37 18 they knavisfdy planned against him (Ko m 9 ), etc. ; Inf. cstr. 3 733nn5> ^10^ to deal knavishly with. I L^32] n.[m.] wiliness, craft, knavery; — only pi. sf. D«J7a? Nu 25 18 <Aet'r cra/«, their wile (as ace. cogn. c. P33). t ,, 7 ,, 3, ^73 n.M. knave (for 'b'33 v . Kb "■'• 118 );— abs. ^3 Is 3 2 5 (opp. yiC?, ||i>33); ^3 v 7 (assonance with lvS, f r . P3 q.v.). t[D33] n.m. Josa8 only pi. D'D33 riohes, treasures (prob. As. or Aram, loan-word, cf. As. nik&su, property, wealth, gain, Dl HWB< « 3 i Syr. Liiu wealth; on deriv. fr. As. nikdsu, cut off, hew down, behead, etc., Syr. jxiki slay, % D33, NH D33 id., through meaning cattle for slaughter, cf. Fra 98 Hpt Hbr - '" < 3la - 1887 107 "■ Sch wally id.ot.23ot Brock* 4 "*■);— Jos 22 8 (P), 2 Chi 11 " Ec 6 2 (all llfy, ni33), 5> 8 (ll-i^V). tl- [""1?^] v^»- (not Qal) regard, recognize (NH Hiph. know, be acquainted with; X Aph.