■H33 id.; Syr. Aph. J>(id.; cf. also Ar.jXj in sense be shrewd, cunning); — Niph. Pf. 3 mpl. K7
- "I33 La 4 8 they are not recognized. Pi. Pf.
^PJ?!> ^ ">» *& Jb 34 19 he regardeth not the opulent above, the poor (||D^ V.& X '?T^); 7m/)/. , " , 3?'P *W Jb 2 1 29 do i/e not recognize their tokens. * Hiph. Pf. Tan Dt 33* Dn 1 1 39 Kt; sf. vvan G1127 23 ; 3 pi. wan j U i8 3 +2 t., sf. inTsn Jb 2 13 , rtVfn Gn 42 s ; Impf.^T Dt 2I 17 + 3 t. + Dn 1 i 39 Qr ; 1?»! Gn 38 26 + ; sf. VT2EJ 1K18', «t 3 - Jb 7 10 , «?*!! Gn 37 s3 , etc.; Zww. ~>3p Gn 31 32 + 2 t.; /«/. abs.^r} (Ginsb van d. H.-i|p)p r 24 23 28 21 ; cs*r. sf.VT?n Ru 2 10 ; Pt. T3D f 142 5 , sf. TYW Ru 2 19 , etc.;— 1. regard, observe, esp. with a view to recognition, c. obj. cl., Gn 3 1 32 37 32 38 25 ; pay attention to, c. ace. pers. Ru 2 1019 ; ace. rei (of God) Jb 34 s5 ; ace. rei om. 2 S 3 s6 ; '1 subj. n3to!> . . . "V3K J3 J e 24 s so wfl'ZZ / regard the exiles . . ./or oyjooJ; Antiochus subj. Dn 11 39 ; D'OS "V3H pay regard to (shew partial ity, = 'B »jfc f^J)Dt I 17 1 6 19 (|| BBE>0 nan), Pr2 4 23 28 21 . . Recognize (as formerly known) c. ace. pers. vel rei, Gn 27* 37 s3 3 8 26 (all J), 4 2 7 - 8 ' 8 (E), 1K18 7 20 41 Jb2 12 ; proverb. BNj T?: 0^3 "•Sn.TIX Ru 3" before a man could recognize his fellow (i.e. before dawn); recognize voice (-^p), Jui8 3 1 S 26 17 ; = 2>erceive the true situation, ri ?. ! ! , 1 TI'SIKJ Ne 6 12 and I perceived, and lot God had not sent him. . Be willing to recognize, acknowledge Dt2i 17 33 9 Is63 16 (||yT), ^i 4 2 6 ; acknowledge with honour Is 61 9 . . Be acquainted with, it>ip» ifa tfyg $ Jb 7 10 his place shall be acquainted with him no more (he shall be gone and forgotten), cf . ty 1 03 16 ; c. ace. rei Jb 24 17 . . Distinguish,understand,7v? • . .Pip "V3H Ezr 3 13 could not distinguish, etc. ; cf. Jb 4 16 could not distinguish its appearance; "131? "VipPI Ne 1 3 2 * understand how <o speak, etc. Hithp. imp/ .-IJ73-133JV P r 2 o" by his deeds a youth maketh himself known, whether his doing be pure, etc. 'D"'"]?L'] n -£ !ook (or expression?); — cstr. DrWB nian I 8 3 » a 7, 00 £ a j their face witnesses against them (93 Che Con " n - al.), or the expression of their face (Ges 00 ™- De Gu SS, cf. Kit-Di), > ttteir regarding of persons <S X Thes Hi Du Che Hi "(v. against tbisKit-Di); EwDi the impu- dence of their face (■/"On), but this very dub. T ["IS??] n.m. acquaintance, friend (dub., cf.Benz"" 00 );— sf.ii3P2K 12 8 ; pi. sf. nanao v 8 . II. "ID J (-/of foil., poss.= I. "i, whence the foreign, strange, as that which is intently regarded, so Thes, but precarious ; cf. As. nakdru, rebel, Pa. change, nakiru, and nakaru, enemy, nukurtu, enmity, etc.; At. J^S in sense be bad, evil; 11. change, alter a thing ; Sab. naj 11. reject, injure, etc., m33 injury Sab Denkm " 6 CIS iv.8i. 9i 29.5. JBa-ga aZ<erHom 3M ' n " > - Ch ™ rtl2B ; Syr. jfij reject, U£acu alienus, etc.; 3! lay strange, foreign). T133, [^?3] n.[xn.] misfortune, calam- ity ;— abs. 133 Jb 31 3 calamity (|| TK) ; sf. ^33 Ob 12 Ats calamity. T"Op n.[m.] that which is foreign, foreignness (on format, cf. Lag 8 " 51 ' 154 ); — abs. '} Ju io i6 -t, cstr. ~~0). Dt 31 16 ; — foreignness (of another family, tribe, or nation), esp. 1. wN -(n)=foreign gods Gn 35 s - 4 Jos 24 2023 (all % = Dnns 's of D, cf. inN), j u I0 ,s 1 S 7' Je 5 19 2CI133*; n? n_n3 ?. ' K Dt3i 16 =/omom <70<fe o/<Ae land; sg."0?. ^ Dt 32 12 Mai 2 11 ^81'°; '3 n^K Dm i 39 . 2. "ia?.( n Hl = foreigner Gn i7' 2 (|| ^y-i?» «6), v 27 Ex T i2 43 (all P), Lv 22 s6 (H), Ez 44 9 - 9 ' Ne 9 2 Is 56 s ; '3(H) *J| 2 S 22 4S « =f 18 4546 , Ez 44 7 Is 56 6 60 10 61 5 6 2 8 ^ 144 711 . 3. other com bin. : '3 van J eW foreign vanities (idolatries); '3n mrnjD 2 Ch 14 2 foreign altars; '3 nDlS Vi37 4 MJ« 8OT '^' '^l? Nei3 30 from everything foreign. t^")33 adj. foreign, alien (NH ^33 = Gentile)]—'! abs. m. Zp i 8 + ; f. nnaj Ex 2 22 + ; mpl. D^aj Is2 6 +2t. + Pr20 16 Kt(>Qr nnaj), + 27 13 (so read for MT nflM); fpl. ninaj Gn 3i 15 +;— 1. a. foreign: naj Dy Ex2i 8 (E) a foreign (non-Isr.) people, '3 C^K Dt 17 15 (|| *& ^ns); '3 B»o|>p Zpi 8 ; nnaj p.K Ex 2 s2 (J) /ore^n ?awd," so 18 3 (E) ; 'esp. hi>n33 D^3 foreign (non-Isr.) women I K 1 1 18 Ezr io 210 "- i4.i7.i8.44 jj e j 3 26.2i_ j, # as gu b s t. HM foreigner (non-Isr.) Ju 19 12 (+V^ y. 31 ? * T»?)> 1 K 8 41 ( + 1«?S9 ^ f^J), = 2 Ch 6 32 ( + id.), 1 K 8 43 = 2 Ch 6 83 , Dt M^'dl ">!!), 15 3 23 !1 (opp. 1 ,n ?), 29 21 ( + np T im. fjfil N3; n0{); as predicate, 2 S I5 19 (|| n^j, njnaj R u 2 10 ; pi. O'-pi foreigners La 5 2 (|| ant), Ob" (|| wT.); cf. D^a? »^ Is 2"; fpl. aZiew women Gn 31 16 (E ; i.e. not of one's