■jra 651 TiyD3 n.m.drink-oflfering; — abs. '3 Gn35 14 + 6t.; ^WEx 29 4 °3o 9 Ez 45 17 ; *|D3 NU4 7 Jo i' 3 ; cstr. ^M Nu 28 7 ; sf. Vfifi Is 48 s , etc.; pi. D^DJ Je7 18 + 9 1.; sf. n^W Nu 29 31 , D^SD? v 39 , etc.; — 1. drink-offering, c. 75? (on Jacob's H3SD at Bethel) Gn 35 14 (E); elsewhere in worship of only P and related doc; once of vessels of holy table ?JPjri nVcp Nu 4'; elsewh. in classi- fications Lv 23 s7 Nu 29 s9 , usu. offered with the nbv Ex 29 40 Lv23 1318 Nu i 5 *- 7 -i°-« 2 8 7H " 29 18 - 21 - 2j.27.3o.33.37 e Tenn n^y 2 8 9 ' 1015 ' 24 2g 6 - 1U6 - 19 - 22 - 26 ' 28.3i.34.38. -^ n ^ Ex 29" Nu 28"; but sts. also with (D , oi>e>) rat 6 1S - 17 15 1510 ; usu. + nmp; elsewhere only 1 Ch 29 s1 2 Ch 29^ EZ45 17 ; i"irt3p '31 Jo i 913 2". Offered to other gods 2 K i6 1316 Is 57 6 Je 7 18 19 13 32 M 44 "-w-»-«>-* Ez 20 28 + 16 4 . 2. molten images, Is 41 29 48* Je 10" 51 17 . — Combinations are: '3 "HPJ , '3 TW (see vb.); f 1. [^02] n.m. 1. libation; 2. molten image; — 1. sf. D?'?? IV. wine of their drink- offering Dt 32 s8 . 2. molten image, sf. DfJ'? 1 ?? Dm i 8 .
1. PT3BQ n.f. 1. molten metal, or image; T •■ _
. libation; — 'o Ex 32 4 + ; cstr.J"OpP Is 30 22 ; pi. ni3DD 1 K i 4 9 +; sf. DnbDD Nu 33 52 ;— I. libation, with covenant sacrif. in making covenant Is 30 1 (=1. TJD3 j see, however, sub II. [=]D3]). 2. molten metal, or image : ?3}) H3BO molten calf EX32 48 Dt9 16 Ne 9 18 , cf. ^106"; H3DP , n'?KTOote)i5fO(ZsEx34 17 Lvi9 4 ; 'd lob* Nu33 52 ; nappi ^ds Dt27 15 Jui7 3 - 4 18 14 Na 1 14 2 Ch 34 34 , elsewh. (variously) Dt 9 12 d: Jui8 1718 1K14 9 2K17 16 2CI128 2 Is 3 o 22 42 17 Hoi 3 2 Hb2 18 . f II. [TfD J] vb. weave (Ar. 1U has same- meaning) ; — Qal Pt.pass.L fl^D? L325 7 ; perh. also Inf. cstr. ?]D3p 30 1 ; on both v. foil. ■f 11. H3DD n.f. woven stuff, web, esp. as covering; — abs."75? na^DSri 'en IS25 7 the web tliAXt is woven over all the nations (i. e. mourn- ing-veil, symb. of distress; || BW Di?n); = bed- covering 28 20 (in fig.). Perhaps also "O ?p3p 30 1 weave a web (|| HSJJ TWVb), ref. to negotia- tions with Egypt (so 23 Aq Ew De Che Di ; > ® Ges Hi Kn Brd Du pour a libation ; 'o not elsewhere='nD3). loom Jui6 1314 I [n^p^j n.f. web of unfinished stuff, on (v. GFM FAOfl ' o"- 188 ».«"<"") ;— only abs. rODD -1DO, H3DP v . -p D . f III. ["Hp^l vb. set, install (As. nasdku, id., whence nasiku, prince, D1 HWB472 ; v. also Muss-Arnolt Hbr " s, - B17 and reff.) ;— QalPf. 1 s. |^jH>S ^bo <n3D3 f 2 6 / have installed my king upon Zion. ZTiph. Pf 1 s. ^PB? Pr 8 s3 I was installed (of Wisdom). fii. ["SpDS] n.m. prince; — pi. cstr. "O'W Jos 13 21 Ez 32 30 Mi 5 4 ; sf. toDJ ^ 83 12 . TOD2 v. |DO. f I [DD 2] vb. be sick (?'; cf. Syr. uaj id., and esp. ."».™i debilis, infirmus, aegrotans, etc., PS 2387 ; IE DD3 6« sad; As. nasdsu, wail, lament Dl HWB4 ' 2 ; Ar. ^.J is go at a gentle pace) ; — only Qal Pt. act. (si vera 1.) DD3 Dbp| Is 1 o 18 like the wasting away of a sick man (so ThesEwDeCheDiDu). II. UU2 (v of fol.=behigh or conspicuous? Hithpo'l. Inf. DDMrin? yjr 60 6 , ace. to some denom. from D3 that it may be displayed, AV, cf. De ; < v. DM J Pt. niDDMJTO Zc 9 16 raised ? prominent ? (^np"lK"7JJ ; of precious stones, in fig.) very dub.; We Now del.; Gr nijKMnp). TDj n.[m.] standard, ensign, signal, sign (NH id., flag, usu. sign, i.e. miracle; X 0), NB3 sign, miracle); — '} abs. Nu 2i 8 + ; cstr. Is n 10 ; sf. 'DJ Ex 17 15 Is 49 22 ; — 1. a. standard, as rallying-point, 'S3 '* Ex 1 7 15 (E), '1 my standard (name of altar); conspicuously set on hill Is 30" (sim. of solitariness; || "»nn thfrfy fjh) ; signal of war [v. Schumacher ZPVll!SI! - AcroMU '« jord«,, m f.j ^ egp to the nat i ong> f or destruction or deliverance of Judah, Is Je), D?is£ '3 NB>3 Is 5 28 1 1 ,2 cf. 1 8 3 (on mts., || "IfW ygn) ; nnsjHijK '3 tfyf 49 22 (iri; 0>Srb» N^K),— in all these subj. V cf. D'PV D3.b npy Is 10 11 (of Mess, kg.); '3 1K'E> 1 3= (on mt.), Je 50 2 5 1 12 (c.'b« against), v 27 (|| D^i2? is'iB' vp5), D'pr^y '3 »nn i s 62 10 , cf. Je4 21 (|| "l?it5> bSp); DpMrjnb '3 . . . HKnj yj, 6 « <Aom /tas< ««< a standard (only) for fleeing, b. signal, HJl'S '3 IKS' Je 4" (i.e. to direct refugees to Zion). 2. standard, as pole, supporting serpent of bronze Nu 2 i S9 (JE). 3. a. ensign, signal, D3.b i£ nVrib ^ensp n;n D^ispp . . . vv Ez 27' byssusfrom Egypt was thy sail, to serve