T» tl^Pp, THE? Nimrod (etym. and meaning wholly unknown ; Thes (dub.) sub "PD rebel (of which Hebr. may have thought [cf. Lag"" 06 ]); in fact prob. Bab. name; l. = a god eg. Marduk We Con ' p ' B<!1 ' <2),308f ' : N ' mrod ' K ° crc, ' Brlt ' (9),irU.Sll J{gSem.l.91n.;2d«l.92. H om p SBA IV (1893), 191-300 prop. Narddu = * Namra-uddu, a star-god. 2 . < name of Bab. king or prince : Nu-marad = ' Man of Marad ' cf. Dl 1 * 220 De Gnl0 - 8II8S7] ; more plausibly = Nazi-maraddash (maratlash, muru- das) jjDt And0 " >rB ° Tjul, ' I884,93f Dl K(1884, Sav A " 1 ™" FebI6 ' S.A^d.lUr.2.1895 ( cf Qjgib. M«. »_ j_ e a Kashite kg., B.C. 1378, but dub., cf. Hpt BA9ia889, ' 183 J Jeremias Ildutar - N,mroi ' 189J ' lff );— son of «*» (q.v.), hero and hunter Gn io 89 (J ; kg. in Babylonia, builder of Nineveh, etc. v ,or ), TVlDJ i Ch i 10 ; nit?? jns Mi 5 5 (jp^K H?) ; ® N«ft»fc t^ttJT23 grandfather of Jehu 2 K 9 !.u. ' 3 -'|3 wn; 1K19 16 2K9 20 2C1)2 2 7 ; © Na/i€(r<3«, Nu/ie(r(cr)fi. D2 V. DD3. PQD3 v. 33D. T • : rD2 v. n'sw. t : t[HDJ]vb. Pi. test, try (NH id., Pi.; X Pa. *??J Syr. Pa. ~£u ; cf. Eth. ffolrt-t: temptation); — Pi. Pf. 3 ms. nDJ Dt4 M + 3 t.; sf. V1B3 Ex 1 5 s6 ; 3 fs. nriD3 Dt 28 66 ; 1 s. »JTPBJ Ec 7 23 , + 4t. Pf.; 7«ip/. 3 ms. sf. DEO* Dm 14 ; 1 s. HEOS Ju6 39 ; sf. J13B3K Ec2 2 ; 3 mpl. W* Nu 14 22 ;" 2 mpl. pe?n ' Ex 1 7 2 , + 7 t. Impf.; Imv. 0: Dm 12 ; sf. •Sffj V26 2 ; Zra/. c«<r. niD3 Ex2O 20 , + 8t. Inf.; Pt. nD3D Dt 13 4 ;— 1. test, try (syn. fro), abs. 1S17 39 (a sword); c. a Ju 7 M Ec 2 1 ; c. ace. Dn i 1214 ; acc. + 3 1 K io 1 = 2 Ch 9 1 , Ec 7 23 . 2. attempt, assay, try to do a thing, c. Inf. Dt 4 s4 28 56 ; c. ace. Jb 4' (venture a word). 3. test, try, prove, tempt [but not in modern sense of the word : v. Dr w«.i«i++«3,«3j a Q i tests or proves Ahr. Gn 22' (E), Isr. Ex 15 25 20 20 (E), 16 4 (J), Dt8 216 'S*; c 3Ju2 22 3 14 ; tribe ofLevi Dt 3 3 8 (poem); Hezekiah 2Ch32 sl ; psalmist V' 26 2 . b. Isr. tests, or tries God : Ex 1 7" Nu 1 4 s2 (J), Dt 6 16 f 7 8«-"» 95 9 106 14 ; so Ahaz, Is 7 12 . •f 11. HDD n.f. test, trial, proving; — 'D
- 95 8 ; cstr. riDD Jb 9 23 ; pi. nBD Dt 4 M 7 19 ,
n^DD Dt 29 s ; — testings or provings of Pharaoh and Egyptians at Exodus, Dt4 34 (v. Dr), 7 19 29 s (||nhk); — test, trial, of innocent person Jb 9 s * ace. to Hi al., but v. 1. HDD sub DDD. •(■in. HDO where Israel tried '* in the wilderness, Ex 17 7 (JE), Dt 6 16 9 s2 + 95 s (all @ (o) iriipaapos), where Levi was tested Dt 33 8 (® irdpa). t[npJ] vb. pull or tear away (NH ntO, % np3 both remove; As. nasdhu = BH, so OAram. nBJ Cook 82 Lzb 323 ; Ar. eT annul, supersede, change by substitution, copy ; cf. As. nishu, nushu, extract, excerpt Dl^ 84 ' 2 Meissn za womw. 367. Njj nnw, Nab. nnw id., also Aram.NnD13(whenceAr.lLli)Hoffm 2 » Gmll - 7 « > cf. Fra 251 ; Syr. wm> copy); — Qal Impf. 3 ms. " l"ID? 04*11 1V3 Pr 1 5 s5 i/te Aowse o/" proud men will '» tear douw; ^HND ^ni^l ^, 5 2 7 yea, Tie ["] shall tear thee away, without a tent; 3 mpl. [J? V1B) Pr 2 s2 transgressors shall (men) tear away from the land (rd. perh. VIOjK «7iaW 6e torn away; 11*1?.$; cf. Q«» »*»»•* Da** » mb ). Niph. P/. 2 mpl. consec. ™?™7 ?!9 D"?? 3 } Dt 28 s3 and ye sAaZZ 6e torn away from off the land. HDft 2 K 1 1 6 , v. p. 587 a supr. ■fl. "!TD^ vb. pour out (NH id., pour, cast (metals, Pi. make libation; Ph. "]DJ cast gold or iron Lzb 323t ; X =]?? ma&e libation; Syr. Ju jjow om<; Ar. isl!3, orig. be-pour, water Nb zmqxii (leer), 719 (mre), usu. worship Lane 3032 (cf. JJg Sem. 1. 213; 2d ed. 229^ J_ e ^, 0Mr 0M< fclood f victim, pour out wine We H « ld - 2 ' >"."».'«;— Qal P/. 3 ms. 'HPJ Is 29 10 40"; DJ 44 10 ; J'»P/- 3 nipt OBJ Ho 9 4 ; 2 ms. OW? Ex 30 9 ; 7w/ ^bj? Is 30 1 ; Pt.pass. f. '"I31D3 25 7 ; — 1. ^owr out, c. ^J? (the spirit of deep sleep) Is 29 10 . 2. pour out libations, c. ace. "!Oi Ex 30 9 (P) ; H3DD Is 30 1 ; f*! Ho 9 4 . 3. cast metal images, c. ace. boB Is 4 o' 9 44 10 . Piel Impf. "i®?. 1 Chi i 18 pour out as libation, c. ace. Dtf+miT^ (=2 S 23 16 Hiph.). Hipb. Pf. 3 mpl. ttDn Je32 39 ; Impf 3 ms. 195 Gn35 14 +2 t.; 1 s. T D « ^ 16 4 ; 3 mp 1 - WEn Ez 20 28 ; /rati. sJDn Nu 28 7 ; Inf. abs. TBH Je 44"; WJ Je 7 18 + 3 t.; c*«r. "^©0^ Je 44 19.25 (Kci 1 - 309 ); — pour om< libations, c. ace. ?1D3 Gn 35 14 (E), 2 K 16 13 Nu 28 7 (P), D!P 2 S 23 16 mrr£; elsewhere, D^DJ to other gods Je 7 18 19" 32 19 44 "-w-J»-"-« Ez 20 28 V' 16 4 . Eopb. Impf. 3 ms. T]B' be poured out, Ex 2 5 M 37 16 > °f no ^y wine, c. 3 of vessels.