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+ 140"; 3 irpl. && 2K3 2 * *22 19 , J^a: Jb 29 s4 , etc.; Imv. ms. sf. npBn Jos 13 6 ; mpl. £'3n 1 S 14"; Inf.cstr. ^3n|5 1 S 18* + ; b&& Nu 5° rd. 5fc}|> (Di 01» 780 Sta'^^Ko'-^Ges » «■ ! B ») ; P«. So 2 K 6 5 + 2 1., pi. D^BD Dn 9 18 ; — 1. cause to fall, c. ace, lit.: a. fell tree 2 K 3 19 - 24 cf. 6 5 . b. <Arow> down wall 2 S 20 15 . c. knock out tooth EX2I 27 (E). d. lay pros- trate Dn 25 s (for bastinado). e. cast (cedar pillars) into ("?5?) fire Je 22' ; so (c. 2), wicked men yfr 140". f. make sword drop from (IP) hand Ez 30 22 (fig.), cf. 39'. g. cause stone to fall ^ Nu 35° flesh V 78 s8 (3JI»), stars Dn8 10 (in vision). . Of causing death S/jn? 2Ki9 7 =Is37 7 , Je 19 7 Ez 32 12 (all '< subj.), 2 Ch 32 21 (human subj.); T3 1 S 18 25 ; + D^n Ez 6 4 P^ 26 ; also 1^ 106 26 Dn 1 1 12 = overthrow, bring to destruc- tion,*37 ,4 73 18 (<^),i°6 27 . . Esp. of casting lot (/fl), Is 34 17 (c. b /or), Ne io 35 (c. ^ + inf.), 1 1 1 (c. inf.), 1 Ch 26 1 ' 4 (c. ? ; so rd. Kit Hpt cf. ®93 Be Ot), * 2 2 19 (c. h>), Est 9 24 (c. inf.) ; abs. Jon 1" 1 Ch 24 31 25 s 26 13 Est3 7 ; +y3ina Pr i 14 (i.e. share with us); om.

<A 1 S 14 42 (c. P?), Jb 6 s7 (c. by) ; hence 'Bil = assign, apportion, by lot, usu. c. ? pers., Jos 1 3 s 23 4 (bothD), EZ45 1 47 22l + v 22b '(rd. >VW. 33 % Hi-Sm Co Berthol), 48" (read nbna for '3D, ® 33 Hi-Sm, etc.), ^ 78 s6 (cf. Qal 1 end ; and 3 I 7 c). . Fig., let drop, cause to fail (cf Qal S), Ju 2 19 Est 6 10 , + nS-iK 1 S 3' 9 . . Cause deep sleep to fall ("<>5!) Gn 2 21 (J), Pri9 15 (abs.), make countenance fall, look displeased at (3), Je 3 12 , cf. Jb29 24 (obj. "3B -ty ; cause terror, etc., to fall {"by) Je 1 5 s . . Other idioms are : bring to life (prop. drop young) Is 26 19 (fig.); present supplication Je 3 8 26 42' Dn 9 1820 (all c. "itb) ;— on both cf. Qal 6. Hithp. throw, or prostrate oneself, 1. Inf.cstr. ?S?nn throw himself upon (?y) Gn 43'" (J ; i.e. attack). 2. l'f 1 s. 'T^nn Dt 9 25 ; Jmpf. 1 s. bsim) Dt9' 826 ; Ft. ^B?no Ezr io 1 ; —prostrate oneself and lie prostrate, * 'JB?. — PiTel. bbs: Ez 28 s3 , rd. btt) Hi-Sm Co Berthol. t 7e5 n.m. JbsM untimely birth, abortion;— ^>BJ abs. Jb3' 6 (Baer, Ginsb.,>van d. H. be: Ec 6 3 ; cstr. njftj i>Bj + 5 8 9 . yen t [?EO] n.m. Jb4116 refuse, hanging parts ; — 1. fallings, refuse, cstr. ">3 ?BD Am 8 6 <Ae refuse of wheat. 2. pi. cstr. VlBO V>BD Jb 41 15 iiie hanging (falling, drooping) parts of his flesh (of crocodile). t !~I75?3 n.f. a ruin ; — abs. 'D of city Is 1 7 '. T T - trn>Sp n.f. id.;— abs. 'B of city Is 23 1S 25 s . tn7EQ n.f. carcass, ruin, overthrow; — 1. carcass, of lion, 'o cstr. Ju 1 4". 2. elsewh. sf. a. a ruin, WSJ? Ez 31 13 (kg. under fig. of tree), b. overthrow, id. v 16 (same fig.) ; 1£?BJ? (kg.)32 10 ; Wfa (of Tyre) 26 1618 27 s ; Dn^BD (of wicked) Pr 29 16 . t CP7D3 n.m.pl. giants, ace. to ® yiyavre t , so @33; b^san Gn 6 4 (J), PJ3? »3| ET^Jpfn D'pB3n-|D Nu 1 f (JE); ® om. '131 '33, and so Di ; these words perhaps doublet, but already in Sam., also 33 (etym. dub. ; cf. Aram. NpB'O, N^B3 Orion; conject. v. in Thes Di*""*-; Tuch Kn Len 0r - '• •* *"«■ Tr - "» £ ; Che Hbr - ul (lsw - m - m ; all very precarious). f I. [YP^] vb. shatter (NH id., dash, beat; As. napdsu, shatter, destroy D1 HWB<76 ; X yea Pa. shatter, but also }»B3 Pa., id., Syr. JL» sAa/fce, 6rea£, soMand.,Nb^ 240 '" d2MOl " 11(1S78, ' 4 ° 6 ); — Qal 7n/. abs. P B ?1 c. ace. Ju 7 19 and a shatter- ing (=and shattered) the jars; Pt. ]>ass. 3sy pB3 11133 Je 2 2 28 (fig.) a »es«eZ <o be despised (ami) shattered (cf. Ew Gie Rothstein**"); also Pt. act. f?3 shatterer of the holy people Dni2 7 (Bev Marti KM , rdg. flD& T D^33). Pi. dash to p>ieces: Pf. 3 ms. fB31 consec. ^ 137 9 c. ace. infants ag. (?N) rock ; 1 s. MS] of dashing all in pieces with (3) Babyl. as war-club Je 51 20 - 2, - 21 ' a22:!2 - 23 - 23 - 23 ; sf. B*N CWSB31 1'nK^K 13"; /otj,/. 2 ms. sf. DSB3P1 nsi' ^33 ^2' (i.e. nations); 3 mpl. «JSJ Dn?33 Je 4 8 12 (symbol.ofdestroyingMoab); /7i/K i '1p"Dy""i! J* a ? Dni2' when (they) finish shattering the hand (fig. for power) of tlie holy people, but rd. poss. Y$, v. Qal. Pn. P«. fpl. niXBJD Is 27 s like chalk-stones pulverized. TyD2 n.[m.] driving storm (lit. bursting of clouds, Che 00 """), "P3 J3N1 DQJJ '3 Is 30 30 (theoph.). t[^BB] n -[ m shattering;— iJtBO '?3 Ez 9 2 with his shattering-weapon in his hand.