jftn t^SQ n.m. war-club (lit. a shatterer); — V fin|<"}'BD Je5i M a war-club art thou to me (' , addressing Babylon, cf. Gf Gie). t II. T^D J vb. disperse, be soattered (oft. taken as secondary v fr. Niph. of pis, yet cf. NH yta, Qal (Pt,), Pi., scatter; Syr. Aj pour out, throw down, X J*S3 ; Ar. ^iiS shake (irreg. correspondence of sibilants cf. No' '), Eth. }4-R: dissipari, aufugere Di 7 ' 3 ) ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. vyo Dyn '3 i S 13" the people were scattered from me; 3' ft. H? 1 ?'^ 3 n ??,3 Gn 9 19 (J) thence dispersed all (the population of) <Ae earth; 3 pi. D^5 }XB3 Is 33 s nations were scattered ; Pt.pass. fpl. cstr. HfJW niXW Is n 12 the dispersed of Judah he shall collect (|| V)?* ^nn?). tfSJ (vV foil.; cf. Ar. JLii «w7,, Zt/e, person, living being, blood, desire, ^Hj breath, sweet odour, ,jlio fee AtgrA in estimation, become avaricious; m. desire a thing, aspire to it, v. breathe, sigh. As. napdiu, get breath, be broad, extended; napistu, life, less frequently soul, living being, person. Vbs. appar. denom. ; nouns in all Semitic languages: Ph. CBJ, CIS '• M B 5 , Eth. i¥fl: ; in the foil. = both soul, person, and tombstone, monument, (as representing person, v. esp. Duval *«. wxt.ua*>.).*.*) . NH B>BJ v. Levy ZMGlll<1868, ' a5 ; OAram. CBJ, Nab. Palm. e>B3, v. Lzb 325 Cook 82 ; Syr. U2J, v. 1 Mace 1 3 s ™ 8 ; Sab. DBJ Levy-Os '""-w 255290 Mordtm ">•»"' (ms), ae cf Lihyan., DHM Epigr. Denkm. OT },[[ n Hom 8adlmib - Chrest. 128 XI?D2 n.f. Gn49 - 6 (so even Gn 2" NU31 28 1 K i 9 2 v.Albrecht ZAW ' XT,(1896, ' 42 SS)soul,livingbeing, life, self, person, desire, appetite, emotion, and passion (Ecclus 3 18 4"*" 13" 14 11 );— '3 Gn I» + ; E>B3 Gn 37 21 + ; sf. 'tfBJ Gni2 13 + ; pi. nit?B3 Ez i3 18 + 13 1.; n'{?B3 Ex 12 4 Lv 27 s ; csiir. TWM Gn36 fi +4t.; nfeteJ Lv2i n ; B'PM Ez 1 3 20 (but rd. D'Bten, v. Co Berthol Toy) ; sf. DniPEtf 2 S 23 17 + ; bn'B'B? Nu i7 3 +:— . = that which breathes, the breathing substance or being = ■fyvxh, anima, the soul, the inner being of man: a. disting. fr. "^KQ: S?B3D ie>3 1JJ Isio 18 ; "ikan D V P??? Dtia"; ft. "vXE* p r 1 1 17 ; fr. |B? &ocfy ^ 3 1 l0 . b. both the inner {?B3 and the outer "IBO are conceived as resting on a common substratum : 'nfe'3 "X
- ba«n v^>v 'ietan a*? vbv Jb 14 22 <mfy his
itv: v t t : - : A T : ■ 1 1 ^ *^ _/Wi upon him is in pain, and his soul upon him mourneth; cf. ^ 42 5 ' 7 131 2 Jb 30 16 La 3 20 [v. ?y 1 d], all poetical (cf. 6 c). c. 'l departs at death and returns with life : Wi_ nn» '3 FIB'S? riNSS Gn 3s 18 (E) and it came to pass wlien her soul was going forth (for she died); FIB'S? nriBjj J e 15 9 she breathed out her soul, cf. 1 K 1 7 2!22 Jb 1 1 20 3 1 39 . a. oft. desired that the B»B3 may be delivered: fr. She'61 ^ 16 10 30 4 49 16 86 13 8 9 49 Pr 23 14 ; fr. Tint?, the pit of She'61, Is 38 17 Jb 33 > 8 - 22 - 28 - 3 ». . The E>B3 becomes a living being : by God's breathing D"n nDE>3 into the nostrils of its "IBO; of man Gn 2 7 (J); by implication of animals also Gn 2 19 (J); so tJ> 104 2930 cf. 66 9 ; man is njU B*B3 , a living, breathing being Gn 2 7 (J); elsewh. Wl B*SJ alw. of animals Gn i 20 ' 2430 9 i3..5.i6 ( a]1 P ^ Ez 47 9. B0 n >nn Bto Gn i 21 9 10 (both P), Lvn ,(u6 (H); nx-UWl B>BJ Lvn 4 * (H); *n bl tfU Jb 1 2 10 . B*b: is frequently used with the verb iTn : tB>B3 nrvm Gni2 13 19 20 (both J), 1 K 20 32 (E), V 1 19 175 Je 38' 7 ' 50 ; t^B3 «n 1 S i 26 17" 20 3 25 26 2 S 11 11 14 19 2 K ,mj 4 3o ^ all JE ) . cf- f 'j pyv j K 20 3> r£} t Ez
27 f 22 30 ; also Gn i 9 ]9 Is 55 s Pr 3 22 .
. The Gta (without n'n noun or verb) is specif. : a. a living being whose life resides in the blood [so in Arab. We 8 """'""- 217 G. Jacob Ar»b.uicht.i,.9t.j (hence sacrificial use of blood, and its prohib. in other uses ; first in D), Dt 1 2 s3 ' 24 only be sure that thou eat not the blood, for tlve blood is the living being (B'BSn XW ff^n) ; and thou slw.lt not eat the living being with the flesh (~&3n DJt K*B3n) ; thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water; this is enlarged in H, Lv I7">»' 2 ' 4 and in P Gn 9 4S , cf. Je 2 M . b. a serious attack upon the life is an attack upon this inner living being 2 S i 9 Je 4 10 Jon 2 6 ^ 69* 124 45 Jb 27 s . c. B»B3 is used for life itself 171 t., of animals Pr 1 2 10 , and of man Gn 44 30 (J); B»B3 nnn b*b: life for life Ex 2 1 23 (E), Lv 2 4 18 (H), 1 K 20 3942 2 K 10 24 ; D^nnn UtiU Jos 2 14 (J) ; t?B33 E»BJ Dt 19 2 '; E*B33 for the life of 2 S 14 7 Jon i 14 ; f|33 B'BJ DB* put life in one's ownhandja 12 3 1 S 19 5 28 21 Jb 13"; ib»B3 spn Dioi' Ju 5 18 risked his life to die; tt^BiS at the 1-isk of life Nu 17 3 (P), 2 S 23 17 = 1 Ch 1 1 19 - 19 , 1 K 2 a Pr -f La 5 9 ; fE*B3 B*p3 Ex 4 19 (J), 1 S 20 1 22 2323 23 15 25 s9 2 S 4 8 16" 1 K 19 1014 Je 4 30 11 21 19 79 21 7 22^ 34 20 - 21 38 16 44 3030 46 s6 49 37 f35 4 38' 3 40 u 54 5 63 10 70 3 86 14 Pr 29 10 ; t'j W 1X3"= 2 Chi", iKi9 4 =Joii4 8 ; t^BJ H3H smite mortally Gn37 :l (J), Dt 19 611 Je40 1415 ; +'J npb 1 K 19 4 Jon 4 3 1//31 14 Pr i 19 ; f^Xn tr u 2