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»M alienated from Je 6 8 Ez 23 1 " 8 ; JO '3 fiPjM Ez 23 na.M. O^Wiaiedo/sowZ 2 S5 8 (Qr); 'j IMft> ^ 1 1 5 Is i 14 . g. other emotions and feelings : '3 a't^n irmgr 6ac& soul La i" 1 * (i.e. revive, cf. c. 3!B> 1 K 1 7 21 '), hence fig. refresh, cheer, v 16

  • 19 8 Pr25 is Ru4 ,s ; '3 3315? ^23'; '3 7DTO

your souls' compassion Ez 2 4" ; '3 m¥p soit 7 - was impatient Nu 21 4 (E), Ju io 16 16 16 Zc n 8 ; O '3 T'INX <Aa< / should prolong my patience Jb 6 U ; "On '3TIK DnyT ye Atww the feeling of the stranger Ex 23' (R D ). . E>B3 is used occasionally for mental acta + 33? (see 10) ; poss. also alone, owing to unconscious assimilation by late writers ; but most, if not all, exx. may be otherwise explained: 1NO nyT tto •>/' I 39" m y sou ^ hnoweth well (or / know well; cf. 4 a) ; N73 31B N7 '3 njTI Pr 19 2 that the soul be without knowledge is not good (but RV° desire with- out knowledge, cf. 6 a) ; '37 nOOfl HJH Pr 24 14 Awow wisdom for thy soul (or according to thy desire, cf. 6 a) ; '33 'Din 7K Est 4" /Amfc no< in thy soul (or irc thyself, cf. 4 b); "lyE* 103 '33 Pr 2 3 7 as he reckoneth in his soul (but RV in himself, cf. 4 b); '3 ICNH TO 1 S 20 4 (but AV RV foil. © «r.0v M «= njljtj; v. 6 a). . Eta for acts of the will is dub. : E* DK DSBta (nx) if it is your purpose Gn 23 s (P) 2 K 9 15 (or if it is your desire, 6 a); '3 mn3 my soul chooselh Jb 7 15 ; '3 !13XD my soul re- fuseth Jb 6 7 1^ 77 s ; nXBn '3 t/ieiV «ou7 delighteth in Is 66 3 ; nriYl '3 my soul delighteth in Is 42 1 ; (all perhaps emotional, 6 b, d, g). . Eta = character is still more dub. : fa '3 rnt5^"N7 Hb 2 4 his soul is not right in him (but © ovk tvhoKti r) ifrvx'l pov iv airm [c£8o«I= nmn], v. 6); "ksbd K7 ^B3 Ez 4 14 my soul hath not (or / have not, 4 a) been polluted. f 10. '} in D, when used with 337, is assim. to it, and shares with it the mngs. of 7, 8, 9 ; and so in later writers influenced by D (unless we may think that '7 is used of intellect, while '3 is used of the feelings): thus, 337 733 Eta 7331 (see 337): c. trn Dt 4 29 2 Ch 15 12 ; tiffS Dt 26"; 3HK Dt 6 5 13 4 30 6 ; STV Jos 23"; 13y Dt io 12 11" Jos 22 s ; I7p3 VDB> Dt 30 2 ; 7K 3W> Dt 30 10 1 K 8 48 = 2 Ch 6 s8 , 2 K 23 s5 ; 1YIYO ICE' 2 K 23 3 =2 Ch34 31 ; '3B7 17H 1K2 4 ; and Dtn 18 1S2 35 iCh22'»28 9 Je 3 2 41 ^i 3 8 Pr 2 10 24 12 . Note. — In three cases is gener- ally found closer approach to supposed radical


meaning breath:— a.. pnD1 37 HttP mtipl J0e> STQ3 nvy» Wjn Pr 27*. Ges (after Dbderlein) renders '3 riVJJD more than odorous trees, so later edds., even Buhl; but 93 De SS transp. injn nxj?o '3 pnc 4 .. © Hi Bi njnpnoi = tiie soul is rent asunder by cares. In any case Eta is || 37, cf. IO. b. tsr£n D^na ieta Jb

1 13 his breath kindleth coals (of the crocodile). 

The piece is one of the latest in the book ; primitive meaning hardly in such a passage ; context favours ref. to passiom, or fury ; per- haps sub 6 f, his passion or fury kindleth coals. c. etan flB Is 3 20 perfume boxes; mng. evident fr. context ; but not necessarily scent (breath)- boxes; may be 6 a, boxes of desire, or 5, boxes exciting the sense of smell ;■= smelling boxes or bottles. No sufficient evid. in BH, therefore, for meaning breath, odour. — See, for complete study of eta (all passages), Br 0BLlw - 17,: t [tEC2] vb.denom. (cf. Syr. j*aJ refresh ; +iuir, ^ifbe refreshed; Eth. i¥fl:);— Niph. Impf. 3 ms. eta? Ex 23 12 (E) 2 S i6 14 ; eta?! Ex 3 1 17 (P); — take breath, refresh oneself. Tttj^pi n.pr.m. son of Ishmael, ace. to Gn 25" (P),= I Ch I 31 (© Natf>«, ©L Na<£«s); = (Arab) tribe 5 19 (® Na<£«<raoaia)*, A ©L tiatfiuraiusv). ]"©5 V. II. ^13. t neb n.m. Pr24,13 flowing honey, honey from the oomb (Ph. nB3 CIS 1 - 1 "- 8 ' 1 );— '3 abs. Pr5 3 + 3 t., cstr. f 19";— sweet Pr24 13 (U K*?^), cf. 2 7 7 ; fig. of sweet words Pr 5 s , and perh. Ct4 n (Bu of kisses; || «*?}, 3^n); in full '3 tPEW ty 19 11 honey of (the) combs (comp. with

  • ^seto ; || ea^n).

rrinc] v. nns. D^VUpJ, ^flOJ v. i>nD. tOPIWDS n.pr.loc. Gn io 13 =i Ch 1" (® Nf(^daX(t)«4fi, but ®L in Ch f<(cp6a><Te i/x) ; = pltlmhi, the northern land, i.e. Lower Egypt, acc.toBrugsch B " roeLWB - 8ui " ,1 - ,B3 ,and esp. Erman zaw«(woxi«,ii» r d g . D'nonB. Other conj. v. Di G °. . Ef J] v. II. pa ■ O. Y?. v. III. pf3 . t [K3U] vb. = HX3 = fly, ace. Thes Gf al. ;— only Qal }nf. abs. (si vera 1.) »W KX3 J e 4 8 9 , but improb.; X Symm «)P cf. Ol' 246 " Gie ; >Schwally ZAWvm < ,888) • ,,,7 nxn nft, v'HI. nv3.