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t [3¥2] vb. Niph. take one's stand, stand (NH 2X3 id. (rare), rnxn n . taking a stand ; Ph. (Pun.) 350, H3X3D, 113X0 monument Lzb 324 ; Nab. Palin. 3X3 set up; Zinj. id., statue, all Lzb 325 Cook 82 ; Palm. K3XD tma^e, Nab. 3X3 »'</., DHM VOJ,t " (18M >' 12 , cf. Lzb 1 "-; perhaps As.ttas<J&wTelAm,Wkl TA24 * b ; Aram.3X3, o^j; Ar. (_^j set wp, erect, ij.-aj sign, mark, way- mark ; Sab. 3X3 ci]>pus CIS'"- 23 SabDenkin 95 DHM ZM0 1IX ll876) ' 116t Derenb JA8, 188S ' Au8-Sept - 214 - Min' 3X0 statue (=3X3D)Hom SMwChroi "' 128 );— Niph. P/ 3 fs. H3X3 ^ 45 >», H3X3 Gn 37 7 Pr8 2 ; 2 ms. MX31 Ex 7 15 + 2 t.; 3 pi. 13X3 15 9 , 13X31 consec! 33 s ; Pt. 3X3 Gn 2 4 ,3 + , f. H3X3 Zc «» n?X3 i Si 26 ; mpl. tX3f} Exs^ + j fpl. ni3X3 i S i 26 ; — 1. a. station oneself, take ones stand, for definite purpose, c. ?y loc. (by, on) Gn 24 1343 28 ,3 Ex7 15 33 21 34 2 (allJ),Exi7 9 i8 14 (E),Nu23 617 (JE); Am f 9 1 Pr8 2 ; of '* IS3 13 taketh his stand to plead; c. 3 loc. Ex 5 *> f 82 1 (of God), cf. Nu 22 a.3i.34. n3 eiy'3 iSi 26 ;" ,, 3D^Dt29 9 ; c.nriBNu 1 6 W (JE), Ju i8 1617 ; abs.La2 4 (on text v. Lbhr). b. stand = 5e stationed (by appointment, or in fulfilment of duty), c. ?5? pers. (sitting or lying) Gn45 ] 1 S4 20 22 w - 17 ; WIDEta"^ '3 I 8 2 i 8 gtamd at my watchman's post (|| ">?5?); *|? ,l ?Y V'45 10 )" abs. 2 S 13 31 . C. take an upright position, stand, '31 «MJ>J Ex 33 s (E ; + nna loc), cf. Gn 37' (E; of sheaf); of waters, 13^03 '3 Ex 1 5" (song). 2. be stationed = appointed over (?J)), 1S22 9 Ru 2 56 ; with Samuel presiding over (?y) tliem

S 19 20 . Hence 3. Pt. as subst. deputy ', prefect 

(as appointed, deputed), only 1 K 4 s - 7 5" 30 9 23

Ch 8 10 (all of Sol.'s officers ; so also 2 Ch 8'° 

Qr, < Kt 3'X3), 1 K 2 2** (of Edom). 4. stand firm, fig. 3X3 D"1X"?3 yj/ 39 s every man, (even) ilie firm- standing, is wholly vanity (but ex- pression strange, and text dub.); 0?0$3 '3 1 1 q 89 (of י׳'s word); that which stands firm Zc II 16 (Isr. under fig. of sheep), but dub. ; We GASm leave untranslated; Now prop. rWWJ the dis- eased. Hiph. Pf 3<xn 1 K 16 34 ; 2 ms. rnxn Gn 2l M V74 17 ; 3 mpl. VX<W Je 5 26 ; Impf. 3'X? Jos 6 M , 3!T Dt 32 s (dub.; poet, for "1 Ew 42SM Di; rhythmical shortening Ges si09k ; read 3X? D r D a s,ot.p.M)- a s n 2 Si8 18 ; sf. «m La3 12 ; Imv. fs. VW Je3i 21 ; Infcslr. VffQ 1 S 13 21 1 Ch 18'; P<. 3<XD 1 S 15 12 (but rd. a^XH © We Dr Bu Kit HPS); — 1. station, set : c. ace, ewes

nro Gn2i fflM (E; "U apart), trap Je 5 26 ; fig. set me before thee (T?9?) ^4 ll3 J « e < TO « as a target La 3 12 . 2. set rep, erect pillar (""^XI?) Grn 35 14a) (E), 2S18 18 , 4-Dnt?K 2K17 10 ; altar Gn 33 20 (E), stone-heap 2S18 17 ; monument (T) 1S15 12 ; city-gates (c. 3), Jos 6 M (JE) = 1 K 16 34 . 3. cause to stand erect, waters, nrtoD ^ 7 8 13 (cf. Qal Ex 1 5 8 ). 4. fix, esta- blish boundary (subj. '♦) Dt 32 s ^ 74 17 Pr 15"; dominion (T) 1 Ch 18 3 (of king).— 1 S 13 21 is dub. ; AV sharpen, RV set ; Kit ' gerade machen'; Klo 3X3 subst., v. infr.; cf. HPS. Hoph. Pf. 3 ms. 3XH Na 2 8 it is fixed, determined (Kl Or), but very dub.; perh. n.pr., or epith., of queen, cf. We Now GASm, q.v.; Pt. nriK 3X0 D^D Gn 28 12 (E) a ladder set up on the earth ;"0 fb$ Jug 6 , read n3XBn fi!?«  GFM, v. infr.— Cf. also 2T Hitbp. tSSa n.m. 1. haft, hilt of sword Ju f (Ar. vl>l-oJ handle of knife, ' in wh. the (j^U-- [i.e. the shank] is set ' Lane 2300 ). 2. pre- fect, deputy, v. 3X3 Niph. 3. fl.3TOa n.m. pillar, prefect, also appar. garrison, post (Ecclus 46 18 IX WB ]))y and he subdued garrisons, posts, of the foe); — '3 abs. 1K4"; cstr. iSi3- 3 +3t.; pi. D^X3 2 S8 6 + 2 t.+ 2Ch8 10 Kt, ^3X3 2S8 1414 ; cstr. *3*| 1 S 10 s MT, but rd. 3'M ® ©SO Th We Dr Klo Kit Bu HPS;— 1. pillar, n^D '3 Gn 19 26 (J). . prefect, deputy 1 K 4 19 (on text cf. Klo Benz), so perh. also 1 S io 5 (HPS; pillar @ Th Dr Klo Kit), and appar. 13 34 (>al. pillar); this rang, serves also for 2 S 8 61414 (so Ki ; Th HPS garrison) 1 Ch 1 1 16 18 13 2 Ch 8 10 (where rd. Kt), 17 2 (Kau garrison in n 16 17 2 ; Ecclus 46 18 — v. supr. — would favour this meaning in other passages). f 11. IT^S n.pr.loc. in Judah on border of Philist. J0SI5 43 ; ® Na<j«/3, A®L N«r(«)«/3; v. also Lag BN 95 Anm -*; mod. Beit Nasib, c. 8 m. NW. of Hebron Buhl ' 08 *- 193 . tlSft n.m. 1813 ' 23 standing-place, station, garrison ; — 'o abs. 1 S 14 15 , cstr. 3X0 Jos 4 s - 9 + (Baer in Sm 3X0, cf. on 1 S 13 23 , but v. Ginsb) ; sf. 13XD Is22 19 ; — 1. standing-place of feet Jos4 3:9 (JE). 2. station, office Is 2 2 19 (|p»l>9). . garrison, post, or outpost (of Philistines) 1 S 13 23 i 4 i- 4l! » 15 2 S 23"; so rd. also 1 S 14 12 (for MT H3XP) ® Th We Bu HPS.