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bsa ministry of house of '* i Ch 23*. 3. in litur- gical service of song, fWDC'roy, over the bass voices, leading them with riY"t33 1 Ch 1 5 21 ; n» ?»? in titles of W nas prob.sim. meaning, =musical director or choirmaster; Gk.Vrss. of 2nd cent. A.D., AqTheod Sym, and so Jer, think of Aram. victorious, but no clear explan.; © tis to reXos (prob. ""??"??) follows ordinary meaning of noun n ???., which may be expl. in eschatological sense as referring to end of age of world after Euseb Theod; or for full rendering after De; neither satisfactory. Chr., near in date, gives the clue which is intrinsically prob. : ? indicates, not assignment (nothing special in these ^i/r to suggest it, and assignment of yff^ for such use a matter of course), but that these ^i/c were taken by final editor from an older major Psalter known as the Director's Collection, cf. the still earlier collections known as "11*1(7), -)dk(7), mp '33(7). The 55 w with ns:D? were taken 39 from Davidic, 9 from Korahite, and 5 from Asaphic Psalters; only 2 anony- mous. Hb 3 originally belonged to Director's Psalter. This and other Director's 1/^ have musical directions in titles. The Director's Psalter was prob. the prayer-book of synagogue of Gk. period, presupposed by our Hab., the collection of the twelve Minor Prophets, the prophetic canon, and Daniel (v. Br a """ lDtr123 ). < "fi. TT22 n.m. La!U8 eminence, enduring, everlastingness. perpetuity ("1X37 Ecclus 40" as 4 infr.);— nsj 1 S is 2 "-^ t.; nS3 Am 1" + 36t.; sf.'n*0 La3 18 ; pi. BWJJJ 34 10 ; — 1. eminence : ?tCW "TC3 the Eminence 0/ Israel ('») 1 8 ^(Dr 8 * 1 "" 98 glory of Israel); attribute of God 1 Ch 29" (||-nn, mNBn et al.). 2. enduring of life, and so life itself as enduring : , '??? ""?? La3 18 my endurance doth vanish (De sap of life, v. 11. '3). 3. endurance in time : '3 IITMSto V' 74 3 perpetual desolations; "QT 'jj Pr 2 1 28 speaketh continually (?; v. Toy) ; 'iiy VM9 M unto the end (a long duration), so Jb34 36 . 4. everlastingness, ever, usu. "1X3 >for ever, 2 S 2 26 Is if 25 s 28 s8 33 20 57 " Je 3 s 50 s9 Am 8 7 Hb i 4

  • 9 7 " io» 44» 4 9 >» 5 2 7 68 17 74 110 " 77° 79 s 8 9 4?

103 9 Jb 4 W i 4 -» 20 7 2 3 7 3 6 7 La 5 s0 ; DTIX3 "1V37 (cf. D'ohl) D^V) Is 34 10 ; seldom abbr. n» Ami" ('3^ © We Now GASm), Je 15 18 + 13 2 16". II. HEM (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. llJ, liJ Lane 2806 ' 2807 sprinkle; Ba M62 cp. Eth. »"H?: spargere, aspergere Di ■" (rare)). f 11. Ln?P.J n-m. juice of grapes, fig. of blood, gore; — only sf. t3""X3 Is 63 3 - 6 . T n t, !£] n.pr.m. head of a family of Nethinim Ezr 2 M (® Nao-oi/r, A Nfftf) = Ne 7 M ® otut, A Nno-fta ; ©L Nto-ia in both. f 72£Jl vb. not in Qal; Pi. strip, plun- - T J 212 der; Niph. deliver oneself, be delivered; Hipli. snatch away, deliver (Ecclus Hiph. Pt. r6x» delivering 40 24b (Levi conj. b*X" 40 24 *); NHHiph.=BH; BAram.Haph. t^.; Byr.Vj £>owr out; Ar. J-Ii intrans. tincturam exuit emisitque barba, ex cuspide excidit sagitta, etc., Kam Frey ; Eth. 111. i'iR'ft: evulsum vel abrup- tum excidere e suo loco, Di 698 ) ; — t Niph. Pf. 1 pi. Ojf! Je 7 10 ; Impf. bsr Dt 2 3 16 ,+ 1 s. nW ^ 69 15 , + 8t. Impf.; Inf. b}tir I S 20 6 + 3 t. — 1. reflex, tear oneself away, deliver oneself: abs. Pr 6 s Ez 14 1618 2 K I9 n =ls37 n ; c.TO Pr 6 5 ; ?N . . . DJJO escape from — unto Dt 23 16 . 2. passive, be torn out or away **!*<n '3D Am 3 12 ; be delivered, abs. Gn 32" Je 7 10 1^ 33 16 Mi 4 10 ; '3BD Is 20 6 ; "1313 Hb 2 9 ; JO f 69 15 . tPi. /"/. 2 mpl. DFib?3 EX3 22 ; 7m/>/ bf"J| Ez 1 4"+ 2 t.; — 1. strip off spoil, abs. 2 Ch 20 25 ; c. ace. pers. Ex 3 22 1 2 36 (J). 2. deliver, c. ace. DB'BSEz^ 14 . Hiph. ]90 Pf b"Jfn Exi2 27 ; 2 ms. fibvn Ex 5 s3 + 50 1. Pf. ; Impf. W" 2 K 1 7 39 ; W_ Gn 31"; + 63 t. Impf.; Imv. i>!fn p r 24"; "Wn ^ 22"; sf. % &*n Gn 32"+ 24 1. Imv.; Infabs. ?Jfn 2Ki8 30 + 4t.; cs<r. Ho Gn 37 22 + 2 3 t. Inf.; A ^Jtp Dt 3 2 59 +i6 t. Pt. — tl. toyfce away, snatch away, e.g. property Gn 3i 910 (E) Ho 2 11 , prey from the mouth of animals 1 S I7 35 Am 3 12 Ez 34 10 , words of '» from the mouth f H9 43 ; -W 3 ^»P |<f) 2 S 14 6 a«d there was none to tear them apart (two fighting) ; T'-'n' '-'J*!? 2 S 20 8 and take away our eye (elude our sight, Ges; EwWe after® cast shadow over our eye, denom. from ?* ; Bo Th after © tear away our eye, harm us irretrievably, v. Dr 1826 ' 2 ; HPS escape from us [«»D, as ®L], cf. Bu [^*?*]). t2. rescue, recover, e.g. cities Jun 26 ; wives and property 1 S 3o 818SJ . 3. deliver from : a. enemies and troubles, abs. 1S12" Pr 1 9* 9 Is 50 2 Je 39 17 ; t^-P pjf J u 18 28 Jb 5 4 io 7 f 7 s 50 22 71 11 Is 5"* 42 s0 43 13 Dn8 47 Ho5 ,4 Mi 5 7 ; c. ace. Gn i8 8 (E), Ex 5 23 1 2 27 (J), Dt 23" + 39 1.;