tva £ttp n.[m.] palisade or intrenchtnent ; — only Is 29 s (of siege- works ; ||J"hXD). mStt n.f. '» ff$ 1 S i 4 12 v. 3X0. T T ~ * T tnn-SQ n.f. guard, watch?— only WJffi T T • . 'D W3p Zc 9' and I encamp as watch for my house (so We Now GASm, but dub.; Kue Sta Marti Kau GASm rd. H3SO, but this prob. non- existent, v. supr.; MT appar. intends because ofahost = X?*n). trGaiO, nn-SQ n.f. pillar, masseba, stump ;— abs. rDSD Ho 3* + , HMD 2 S 1 8 19 * (rd. '©n © Dr Bu Kit), v 18 b Is 6 13 , cstr. fOXO 2 K 3' io 27 , naiio Gn 35 14M ; sf. NRSgQ Is 6 13 ; pi. abs. niasp iKi4 B , cstr. ntaSO 2K10 26 , etc.;— 1. a. pillar, as monument, personal memorial 2 S 18 1818 . b. a stone, set up (&'&, 3'Xn), and anointed as memorial of divine appearance Gn 28 i« 3 ,.3 (all E)i 35 m (J) . so also 3320 (E)j where ins. '©, or rd. 'o for MT D2]0 (We Di Now Arch -" 18 ), set up (D'tr, Dnn, 3'Vnj, in token of an agreement JI* - * 1JM * (all E) ; over grave 35 2 °.2° ^y Ci eg p f sacre d stones or pillars in connexion with altar, erected (nJ3) by Moses Ex24 4 (E; 12 pillars), Ho 3 4 1 o 12 Is 1 9 19 ; conj. also 2 K 12 10 for MT na]? sta ZAWv(1885 >- ** Now Arch. 1* but dub., v. Benz"*'"*; (usu.-f- D^B'S etc.) : of Canaanites Ex 23 s4 (E), 34" (J), Dtf 12 s , cf. ban 'B2K3' io 2627 ; Tyre, ^V t, Ez 26", of obelisks of Heliopolis in Egypt; condemned for Isr. by Deut. code, and Deut. redaction of K : Dt 16 22 1 K I4 28 i7 10 18 4 23 14 , 2 Ch 14 2 31 1 ; cf. Mi 5 12 Lv 26 1 (H). — On masseba v. further Now Arcb "• 18 * Benz Arcb - 38or - D***** l We gklizeii III. 99. 165 TjQSem. I. 184 ff. 437 f.J 2d td.aMff. 455 f.; K.50 J„
6 v [3X3] Hoph. 2. sfoc&, stump of tree
Is 6 13 * (in sim.), so v 13b (fig.; but prob. del. as gloss). ft [HM] vb. fly (?) ;— only Qal Pf. 3 pi. T T i - K (si vera 1.) V3"D3 *2H La 4 15 (of homeless exiles) ; text very dub.; rd. perh. V1J ( c f. Gn 4 12 ' 14 ), so Bu; Lbhr (more venturesomely) WSD] fcO *3 niJO ; Buhl 13 perhaps Wg C>| •>?. TnS'i^ n.f. plumage (cf. poss. Ar. 11^>15 Aair over forehead, fore-lock of horse, Lane 3033 ; v. also As. na-a« kappeY, — of eagle '3n IOO Ez I7 3 (fig. of Nebuch.; + «|J$ "^K); also '3 31 v 7 (fig. of kg. of Egypt ; + *|J3); of ostrich nxi H39*(B*|!&,+«Wfj cf.DiBu). Here belongs prob. also nnxia Lv i'«, rd. nhsba (Dr-Wh""), iriV33 (Sam), or 'iTISi (VlK)l (cf. Di), its feathers; of bird for burnt-offering ; © oiv rtfi nrtpoig, 23 etplumas; so AV KVm ; > with its filth (i. e. of the crop) Z 0u * <S Ges Kn Ke Kal Ew EV,' meaning without evidence elsewhere. fll. [J1X3] vb. Niph. Hiph. struggle (NH id., Hithp. (Jastrow 928 ); Aram. KS3, Jj quarrel; Ar. Lij apprehendit, arripuit ali- quem antiis suis, Eth. IM; vellere, evellere, are perh. denom. from, a-LjU (v. nxii), so Thes); — Niph. recipr. struggle with each other : Impf. 3 mpl. V$ Ex 21 22 (E), Lv 24'° (H), 2 S 14 6 ; 1? nn: Dt25 n ; P«. D»»3 Ex2 13 (E); all of physical struggle, wrestling, and the 1 like. Hiph. engage in a struggle against : Pf 3 pi. Wn Nu ' (pt); Inf. cstr. sf. nrttn v 9 (^V); hk inisn ^ 60 2 (title); only here of war, hence Klo's suggestion (cf. Buhl 13 ) intan is plausible (cf. 2 S S 3 - 5 - 9 ). f 11. rT!ftp n.f. strife, contention; — abs.'o Is gs 4 Pr 13 10 17 19 .— 1. nsn v. yvo. t[niap] n.f. id.;— only sf. IjnjfD W2« Is 4 1 12 i.e. tlie men who strove with thee (|| 'tWK Iftonbn). tIII.-[nM] vb. fall in ruins; — Qal Impf. 3 fpl. 3en' pgp nrsn !pn j e 4 7 </,,, «%* sAaW fall in ruins (read prob. nVXjri Miph.). Niph. Pt. pi. D'SJ D73 ruined heaps, i.e. ruin- heaps, 2 K i 9 25 =Is 37 M .— On Je 2 1S 9 911 46" v. W. . n-^3 v. fti nnp Lv i m v. nsij supr. +1. [Hi j] vb. be pre-eminent, enduring (Ecclus [Pi.] make brilliant 43 s - 13 [?] (cf. Oxford ed. mm ); NH nil conquer, etc.; Ph. rfiH, Aram. nS3, «.j shine, be illustrious, pre-eminent, victorious; Ar. llj bepure, reliable; Eth. }Rvh; ie 2 ,Mre , innocent ; both classes of meaning prob. derived from sAme, be bright, brilliant, v. also Dr 1815 - 29 );— Niph. Pt. act. f. nn« J e 8 5 enduring ( ?1 3B'tp apostasy). Fiel = oc< as overseer, superintendent, director, only Chr. and i^-titles ; — Inf. nS3p
Ch 1 5 21 + 4 1. ; pt OS?!? 1 ) Hb 3 19 f 4 1 + 54 1. ^f";
pi:t^nfsq 2 Ch 2' 17 34 13 ';— 1. in building temple
Ch 2 U7 Ezr 3 8 », cf. 2 Ch 34'"'. 2. in