KWO kingdom 2 S 5" fll»ipn. 1 Ch 14 2 ), pers. Est 5" (7J)), cf. 3*j =support, aid, assist Ezr 8 M Est 9*; c. 2 aid with trees (supply with) 1 K 9", so Ezr i*. 2. fig. B»B3 '3 = desire, long, Je 22" 44". 3. carry, bear continuously Is 63', >//• 2 8 9 . 4. ta£e, takeaway 2 S 19 43 (7 for; but v. ITiph. supr.); Am 4 s (3 instr.; We Now 'K'^).— | Hithp. Impf. l*gi|P Nu 23 s4 ; 3 fs. NEW 24 7 ; 2 ms. Ntwnn Ez29 15 ; 3 mpl. >»fi) Dn 11"; 2 mpUKfin'n Nu 1 6 3 ; Inf. Kfewn Ez 1 7 14 Pr 30 32 ; Ft. KIOTO 1 K I s 1 Ch 29";— lift oneself up, like a lion Nu 23 s * (JE) ; pt. he who exalts himself 1 Ch 29 11 ( + ^" l 5' b^>) as human ruler (Kau), > (sc. rWB) of as ruler; Ew i160 " Ke Be as subst. [inf. of Aram, form], the exalta- tion; of a kingdom Nu 24 7 (JE), cf. Ez 17"; in arrogance 1K1 5 Nui6 3 (P; c. "PJ?), EZ29" (c. 5>J), Pr so 31 Dn ii". t Hipb.. Pf 3 ms. consec. 1. cause one to bear iniquity (2 ace.) Wfrnl Lv 22 16 . 2. appar. cause to bring, have brought, WB>rn 2S17" (c. ace. rei + ^S loc.), but very dub.; Ki Kit Bu Wfc^; HPS tt«m ; >w e ra'bn. nNfew 2 s 19 43 v. Ntw wipii. '[nN'liM] n.f. what is borne about; — pi. sf. TtlOtt% D^nid'O Is 46 1 , your things (formerly) borne about in procession (i. e. idols) are now loaded on beasts for exile. . WtW n.m. one lifted up, i.e. a chief • T 128 w -' prince ; — abs. '3 Ex 2 2 27 + ; cstr. N't?? Gn 23'+ ; pi. D'tOBO Jos 2 2 32 + , D'KB>3 Ex 34 31 -r 7 1., W^ Gni^ + 3 t., DNB>3 Ex 35 w ; cstr. '!<%: Ex l6 a +; sf. WfeO Ez 45 8 , JVK'bO Ez 32 s ', DnWBO Nu 17", DiWbO v 17 , etc.;— mostly in Isr. : 1. ^B5?3 '3 of any chief man, Ex 2 2 s7 (E; human ruler, over ag. Q'r6s). 2. of Solom. iKii". Elsewhere only Ez P Chr: — 3. of Abr. Gn 23", and heads of Ishmaelite tribes 17 20 25 16 . 4. rulers of the congregation, rnpn *%tyl Ex 16 22 Jos 9" 18 22 30 , .T1?3 'in 34", c f. 35* L v 4 » Jos 9 ubl "' J1 , 7 4 2 2 "•"•>«-■ (all P); esp. 5. tribal chiefs and representatives, ace. to the religious organization of P, Nui 16 - 44 2 , + 57t. Nu (esp. chaps. 2, 7, 34 ; note *feft Wtf tvm f); c f. iCb.2 10 4 s8 5" 7 40 2 Chi 5 , also 1KB 1 (prob. gloss, om. © Benz), 2 Ch 5* 6. in Ezek. : a. of Zedekiah (for ^bt}; v. Bohmer 8 "" 00 - 112 "-), 1 V 1 2 10 " 2 1", + 1 9 1 (rd. sg. © Ew Hi Co Berthol Toy), b. chief men of Judah 21 17 22" 45 s - 9 . C. future Davidic kg. 34" 37 s6 , cf. 44 3,3 + i6t. EZ45, 46, 48. d. foreign princes 26 16 27 s1 30" 32" 38 s3 39 118 . 7. leader of exiles re- turning under Cyrus, ace. to Ezr i 8 . 8. non- Isr. chiefs in P : Gn 34 s Nu 25 18 Jos 13 21 . f 11. [H^iEO] n.[m.] rising mist, vapour (Ar. '(jiS , *J~j) ; — only pi. D'WS vapours, forming clouds, and portending rain, Je io I3 = 5« 16 , *i35 7 . t3 , ^?Pr2 5 ». fn. t*WO n.m.* 38 5 load, burden, lifting, bearing, tribute; — 'o abs. Nei3 ,9 + ; cstr. 2K 5 ,7 + ; sf.'lKB'aEx23 s 4-2t.; D3NB>DDti 12 ; ONTO Nu4 27 +2 t.; — 1. load, burden of ass Ex 23* (E), mules 2 K 5 17 , camels 8 9 , cf. Is 46 12 ; hanging on a peg Is 22 s5 (fig.); forbidden on Sabbath Je if^-^ Ne 13 1519 ; fig. of people as burden Nu li nj * (JE), Dt i 12 , cf. "fy tb n;n 2 S 15 33 19 36 (-^K), also ty$ 7J "jrnjj ji, 7"'; of iniquities ^ 38 s .— Ho 8 10 rd. D'b>D, so © We Now GASm. 2. n. verb., lifting, uplifting, only DB>B3 'O Ez 24 s5 the uplifting of their soul, i. e. that to which they lift up their soul, their heart's desire. 3. n. verb., bearing, carrying, Nu 4 24 (+"£$), 2 Ch 20 2S 3 5 3 (*|n33), so prob.
Ch 1 5 22 - 22 - 27 (cf. Be Kau ; > singing, uplifting
of voice, e. g. Ot) ; esp. of responsibility and duty of bearing sacred vessels (oft. ||rn'3$;, rni?B) Nu 4 ' 5 »"-w-« '» rnasj v 47 , "o nys&o v 31-32 . 4. perhaps what is carried, brought, i.e. tribute 'O IDS 2 Ch 1 7 11 silver as tribute ( + nn3D ; cf. Kfc"3 Qal; others, silver by the load, i.e. in great quantity). — 1. NSPD v. supr. p. 601 b. fin. N&tt n.m. 1 ' 1428 utteranoe, oracle (cf. V&tn 1 b (6) ; Gf ,e23 - 33 );— 'D abs. Is 14*+ ; usu. cstr. 1 3 1 + ; — of prophetic utterance:
K 9 25 Is I4 28 Ez 1 2 10 2 Ch 24 s7 (c. by); i>33 'D
Is 13 1 , 3Kto 'D 15 1 , cf. 17 1 19 1 21 1 " 22 1 23 lT 30 ,, Na i 1 ; 3"I3?3 'O Is 2 i 13 is later ins. (Di); 'd = revelation, ti"23n p*j33n HJH IB* 'an Hbi 1 ; '« 'D utterance of* Je 2 3 33 - 3436 - 38S8 - 38 (cf. 2 K 9 s ), vid. also v 33 " (rd. N^I?n DRN), with word-play, _ B q. '•rifC31,v 36b ; "• "OT] / »Zc9 1 ( + pK3),i2 1 ( + ijX-)'^-by), Mai i 1 ( + 'b^-!?t!). — Pr 3 1 1 v. 1. WfQi p- 601 supr.; in 30 1 rd. N^l3t? from Massa (Miihlau, De), or 'XV®? (Wild), which however is perhaps not original, but borrowed from 31 1 (cf. Wild*""*- Frankenberg 81 *^ 6 ; cor- rupt name of Agur's home or tribe, Kau).