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nsffo t Nffift n.m. lifting up;— only cstr. D'JB '» 2 Ch 19" = regarding of persons (partiality, see /la (3); Ipntrnso). t n«©n n.f. the uplifted (cloud);— '0 133 Is 30 27 weight of uplifted clouds. T J1N&73 n.f. uprising, utterance, burden, portion (on format, cf. 01 * 109 * Sta* 272 " Ko n.1,183. p n (p u „) nas riNCD = payment, tax v. Lzb 326 );— abs. 'd Ju 2o 40 + ; cstr. nst'D Gn 43 s4 + ; pi. abs. riNfl? Gn 43 s1 , + (prob.) niNB-D La 2 14 (v. infr.); cstr. nk'fp Gn 43";— 1. <Aa< which rises, uprising, uplifting: a. i^V^ 'O Ju 20 38 uprising of smoke, cf. ('VH om.) v 40 . b. in gen. = signal Je 6 1 (= D3 Gf.). C. up- lifting of hands ( ,l ??) in prayer jr 141 2 (|| n?BJ|l). . utterance, oracle (=111. KB>1?), La 2 14 (Bu Lbhr). 3. burden Zp 3 18 (of reproach, fig.). 4. a. portion (carried to some one), esp. from table of king or superior, Gn 43 3434,34 (J; on custom v. Di and reff.), 2 S n 8 ; so rd. perh. also 2 S 1 9 43 (for MT TWS) Gr HPS. b. perh. also more gen., present, largess from a superior Je 40 5 ( + '"19™ food-allowance), Est 2 18 0]?? n "'-?)■ c - exacted or enforced gift, from inferior, "Q 'D Am 5 11 (cf. Ph. supr. ; v. also nm»). d. sacred contribution, tax nB*D 'D (") 1?y 2 Ch 2 4 6 - 9 . e. offering to *« Ez 20 40 .

L^^IV J n.m. loftiness, fig. of pride: — 

htip D;pe6 nbjTTDK Jb 20 6 (of wicked). t^S^ip n.pr.mont., i.e. Hermon, 1* in [to"in Kin Dt 4 48 (cf. Di Dr). TnSto n.f. 1. exaltation, dignity. 2. swelling. 3. uprising ;—'V abs. Gn4' + , cstr. Lv 1$*+; sf. irwfe> Jbi 3 » + ; to*^)4l»j — 1. dignity Gn 49 s (dignity of first-born), i//- 62 s , of Chaldeans Hb I 7 ; of God, his exalta- tion, loftiness Jb 13" 31 s3 . 2. swelling, erup- tion,"^? "tips Lv 13 2 (+nnBp, irjna), cf. 14 56 ( + id.); also I3 M -» JM », »2}n 'fe> v « (all P). . uprising, Jb 4 1 17 a< /«'s uprising the mighty are in dread. 4. Gn 4' is dub.; — is there not acceptance? @ 33 al. ; forgiveness X Holz al.; uplifting of countenance, cheerfulness, Ew De Ke Di Kau. t[3l£0] vb. only Hiph. reach, overtake (Ecclusi4 15 IT rUWm, 35 10 T rttOTM (cf. Schechter on 14"), cf. 3 infr.; ftt$rt3 re" 32'* shall obtain an answer; — Hiph. Pf 3 ms. yfrni consec. Lv 25", sf. i^ni consec. Dt 19 6 ;

ms. sf. D^?™ consec. Gn 44*, etc.; Impf. 

Vfe>: Lv 26 s , 3&n Gn 3 1 25 , sf. D3W'! Gn 44* etc.; /«/. a&*. JfR? 1S30 8 ; P<. 1W iSm 28 , sf. V#|pp Jb 4 1 18 ; f. nm Lv 14 21 1 Ch 21 12 (but rd. niVl OKI as || 2S24 13 We 8m Kit);— 1. overtake, c. ace, oft. after *|T1 : a. lit. Gn 31 2 * (E), 44 4 ' 6 (J), Ex 14' (P), 15 9 (song), Dt 19 6 Jos 2 s (JE), 1 S 30 8S - S 2 S 15" 2 K 25 s = Je 39 5 = 52 s , Ho 2 9 , cf. f 7" 18 38 (DTOEta} in || 2 S 22 s8 ), La i 3 (metaph.). b. fig. of battle Ho io 9 , sword Je 42 16 ; on 1 Ch 2i 12 v. supr.; of blessings Dt 28 2 , curses lbM , predictions Zc 1*, justice Is 59 9 , wralh of i^ 69 s5 , iniquities 40 13 , calamities Jb 27 20 . 2. a. reach, attain to, Jb 4 1 18 (if one) reach it (crocodile) with the sword (2 ace.) ; fig. paths of life Pr 2 19 , joy, etc., Is35 10 also 51 11 (Che"" B&tol, for MT fipfci Perles An,Uel " enM '«'f:, fr. n±>); of time Gn 47 s my days have not reached the days . . . of my fathers, cf. Lv 26 s5 . b. cause to reach, bring, put, Vr*t IT J^J 1 S 14 26 no one put his hand to his mouth, but rd. 3 , 55'p © X Klo Dr Bu Kit HPS Lbhr. 3. fig. IT Wfrn one's hand has reached, i.e. one is able, or has enough, Lv 5 11 (c. !>), 14 21 25 s6 - 49 ; c. ace. = able to secure, get 14**** 27 s Nu6 21 (all P), Ez 46 7 ; abs. ss gain (riches) Lv 25 47 (H). — Jb ' v, no. pt!?3 v. pjfef. "lfefj (/of foil.; NH 1D3 saw (Qal Pi.); AranOD3, -J^j saw; cf. Eth. (DVi: id.; Ar. AJL, : ■» n. a saw. t"l%t3 n.m. saw; — abs. Is io 16 .

1. [Nit/ jl vb. lend on interest, or usury, 

be a creditor (cf. Ar. Lli postpone, delay ; sell on credit; || form of I WJ, v. Ges i75o °);— Qal Pt. act. KSO (anal, n 'b) 1 S 22 2 every man that had a creditor; 13 KiM "IK'S Is 24 s against whom is a creditor, and pi. tTKtfJ Ne 5 7 Kt (D'BO Qr, from ntM), + ace. cogn. NBto. Hiph. 7m/>/ 3 ms. 13 3jfe( tOB^X? ^ 89 s3 an enemy shall not act the creditor against him, make exactions of him (|| Way).— 1 K 8 31 2 Ch 6 s2 v. x'cj Qal lb (5). tNtlfa n.m. N " 6,1 ° lending on interest, or usury; — Ne 5 7 (as ace. cogn.), v 10 . t[nS©C] n.f. loan (on pledge); — cstr. newt? mtin *$"ja ne>n '3 Dt 24 10 ; pi. D'aiiJ niNE>p Pr 22 26 <Aos« pledging (giving security for) debts. x x