tinanb JTipIi. Inf., so Berthol, cf. Toy); Impf. 3 mpl. OW 2 Ch 34 17 (|| 2 K 22 9 supr.); W£j
- jg»^in 3^rD Jbio 10 rfos< (=dklst) <Aom wo<
- w«r nie out like milk ? (of beginnings of life).
m Hoph. Impf. 2 mpl. Win |3 Ez 2 2 2 shall ye be melted (fig. of judgment). t'SR.nn n.[m.] a melting (Hophal-format., dissim. from !JWJ, ace. to Ba NB » 102d );— cstr.
- W3 1JuT2 S|D3 1WH3 EZ22 22 ft/fce a melting of
silver in a smelting-pot. r)2 vb. give, put, set (Ecclus ]T)i
19 +oft.; OHeb. IfT-JW n.pr.m. Lzb 327 ; NH
= BH; Ph. fJV, JflJ in n.pr. runo, etc., Lzb 292 ' 327 ; As. naddnu D1 HWB4S0 (rarely tte« Id 1 "- 488 ); Zinj. jnj, also in n.pr., Lzb 327 Cook 84 ; Nab. Impf. jw, and n.pr.; Palm., also n.pr. Lzb'°- Cook 1 -'-; Xlmpf. R?*, Inf. |nj?; Sab. |TU Hal' 54 , Lih n.pr. 7JJ33n3 [North-Sem. form] DHM E "» r - D«»km.8o.No.3s. chr Pal Aram ^ ( rare ) Schwally id.o.,68. Syr. Impf. ^^', Inf.^££ Lindberg V.r B ,.S.m.Gnun.93f. )butMand _ ^ No" M );— Qal,, 17 Pf.'i Gn2 4 53 +; 2 ms. nn; Jui5 18 +, nnns Gn 3 12 + , nnn 2 S 22 41 (defended as vulg. form with aphaer. of '3 by Th Ges L « b139 Ew 5195b Ko '• 30 ° De+ 18 - 41 al.; < txt. err. for nnru ( s0 || + , g 41 ) 01J 89 sta* I27b Ges> 191 (hesitantly), Klo BuLbhr HPS, cf. Hup-Now* 18 - 41 ); 2 fs. nnj Ez 16 3336 , 'WJJ v 18 , sf. ViWi? v 19 ; 1 s. WJ Ju i 2 + , etc.; /wp/ JW Gn43 14 + , m 1 5'° + ; sf. 3 ms. U3J* Lv 5 24 Ec 2 21 ; 1 s. ?riK Gn i2 7 + ; 1 pi. RJJ 34 2 ' + , TW Ju 16 6 , etc. ; Imv. ms. |§ 2 K 4** + , "jn Gn 14 21 , njn 1 S 2 15 + , sf. vijn Ne 1" 1 Ch 2122, (Hebrew characters) 1 S 2110 ; fs.Template:Herbew missing Gn 3014 +, (Hebrew characters) Is 436; mpl. Wn Gn 3 4 8 + ; Infa bs.^Dt igl+J™ Nu 2i 2 + ; cstr. fh3 20 21 , "fro Gn 3 8 9 , jnnj) 1 K 6 19 (but read nnS'so Ol^Ges* 671 Benzj, }nn also 17 14 Kt (Qr nri) — >these forms retained byEw* 238 ' Kb 1 - 305 ;— nri Gn4 12 +, esp. nn^> 15 7 + , "nn^» Ju 2 1 18 , -nr6 Ex 5 21 (so Ginsb, van d. H. "nr6,cf.also Ki in Ko 180 *') + ; sPWI Gn29 19 + , inn Dti5 10 +,etc; Pi. ;nb j u 2i 18 + ,etc.;— 1. give : a.=give personally, deliver or hand to, c. ace. rei + 7 pers. i S io 4 22 10 2 K 22 10 Lv5 1, (P)22 ,4 (H) Eu 4 7 + oft.; in trade Pr 31 M ; _ 7N pers. Gn 2i 14 (E), Je 3 s Lv 15" + oft.; ex- plicitly T3 '3 Dt 24 1 3 (bill of divorce); c. ace. rei alone Ju 5 s . h. — bestow upon, c. ace. rei + 7 pers. Gn24 u (J) 2o 18 (E) i 29 (P) + oft.; an understanding heart 1 K 3 912 , blessing Dt 12 15 , mercy i3 18 ,cf.Jei6 13 42 12 ;strengthDt8 18 ^68 36 ; the sabbath Ex 16 29 (J) Ez 20 12 ; = procure for (£) one 1S17 10 1K21 7 ; *2»5> EWWT1 Qs) |* Gn 43 14 (J) he will give you compassion in the eyes of the man (cf. also 2 b, 3 b); give persons 46 1825 (P); of Levites given to (?) Aaron and his sons Nu 3" cf. 8 19 , to *» 8 16 cf. 18 6 (all P); esp. of י׳'s giving land to Abr. and his descen- dants Gni5 18 26 4 (J) I7 8 (P) Ex6 8 (P; +n?r|it3) + oft. (pt. in this sense 37 t. Dt.), +mnEhb Dt 3 >8 +; ^>n VVlb inn-bNPr 3 i 3 ; -rf»of source |3 *|j> H3QO 'nnj Gni7 16 (P); c. ace. alone ifV6i 6 Eci2 7 (D 11 " 1 ); give something to (?) one for (7) sthg., in some capacity, ^"nyb 17 '3 VPiK-73-nt* Gn 27 37 + ; prob. also B*tf"l Woa '3 f6g"Hhey gave, as my food, gall (3 essentiae), cf. supr. 3 7 c, Hup-Now* 4100 -; ace. + inf. 73^ Drib 'Jryj 03^ 1)2) Gn 28 20 (J), cf. Ex 16 15 (P), Ne is-'so. D-iawo nito? d^jti ■ nynij 37 dd? '3 t6 y , •- : t : :- •- •• : c -t •■ •; r ybE'p Dt 2Q 3 . Esp. C. give woman to (?) man as (7) wife, Gn 2Q 28 (E), 34 812 (J). Jos i5 1617 (JE), =Ju i 12,3 + ; without 2nd 7 Gn 2 9 1919 (E), Gn 38 21 Ex 2 21 (J), Gn 34 9 - 1416 (P), Ju 15 26 + ; c. ace. alone, Gn29 26 (E), 1S25 44 . d. of (gracious) bestowals of various kinds: give= grant, send rain, M'Cf? Lv 2 6 4 (H), CDS-lK-iCODt 1 1 14 ," 1 ?? ^2f]K-7y 1 K 8 36 , etc.; also of sending plague of hail Exq 23 (E); send herbage (3^5?) in (3) your field for (?) your cattle Dt n 15 ; grant a remnant to (?) Judah Je4o"; "n« *b ^nnsi 77^7 I^B? 45 6 and I will grant tliee thy life as spoil; grant revenge (ace.) to (?) the king on (it?) Saul, etc. 2 S 4 8 , cf. ^ niD|J3 |n3[l 7KH 2 S 22 48 =-f 18 48 ; other gifts Ju 15 1 ' 8 p!3), 1 S 1" (?), Ku 4 13 . e. grant a request, lySe* 1 S i' 17 - 27 Est5 3 ^io6 l0 ( + 7 pers.) , nE>i33 Ezr 7'", ni!<n Pno 24 , (VBn) 1^? fMo 9 , nipn Jb6 3 , m^ nSKB-o ^37 4 , c f. nnynjsi'Oi Dsb ** jn^ Bu I 9 . Esp. tf. fffi ,{ ? w^o M7i'W jfire or grant, in expressions of wish =s O that (I had ! etc.; = As. monntt inamdin Jager BAS "- 279 ), esp. (9 t.) Jb.: c. ace. 3$ WQ Dt 28 s7 cf. v 67 , Jb 14 4 f i4 7 =53 7 . 55 7 Je 9 1 ; c. 2 ace. D'K'M *• D5T73 Nu 1129 (JE), lit. who will make all י׳'s people prophets? cf. Je 823; c. acc. + (Hebrew characters) Ct 81, cf. Jb 292; c. acc. + (Hebrew characters) Ju 929 O that this people were in my charge! c. acc. + (Hebrew characters) Jb 3135, lit. who will give to me ((Hebrew characters)) one hearing me? also (Hebrew characters) Is 274 where sf. appar.=(Hebrew characters); c. inf. (Hebrew characters) Ex 163 (P), so