king of Egypt) ; leaving no trace of flight Pr 30"; as renewing youth (by moulting) V' 103 5 ; ns training and supporting its young Ex 19 4 (E), Dt 32 11 (song) ; 'i *%f of cherubim in vision Ez i 10 io 4 . — Only Mi i 16 seems to compel ref. to vulture (on eating fresh carrion by eagles v. reff. in Di L " 11,13 ), and '} may be a more comprehensive word, inch both vulture and eagle. tJ"lt£0 vb. be dry, parched;— Qal Pf 3fs. Wffljfj M$KB DjlB^ Is 41" (on D. f. affect. v. Ges**"); also fig. DJTVQ3 nn#J J e 51 s9 , their might is dry, i.e. fails. Niph. Pf. 3 pi. consec. DjriB DWnKty Is 1 9 s and water shall be dried up from the sea; cf. Impf. 0*P ^B>n3? Je i8 14 , where read prob. VT^R (Gf Gie al.).' " t|irnp3 n.[m.] letter (usu. der. fr. Pers. ^4$ 'JiSj i.e. writing, Hoffm ZAi,(1887 > M yet cf. Meyer J ' uden,hum22 );— abs. 'j Ezr 4 7 f "2H2 (-/of foil.; Ar. ^Jl swell forth, be- come prominent, protuberant, Lane 2 ' 60 ). taTO a.m. Jb28 ' 7 path, pathway (as raised);— abs. '3 Jbi8 10 +3t.; cstr. 3'ri3 ^ 1 1 9 s5 ; sf. 3 fs. HZPrD Pr 1 2 s8 (si vera 1., v. infr. ; on om. of Mappik v. Ges' 91 ", v. infr.); — path Jb 18 10 (fig.), 28 7 4i M (track); + 78 60 (fig.); sj^niXD STO 1/^ 1 19 35 the path of thy commands; niCTPS naVB ^-n Pr 1 2 s8 *A<? journey of her pathway is no-death/ (|| D^O niJ-JX niN3) Ew Be De, v. ?K p. 39 a supr. ; others rd. "PX, and either transl. '3 by-paths (Hi Str), or sub- stitute a syn.of 'wickedness' (cf.NowFrankenb; Perles A "" el " en87£ O^n? after Levy chWB1 - 28b ). tn^ri? n.f. id.;— abs. '3 Is 43 16 , sf. »0?9J ^30"+ 2t., Dn^n: p rI i* ; p i. a bs. niTra Pr8 2 +; cstr. id. Jb 3 8 M + ; sf. Tja-ru Jb 19 8 La 3», Vnb'n? Jb 24 13 , etc. ;— path: 1. lit. •gSh riiD'Oi Ju 5 6 goers on paths, i.e. travellers, Pr 8 2 Is '58" (Oort Lag Klo rtirnj but against this Du) ; path through sea Is 43 16 (in fig.) ; of path to house of (personif.) light and darkness Jb 38 s0 . 2. oft. |l im : a. = course of life Jb 19 8 30 13 La 3» * 1 19 105 142 4 , of Isr. Ho 2 8 ; of path of God's appointment Is 42 16 . b. of moral action, and character : paths of wisdom Pr 3 17 , justice 8 20 (|| n^S niN) ; light Jb 24 13 ; nbiy '3 Je 6 16 (II 3itan fjf) ; path of wicked Pr i 15 , Is 59 8 (crooked), path of adulteress Pr 7^; niaw Je 18" is rendered 'by-paths,' by Gf Eothst al. ; < Gie makes cstr. bef. foil. t6 fj$ nW>D — nyw p r 12 28 v. 3*flJ. t[n/lj] vb. only Pi. cut up, out in pieoes, divide by joints (Dr 18I,,T ; NH id., Pi.; rare);— Pi. Pf. nn? Lv 8 20 , nPW consec. Lv i 612 ; Impf. 3 ms. row 1 k 18 s3 , sf. wm;i
S 11 7 , nnri?^. Ju 19 29 , etc.; — cut up, cat in
pieces, c. ace. of animals 1 S 1 1 7 , of woman Ju 20 6 (all these to be sent about as token for assembling warriors ; on signif. of the practice cf. RS 8MQ, - 383 ' 2,,dod - 402 ); elsewh.usu.+ D'Tirob, C ut up into pieces, of woman Ju 19 29 ; of sacrificial animals 1 K i8' ;3:i3 (ace. only), Ex 29 17 Lv I 612 8 20 (all P). tnp5 n.m. E * 24 ' 4 piece of a divided car- cass (Ecclus D'nriJ 50 12a ); — abs. '3 Ez 24 4 ; pi. owo Jui9 29 +2t.; sf. vnrn Ex29 1717 +2 1., iTriru l v i 6 + 3 t.; — usu. pi. pieces: of meat in a caldron (symbol, of Jerusalem) Ez 24 4 ' 4 (sg. only v 4b ), v 6 - 6 ; of sacrif. animals Ex 29 ,7b Lv i 8 8 Mb 9 13 ; elsewh. 'J? after vb. nn? (q.v.): of woman Ju 19 s9 ; Ex 2 9 17 » Lv i 612 8 20 *. t["!TJnJ] vb. pour forth (intrans.), be poured out (NH id., Niph. flow, Hiph. melt (trans.); As. nat&ku,flow D1 HWB487 Jager BAfl "- 292 ; 'X Aph. pour out, esp. melt; Zinj. nanv (Haph.) Nb 2 " 011 ""^ 93 98 Cook 83 ; Syr. y & (rare) PS 2480 );— Qal Impf. 3 fs. TF
Je42 18
+ 3 1., ^inni Je 44 6 Dn 9"; 3 mpl. «n>l Jb 3 34 ; —pour forth, alw. fig., ^30 D^a 'n»l Jb 3 M and my groans have poured forth like water ; usu. of divine wrath (m?n) Je 42 18 (c. vj? pers.), 44 6 (abs.), 2 Ch 12 7 34 s5 (both c. 3 loc. against); cf. also Dn 9 11 v 27 (both c. ~^5? pers.). Niph. Pf. 3 ma. Tina Ex 9 s3 + 2 t.; 3 fs. nsro Na i 6
Ch 34 21 , nanji consec. Ez 24 11 ; 2 mpi Dnanji
Ez 22 21 ; Pt. f. nanj J e 7 20 ; — 6e poured, of rain, ninx Ex 9 ffl (J)', cf. Dn^J| t3)0 '3 2 S 21 10 ; be poured out, of wrath of Na i 6 (abs.), Je 7 20 (c. -b$ loc), 4 2' 8 (c. "^ pers.), 2 Ch 34 21 (c. 3 pers.) ; be poured forth i.e. melted, annihilated in the midst of (?pn3) the fire of 'i's fury Ez 22 21 (subj. persons), so 24 11 (subj. impurity, fig. of caldron). Hiph..P/.3mpl.*)Dfn-nK ^12y U'nn 2 K 22 9 thy servants have poured out the money (||2 Ch 34 12 infr.); 1 s. D2HK "ronn} consec. Ez 22 20 and I will melt you (fig. of judgment); Inf. cstr. Tnjiip Ez 2 2 20 in order to melt it (i.e. metal in furnace; Co after ® <5 reads