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"00 (v. reff. on toao, [P°]), '° ^ 9 s 14* (in all conceived as burden resting on shoulders). "72pn.[m.] burden-bearer, (late); — only abs. 'DcolL Ne4 4 2Ch 2 117 ; mpl. abs. D^3p 2 Ch 34 13 ; — ?3? NB>3 1 K 5 s9 is certainly wrong ; © alpovTfs fipaiv, 38 qui onera portabant, hence prob. !»3D K^i ; >^p B»N, as || 2 Ch a 1 . t[n^np] n.f. burden;— pi. cstr. T^SD D?!V9 Ex 6 6 (P), of the heavy labours imposed on isr. by Egypt,, v 7 ; sf. B?$>X 5 4 (J), ofafi i» 5 5 (both J), 2 11 (E); (cf. *8i 7 , ^?)- t phzp n.f. prob. ear of wheat, etc., only Jui 2" 'dial, form of 11. r)W q.v. (>=late wd. n^B* tide, flood); cf. Marquardt ZAW " ll<le88) ' m "■ but also GFM Bu. t D'HUD n.pr.loc. city between the border of Damascus and that of Hamath Ez 47 16 ; identif. by v. Kasteren B ™ B,bl - IntOT » tl89S - 2,ff - with Khirbet Sanbariye on the river Hasbani, SW. of Hermon, cf. Buhl G «* r - 67 ' 238 , but this appar. too far SW.; ® itfyap, A Ztcppap,. A city Sahara in is named in Bab. Chron. 1 - 2 * (Schr KB "- B6 ); but location not given. tnFQD, Nn2D n.pr.gent. 3rd 'son' of Cush ace. to Gn'io 7 ("—), = 1 Chi 9 (*_); identif. with 2a/3j3a0a [Periplus marisErythr. 27 ], ZavPaea Ptol * '• ", or SajSara [Strabo ,vl - **], Sabota j-p] in NHrt.Mi».xu.6s] ) ia commercial city of S. Arabia, by Tuch Ku, but this = Sab. DUC (not 'D) Levy-Os ZBG,, "' a8& ' i) - 258; "t 1886 )- 273 , cf. Hal JA,7 ' lv - 525 ; Glaser 8 "'" 8 "- 262 '- prop. 2a<p6a (Ptol v1 ' 7 ' 30 ), near W. shore of Pers. Gulf; © SafiaOa, So/Sara, 2(0a8a. All uncertain conjectures. t NSfillp n.pr.gent. 5th ' son ' of Cush ace. to Gn io 7 = 1 Ch i 9 ('I—' ace. to Baer; K__, as Gn, van d. H. Ginsb) ; location quite Unknown ; <S 2a|3a)ea<3a, 2ij$fKada.

[*7JD] vb. prostrate oneself in worship 

(only 1344,46) (perh. Aram. loan- word in Heb., cf.Nb z " a,11<188 "- 719 ; Aram.lJD, j^o.soOAram. "UD, J^s^" (Sachau) Lzb 328 ; Eth. fl7.fi: all id.; Ar. ijLl be lowly, submissive, prostrate oneself in prayer, etc., IjzJLS mosque, Nab. t03DD shrine(1) Lzb 162 - 328 , Syr. ]^x«ji. = Ar.; cf. We 8ki»Dia.i« 1 iwd.j«J ; _Q al j mp £ 3 mg _ ^ lijo^ Is 44 Kt lie prostraleth himself to it (an idol ; Or ib-iaD 11 • + vine* b^erc) • to^-naD'i v ,s (HVW^!); 1 s. 1iJ9« Y$ ?«!> v 19 ; 3 mpl. «$? »SJ^rW 46 6 (abs.).— Cf. BAram. TJD. dw, onb v. yo sub 1. aiD. JD (-/of foil.; cf. NH nkitp as BH ; i>5D acquire property ; Aram. N^D, IJcl^b, bunch of y rapes, As. sugulldte, herds; also Ar. J^s-1 [a/WZ bucket, bucketful], share, portion). TrTvOD n.f. possession, property (on format,^ Ba NBS95b KB"- 1 - 1 ");— aba. 'D Ex 19 6 + 5t.; cstr. rfa$ Ec 2 s ; sf. inkiD ^ 135 4 ;— 1. valued property, peculiar treasure, which has chosen (IPO) and taken to himself; always of people of Israel, first Ex 1 <f (E ; © Xaos irepwvaws = Tit 2 14 ; I Pet 2 9 Xaot fir irtpiiroiqinv = ntpmoir,** Eph I 14 cf. Br » Pm ' " A ° 2 - 2 »); then 'D D$? Dt7 6 14 2 26 18 ; later 'd alone, Mai 3 17 ^i35 4 . 2. treasure (very late), of kings

Ch 2 9 3 (gold and silver), Ec 2 s . 

t [pD, pD] n.m. prefect, ruler (loan-word fr. As. saknu, prefect of conquered city or pro- vince ( Vsakdnu, set, appoint) D1 HWB659 , cf. Schr cot i» «. 25. appar . = NH ijp, J3D, Aram, K33D a superior (not fag>/») priest; Mand. K*UK3t?tt WBrandt Ml ° d - 8chrlft " n169 a candidate for priest- hood; cf. Jen in Brandt" 1 '; hence perh. Gk. f«o- ya^r, cf. Lewy Fremd "- 129 ) ;— only pi. ffJJO Ez 2 3 6 + i4t.;sf.n , 339Je5i 57 + v 58 (whererd.prob.V3;D© Gie); — 1. prefects of Assyr. and Bab. Ez 23 612 ' 23 Je 51 2 " 7 (all + nins), Is 4 i* of king of Medes Je 5 1 28 ( + "ins). 2. petty rulers, officials of Judah (only Ne Ezr in sources) : disting. from Onh nobles Ne 2 16 4 8 " 5 7 f; alone, 2 16 12 40 I3 » ; +DHW 5 17 ( v . also 2 16 ); +D ,- !b'Ezr9 2 . Cf. BAram. !3D. I. ")JD vb. shut, close (NH id., Aram. 139' ^» id.; Zinj. JTUDO prison Lzb 328 ; Ph.^D Pi. or Hiph. deliver over; poss. Eth. V*16- : Ti (prison) guard Pra BA81 - 3; ');— Qal Pf. 3 ms.'D Gn i 9 6 + , 3 pi. njg 2 Ch 2 9 7 , ViaD V' I7 10 (cf. Baer's n., Ges* 290 ' Kb» ra5Anm ), rUD Gni 9 10 Jos 2 7 ; Impf. 139^ Jb 1 2 14 Mai i'°, 1 pi. cohort. rn3D3 Ne 6 10 , etc.; Imv. ms. tlD ^ 3 5 3 Is 26 20 (13D' Baer Ginsb), mpl. 1131? 2 K 6 32 ; Inf. cstr. iiac$ Jos 2 6 ; P«. ac<. 13D i s 22 s2 ; f. JTJJb Jos6' (but v. infr.) ; pas's. ">WD« 1 K 6 20 + 1 2 t. ; — 1. «A^ door(n^r)Gni 9 10 (J) 2K6 32 Mali 10 Ne6 10

Ch 28 s4 2 9 7 ; gate 05?^) Jos 2 7 (JE) Ez 46' 2 ,