cf. 44 122 46', 13D^> 'tfn Wj J 08 ,« (JE), also CW om.) Jos 6 l (si vera 1.; rqjfa dittogr. ace. to Buhl L " 113 ); door after one pi}**), on leaving room Gn i 9 6 (J); upon, behind, oneself, from within p8| q.v.) 2 K 4 4 - 533 Is 26 s0 (fig.), also ("h om.) Ju 9 61 2K4 21 ; c.n^ + iya upon one left inside Ju 3 23 , and (fta om.) Gny 16 (J); fig. yea yijn '0 Jb 3 10 , cf. morn 'd i s i 5 , np 'd ROn-i v°; abs. *Aw< (opp. WIB) Is 2 2 22 - 22 ; metaph. 'D iEapn ty if their fat (i.e. gross, unreceptive heart) tlmjhave closed. 2. a. cZose in upon p5?3) J u 3 22 (fat upon blade of sword), so poss. also Hjnnri nra lto»j Qn 2 21 (J) anrf/«A rfosed M, in place of it (usu. and he closed flesh, i.e. closed the gap with flesh); "ianan Qrfby 'D Ex 14 3 the wilderness hath closed in upon them; obj. om., B"K-5>y 1JD> Jb 1 2" he closeth in upon a man, fig. of imprisonment. b. close up breach (H?) [in wall] of city 1 K 11 27 ; poss. close up [path] (si vera 1.) ^ 35 s Vrss 01 De Bae ; JDMich DeW Ew Hup-Now Che take 13D here as weapon, usu. battle-axe [Gk. o-dyapis'] of Massagetae Herod 1215 cf. Lag GM - Abh - 203 , also Egypt, sagartd (loan-word) Bondi 66 ; both im- prob., text prob. corrupt; Schwally ZAW,lll891, > 258 reads "lin > Hal BeraSm - i " <1894 >' 47 TT^S (cf. f5 9 5 ). 3. Pt. pass., closed u p = c losely joined with tighFseal, J b 4 1 ' (of scales of crocodile). 4. elsewhere only Pt. pass, in "TOD ant (gold shut up, and so prized, rare, fine ?), only of temple adornment and utensils 1 K 6 2021 f M io 2I = 1 Ch 9 20 , 1 Ch 4 2022 ; perh. read lUD (abbrev. for 'D 'r) Jb 28 15 (for MT "*D', so Hoffm Bu Du) : cf. As. hurdsu sakru, Dl liWB m . Niph. Pf. 3 ms. 15D3 1 S 23 7 ; Impf. 3 ms. ">?B< Ez 46 s ; 3 fs. ju?s. "Bn Nu 1 2 14 , 13Dri1 v 15 ; 3 mpl. VV& Is 45 ' 60 11 , VlKW Nei 3 19 ;' 7m„! ms. "V.Bn Ez 3 24 : — 1. subj. pers. be shut up [in city] 1 S23 7 , n:neS pnn Nu i2 1415 (E); ?]iria 1V3 Ez 3 24 . 2. i« s/m<, closed, of city gates Ez 4 6 2 Is 45 1 6o" and (ninh) Ne 13". Pi. Pf. 3 ms. TJ9 1 S 26 s 2 S 18 28 ; sf. *J"UID I S 24 19 ; 7/np/. 3 ms. sf. T^f, 1 S if -—deliver up to (leave no other opening for one, shut one up to), cf. [fiO], ?3D, p. 1 7 1 b supr.), only S : c. ace. pers.+"V3 1 S17 46 24" 26"; T3 om. 2 S 18 28 (v. also Hiph.). Pu. Pf. 3 ms.13D IS24 10 ; 3 pi. V13D Jei3 19 , TiSpl consec. Is 24 s2 ; Pt. f. rmptp J os 6 1 ;— 6e shut up : 1. of cities Je 13" (opp. nnB) i of -I3D beleaguered city Jos 6 1 (JE), of houses Is 24 10 ( + «i3D). 2. of prisoners "la.Dp-^ Is 24"= down into a dungeon. 3. of doors Ec 12 14 . < Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. -vspn Lv 1 4" + ; 2 ms. sf. "3ri-)5tpn V31 9 ; 1 s. *n3Dm Am6 8 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms."V?p! Jb 11 10 , Wl ^ 7 8 48 - 62 ; 2 ms.1?DPI Dt23 16 , juss."Cn Ob 14 , etc.; Inf. cstr.^iOn Am i 6 , sf. iTjpn 1 S23 S0 , Di'aDn Am i 9 ;— 1. deliver up to (cf. Pi.), c. ace. pers. + T3 1 S 23" 12M 3O 15 J'os2O s (D)V'3i 9 ;-r|'Ami 9 ^78 s0 ' a , and (ace. pers. om.) Am i 6 ; +"^J Dt 23 16 Jb 1 6" ; c. ace. of animal +?^'j8 4S ; c. ace. pers. alone Dt 32 s0 Ob 14 , ace. om. 1 S 23 12 ; c. ace. urb. alone Am 6 8 . 2. shut up (late ; chiefly Lv 13, 14, P): a. c.acc.pers.Lvi3 611 - 21 = s cf.v 4 - 31 - 33 , so (abs.)= imprison Jb 1 1 10 ; c. ace. rei Lv 13 64 cf. v 60 . b. c. ace. rvan Lv 14 38 and (indef. subj.) v 48 . T"ll3p n.[nx.] enclosure, encasement; — cstr. D3? 1i:p Ho 13 8 the encasement of their heart (pericardium; i.e. their vitals). — ~1*I3D Jb 28 15 must =fine gold, si vera 1., but v. "1JD, Qal ad fin.; 12D f 35 3 v . id., Qal 2 b. T~U^D a.[m.]cage, prison (poss. loan-word from As. sigaru, cage (Ba^ 22 ); NH "WD dog- collar or chain = Syr. ) i^cuc (clog of) dog-collar; whence Ar. Jj-=».ll dog-collar (as loan-word), Fra m Pra BAS '■ 372 ') ;— TpB3 1!W1?1 Ez 1 9 9 a«d (fey jjm< /w'ot into a ca^e. t~ODtt n.[m.] 1. locksmith, smith. 2. dungeon: — alw. abs.: 1. coll. smiths, Ennn - ^31 'Bnl 2 K 24 14 cf. v 16 , Je 24 1 2 9 2 . 2. dungeon Is24 2 '-(cf.^D Pu.); fig. of exile 42 7 ('t3C K"Xin); "'E's? 'bd nx'sin ^ I42 8 . + rn3Ctt n.f. 1. border, rim. 2. fast- ness ;— abs. 'D Ex 25 s7 37 14 ; cstr. 'd 25^ 37 12 ; sf. W13DD 25^ 37 12 ; pi. abs. niljIDO 1 K 7 28 + ; sf. n^JDt? v 35 - 36 , etc.;— 1. border, rim (enclo- sure), of sacred table in tabern. Ex 25 S5 - 25 ' 27 = 37 121214 ; of bases of the sea, in temple 1 K f KJMijuM. (cf . Benz)j also 2 K , 6 .7. 2 . fast- ness, 'so u-irn ^ 18 46 = 2 S 22« (v. nn) anrf they shall come quaking out of their fastnesses, so Mi 7 17 (Uf£, like reptiles), all of nations, in awe of ' II. *1JD (/of foil.; cf. appar. Ar. ^Llfill with water Lane ,308 , J^Ll torrent </<a« /Ws everything Id 1 "-; Syr. )t^ ?'mJer vehemens, and Sam. 13DK, c f. Gei N * <:h « e, - Schr - lv - 186 ).