690 TT0D t"V12p n.[m.] steady, persistent rain (on format, cf. B&** m ) ;-abs. 'D tit> Pr2 7 15 a day of steady rain, rainy day. tlD n.[m.] stocks, for confining feet of culprits (prob. loan-word fr. Aram. K^P, NJ^P, ]Ci£; NH 10, pi. P1P);=Lat. nervus, Gk. rodoxaioj ;— abs. D^ITS? tSty Jb 1 3 27 (® ™Xv,xa), 33 u (@ f uXok) ; (cf. syn. n3|riD, and Gk. equiv. there cited). CilO n.pr.loc. Sodom, important Canaan- itish city named (usu.) with Gomorrha (^~pV._, q v.) ; — ® Sd8o/ia (inflected SoSd/i"", SoSojibk) : — 'D (on format, cf. Lag" 2 ' 5 '), Gn i 3 >»> 2 ' 3 + 7 t. Gni8, 19, -t-ncnD (n loc.) Gn io 19 18 22 19 1 (all J), + 8 1. Gn 14; fr. 8th cent, onwards, used as illustrating V 8 judgments, Am 4 11 Is i 9 13 19 Dt 29 s2 Je 49 18 50 40 Zp 2 9 La 4 6 ; as proverbial for open sin IS3 9 Je23 14 , so metaph. '0 Hi? Is i 10 (i.e. rulers as corrupt as in Sodom), 'D |D5 Dt32 32 (i.e. wickedness like Sodom's); Judah cp. with 'D to her disadvantage Ez 1 6«- 48 - 49IBi *- 56 . Site prob. at S. end of Dead Sea, where are now Jebel Usdum (SW.), and Zoar (SE.) cf. Di Gni9,2»ft jj t,BBii.is7ir. GASm "" 61 ' m "■ Blanken- norn ZPVill(1896).53(r. -g^P»l.M« g un lGeogr. 117,271,274 # Vid. also D , "V. tVHD n.[m.] linen wrapper (peril, foreign word; cf. As. sudinnu D1 HWB490 , a garment; NH HP, % TT?. Syr. ^ffls, ^uu» (rare) Mk 1 5 46 ; >cf. Ar. ,*,!-., yi&L veil, saddle-cover (v. Lane 1335 ), or jo£>, Gk. [and ©] aiMv, cf. Fra 48 Lewy Fremdw - 85 )';— abs.'D P^i 24 ; pl.DTT? Ju 14 1213 Is 3 s3 ; — wrapper or rectangular piece of fine Zt'nerc, worn as outer, or (at night) as sole garment (cf. GFM ,uM - 12 ), + tana f*>n Ju 14 1213 , in list of women's finery Is 3 s3 , made and sold by the capable woman Pr 31 24 . HID (Voi foil.; cf. As. saddru, arrange in order, sidru, sidiriu, row, battle-line; NH Tip arrange, order, Aram. "FID, »►», all c. deriv.). t["VTD] n.[m.] arrangement, order (on vocaliz. cf. As. sidru, sidirtu, and Ba NB577c ); — only pi. Q, "H9 K7 Jb 1 o 22 = disorder, confunion, of the dark underworld. t[m"ttr] n-f- 1. row, rank of soldiers in line. 2. architectural term. (prob. for .TVID, v. supr. and cf. Ba' 92 *); — only pi. abs. TO nrn'E> 2 K n 8 2 Ch 23 14 , ni- 1 K6 9 2 Kn 15 ;— 1. rows, ranks, 2K11 8 , and v 15 =2Cli2 3 14 (where thought to be gloss by Benz, on account of JV30, within). 2. term, techn. of building, Cntjta Tftien CM 1 K 6 9 , meaning unknown. t[p-nCT3]n.[m.]poroh,colonnade?(^Zace of a row '(of pillars) ?);— only c. CI loc: K|3 njii-qptpn Wig Ju 3 s3 precise meaning dub., cf. GFM. "IllD (v/of foil. = fie rowrad?; cf. NH T>l a round place; As. strw, enclosing wall; also Ph. WTO n.pr.loc). tnnD n.[m.] roundness ;—'Bn 11* Otf a bowl of roundness = a round bowl (in sim.). "MpTD n.[m.] roundness 0) ;— only in 'BH n"3 Gn 39 »- 2 °- 2 >- 22 - 23 (all J), 40" (R J ), *« rowrad /towse (name of a prison : but 'D peril, an Egypt, word Hebraized, cf. Dr in Hastings DB II. 768 n. an( J J^ AS- M- 818 f. t N^D n.pr.m. (® Vyyap, A 2<aa, ®L ASpa- ^ifX«x rov kWuma rbv KarotKovira iv AlyiirTa (!); j 0S Ant.ix.u.i 2aav; S3 Sua; all ace), called D?!SJ3 ^D 2 K 1 7 4 , with whom Hoshea had intrigue; poss.=<Sa6-'-e, or Sib- -e mentioned by Sargon (KB 1164 - 1 - 26 - 26 COT""*) as a ruler (appar.) under Pir'u king of Musuri; hence Schr C0TU - prop, to rd. NJD, and, further, identif. gab- -$—&}$ w ith Sabaku, founder of 25th (Ethiop.) dynasty, cf. Wied x * GMChli83 '-; very un- certain is "Wkl's conj. of a)D = Sib-'-e as general ofkg.PiVWJ^inNArab.(Wkl™ 1898 - 3tt ). I. [^D, seldom XN2] vb. move away, and backslide ('"B> erron.; Ar. (-£-.), £LL S'o ««<* come Lane 1459 , ^Uy-I afo'tos e< adventus Frey (Kam));— Qal />/. 3 ms. 3? ^ 53 4 ; /mjp/ i_pl. JlDJ f 80 19 ; PC ac<. cstr. MD Pr i 4 14 (Ba NB ' 124 ' Q es «a>f,72pj. — lackslide, prove recreant to c. j. » JO ^ 80 19 ; so abs. 53 4 ; $ 3» Pr 14 14 a 6ac&- sZw/er in heart. Niph. P/^3 ms. 31D3 ^ 44 19 , JitM 2 S i 20 (fc» for D); is. VOWJ Is 50 5 ; 3 pi. UD3 Is 42 17 Je 38^; Impf. 3 ms.^B! Mi 2 6 (Ges S 72 ", but v. infr.); 3 mpl. ti& V 35 4 +3 *-, «D>1 ^,78"; /»/ a&s. 3iDJ Is 59 13 ; Pt. pi. D'jiDa Zp I 6 Je46 5 ;— 1. refl. turn oneself away, turn back : a. lit. of Jonathan's bow 2 S i 22 , c. V? (v. HPS). b. fig. = prove faithless (as Qal) : (1) of human friends, "»nK 'M Je 3S 13 (abs.); usu. (2) '* ^.OKO 'M Zp 1 6 cf. Is 59 13 ; so abs. ^ 7 8» (+n?3), c. linK Is 50 5 (|| OT?). + 44"
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