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6 lrnus Dy i:st3n, Ec2 16 Dsnn mw -psi 

^D3n Dy i.e. 7»£« the fool. f. Of equality or resemblance generally (poet.), Jb p 26 H3K ni»3N Dy «|>n they pass by villi, i.e. as swiftly as, skiffs of reed, 37 18 yplJi D'pnC' 1D5J i.e. like him, 40" "]»y T*'w *IB>K ; so DV ^DJ + 28 1 143 7 , Dy SB 1 ™ 88 s . + g. Of time, = as long as, jr 72 s Dy '■JWV? C'DC' as ?anjr as the sun endureth (of. Aram. Dn 3 M 4 31 ; also Ovid. Am. i. 15, 16 cum sole et luna semper Aratus crit); at the time of(1) 2 Ch 2 1 n (but rd. perh. i^nt?) ; and c. inf. (late), Ezr 1" nbian ni^yn oy ( c f. s^a ™ sq. inf. Ju 3"

  • j alsoDy Ecclus 4 o 14 ).

. Of a locality, close to, beside: tGn25 u »XT t6 iN3 Dy pfW 3B»1 ftesi'de the well of, etc.,

4 D2B* Dy -m rbxn nnn ( so , after "WM, Jos 7 2 

Ju 9 6 18 22 2 S 13"), Jos 19 46 (I), Ju 18 3 Dy rren n='p rv? (so 19" 2 S 20 8 ), 1 S io ! 2 S 6 7 no'i 'Nn fhK Dy DB>, 19 38 24 16 I K I 9 1 Ch 13 14 by the house of 0., in its own house (v. Be), 21" (2 S 24 16 ), 26 16 (cf. m 2). By a person, Dt 5 s8 noy ns icy nmi ty me , iSi !t naoy nnwn + • of one living near another, Ex 2 2 24 Lv 2 5** MMJ '. . Of persons, Dy is spec. a. in tlie house or family or service of {(ijrud, chez) : Gn 23 4 ■py 2Vr) 15 (fig. of '•> Lv 25 s3 V, 39 13 ), 27" 29" toy M^M, v 25 "py Tnay I have served iw'i/t thee (SO V 30 , Cf. Dt I5 16 ), 3I 38 Lv 25 6 - 40 - 40 - 50 - 53 Dt 22 2

17 JU17 10 2S19 34 1K11 22 ; cf. iS2 2 ">Dy 

i.e. at his sanctuary. b. I nllie possession of i^?X. penes): Gn2 4 26 straw, etc., is «Oy, 31 32 Dt 17" 1Dy WWH wi<A fo'm, a< Aw side, 29 16 Jb 28" '"IB? |'N 1DK OJl ; = stored up with, Dt 32 34 nay DC3, Jb2 7> 3 (but rd. here prob. ?N'B ; cf. 20 20 ) ; of ethical or mental attributes, I S 25 s5 toy njojj, Jb 1 2 13 itium neon toy, v 16 2 5 2 + i 3 o 7 2 Chi 9 3 - 7 . Cf. fig. ^ 36 10 D^n -rtpo -py *a. c. /ra <Ae custody or care (/, I S 9 10 D't? ■^py arife ; 2 2 23 nsy nriK nieeto »>j ■ c f. Jb 17 3 ^sy ^^ly be surety for me with thyself. d. Beside = except, Dt 32 39 'Iff D'ni>K fg, ^ 73 2S p«3 TlVSn N^> ^yl and beside thee I delight not (in aught that is) upon earth (al. in comparison of thee, 1 f), 2 Ch 1 4'° "lf$ *|©y JW there is none besidetltee to help, 20"; perh.Hos 9" (Hi Ke ; but very dub., v. Comm.). Cf. n« 1 b. e. With — friendly with, Gn 31 2 IJ^K £ •DP (rja. v 5 ^K towards), 2 K io 15 IffA Dy '33^ Pr 23' '43? ^3 ta{>1. . Idiom, of a thought or purpose present with one : — fa. 'E 33? Dy, esp. in Dt. and the later Deut. style, Dt8 s ^33i> Dy nyTl thou shalt know with thy heart, 1 5" Dy 13T IW |S ?yv3 133? a wicked thought with thy heart, Jos 1 4 7 I brought back word ^ib Dy it^NS ; 'E 33J» Dy fW, esp. of a purpose, 1 K 8 17 Dy TV1 '131 ni33p in 337 i.e. it was David's purpose to build, etc., v 181s 1 K io 2 (= 2 Ch 6 7 - 88 9 1 ), 1 Ch 22 7 28 2 (both based on 1 K 8 17 , etc.), 2 Ch 1" 24 4 29 10 ; rather differently, to muse or talk with one's heart, yjr 77' Ec I 16 . tb. Dy alone, = in one's consciousness, whether of knowledge or memory or purpose (cf. n«3b; lie W* 01 '-* 66 ): Nu 1 4 24 nn;n 3py toy mnxnin i.e. operating in his mind, 1K11 11 l»y nNT WVn "*ta Jjr>, I Ch 28 12 the pattern of all W» DVU IWl IB'K that was in spirit (i.e. mentally) with him, f 50 11 ,- !?V 'T^f H) is w?'</t me (i.e. is known to me; UTiyT), prob. also 13* 3 I 39 18 ( = in thy thought and care) ; Jb 9 s5 noy *33M |3 H7 not so am I with myself (my consciousness — or conscience — does not tell me that I need dread him), io 13 "]»y riKT '3 'nyT i.e. that this was thy purpose (||™ES n?N (=in our knowledge; ||jnj 5<7]), 23 10 yT »3 noy 11T the way of which I am conscious (De ; Ew Di the way attending me, my usual way), v 14 1»y ni31 njnsi i.e. he has many such purposes, 27" ink ^ ^ Dy ~fX i.e. his purposes or principles of action. Also sts. in the judgment or estimation of, 1 S 2- 6 Dy 3it3, 2S6 22 Dy 1333, perh. Dy pns Jb 9 2 2 5 4 (GesBu; but Ew as 1 c, Hi De beside, in comparison of). t5. Metaph. togetlier with — in spite of notwithstanding Ne 5 18 ITJ Dyi (cf. il W AG "* 57 ; in Heb. 3 is the more usual syn.). — In 1 S 16 1 ' 2 Tt$% ns^ Dy ■ob-iK ( c f. 1 7 42 hk-id nf| Dy), if text correct, ns* must be a neuter subst., with beauty of eyes; but rd. prob. (Gr Bu) D^Jf a youth (17 66 20 22 )for Dy (v. HPS; Che Bx " 0, - T; "- 5S1 »^3"J«  DSy, cf. La 4 7 ). Q5?T3 from with or beside ( = irapa with a gen. : cf. OSD): hence a. after verbs of depart- ing, taking, removing, etc., Gn 13" ""H.Ei? nO?* toyp ab, 26 16 «eyo rfe, 1 s io 2 -' 14 17 jyn ns ijoyo, 2 Si 2 ; 1S16 14 bxv Dyn hid /( nm, 18 12 ; 2 K 2 9 ysso np^>K d-id3; 2 S 15 28 Nis ny D3BPO n3T; of heart turning '* Qyo Dt 29 17 iKll'i after i'XB' <o as>!;, Ex 22 13 Dt 10" ^ HD