hw$2B> 769 ]ByB W, i Si 17 20 28 (Niph.), Is 7" + ; Shi to require, Dt 18 19 23^, 1 K 14 s (to inquire); njHB Dyp KS'/w"* (being) iwM Ph. Ex 8 825 - 26 g 3 ^ : cf. 2 S 3 26 , 1 S 18 13 icya i'lNB' WWl ; aud V.? Q VO Gn 44 M Jb i 12 . tSq. a word denoting a place, Gn48 12 DyD Dnk PJOV KXW va-ia, Ex 2 1 14 'nan? djto ( c f. 1 S 2 s3 ), Ju 9 s7 pxn -flag cyo, i's 20 s4 jr6t?n DVO; Jb 28* 15 DJIB away from, far from (si vera 1.). tb. Gn 24 s7 ^'is dvo HDn my t6 ipk (cf. with nnan i S 20 15 , Ton 2 S 7 15 1 Ch i7 18 (|| 2 S 7 15 jo), Ten f 8 9 34 ); Ru 4 10 nyo ay niplb. tc. From the possession, or custody, o/(cf. Dy 3 b, c): so with ^n Gn 31", Sty to take in pledge 44 s2 , 33J Ex 22", NY* (subj. a slave; cf. Dy 3 a) Lv 25 41 Dt 15" (cf. with Vpsn d& Dt is,"-*" Je 34 14 , ^an Dt 23 16 ), npb 2 g 3 1 ', rop 24 21 . td. Expressing origination, or authorship :
S20 7 toya njnn nnjn ^a, v 9 - 33 (cf. nxn Est 7 17 );
esp. of' (cf. nso o),Gd 4 i 32 '«n d?d wri |b) is established/rom, on the part of, God, I K 2 33 r < ayo . . . mte, 12 15 (2 Ch io 16 ) nap raw ^ DyD, Is8 18 signs and portents '•< DyD, 28 M met '" dvo nsr m, 2 9 6 f 1 2 1 2 '- nyo *T$ Ru 2 12 . And of a judgment proceeding from any one :
S 3 ffl DVD ^3 = pronounced guiltless by
Jb 34 3a IByDn at thy judgment shall he requite? (cf. ?*? 2 d. end). T7iW33? ii.pr.m. Immanuel (with us is God) ;— 'y Is 7 14 van d. H. Baer ; ^ UBy Gi ;— name of child, symbolizing presence of '< to deliver his people (on interpret, v. Comm.) — ?N UDy 8 810 is declaration of trust and confi- dence, with us is God! (cf. f 46 s12 ); v. DV. + 11. [CJ?] n.[m.] kinsman (on father's side) (Ar. 1c paternal uncle, etc., v. I. DDy ; cf. perh. TelAin. ammu, kinsmen(1); on Nab. Dy ancestor cf. Lzb 1M - 4M ; v. also esp. Nes Eg187 ' ZAWxvl (1896). 3221. J£ ren k e ] lUvill (18S8), 280-8A . g f Ifpj; in BjrjS (q. v.), and n.pr. sqq. ; elsewhere pi. sf. T»V Nu 27" 31 2 (Lv i9 16 read 1BJ? © Sam), + (poss.) T co ?. Ju5 H ; *& Gn2 5 8 +i5t- n ^ 17"+ 3 t.; read 'By (for MT 'By, I. DV; cf. Krenkel 1 "- 281 ) Gn 49 s9 and perh. Ju i 4 3 (cf. Lv 2 1 14 ); ace. to Buhl Kit also 2 K 4 13 ;— father's kinsmen: VBjri>K f[Dm Gn 25 s (of joining kinsmen in Sh«'oi), so v 17 35 29 49 s3 Nu 20 24 Dt 32 50 , cf. Gn 4 9 29 (v. supr.), Nu 27 13 31 2 Dt 32 s0 (all P) ; i^Byi? B^J nrnaai Gn 1 7 4 (severed from pcy living kinsmen), so Lv 7 2 » 21ffi27 19 9 23" Nu 9 13 , iTBy 2ijpp Ex 31", cf. 30 s "" Lv 17 9 (all PH); iWs nj* VByo 2i 14 (H), and perh. Ju i4 s (sim. 1. Dy : [D.1. n_] toy 33(9 Lv 17" i8 M + ); other combin. Jus 14 (si vera L, read perh.'JBya, v. 1. Dy 2 d), Lv 2 1 l - 4 ' 5 (H), Ez 1 8 1 " and (perh.) 2 K 4 13 . — 'BJTia (v. p. 122b) perh. = «ora of my kinsman; on n.pr. c. By v. Gray Pro, ' Ii - 41t . f 1. [rTOJ?] n.f. juxtaposition, but only in st. c. with force of a prep, close by, side by side with, parallel to, agreeing with, corre- sponding to ; — st. c. ni?y, exc. Ec 5 15 always c. ), sf. toByis, once pi. cstr. rfsjjjj Ez 4 5 7 ;— a. close by, side by side with: Ex 25 s ' (37 u )> 28 s7 (39 20 ), LV3 9 QflV, nsyn nBj6 shall take it away close by the backbone ; esp. of what is parallel, Ez 42 7 the wall alongside of the chambers; of the contiguous portions in Ezek.'s division of the land, alongside of each other, Ez 45 6 - 7 48 13181821 ; of movement in parallel lines, 2 S 16 13 Shimei was going along ^BJJp parallel with him, v is Ez i 20 «*»jR D^Btam Drray^, v" 3 13 io 19 1 1 22 ; 3 8 nByS> D'pjn yy* 'nni BH'JB by the side of their face (which, as anta- gonism is implied, = against, RV), v 8 . b. agreeing with, corresponding to (a common result of juxtaposition), Ex 38 18 a screen five cubits high nxnn 'yijp noyb agreeing with (RV answerable unto) the hangings of the court (in height), Ez 4o' 8 ; prob. also 1 Ch 26" Ne I2 24 "IDB'p '7 IBB'B ward corresponding to ward. C. correspondingly to, 1 Ch 2 4 31 they also cast lots Dn'nS nBJJp correspondingly to their brethren, v b the head, correspondingly to his younger brother, 26 12 to these . . . belonged charges correspondingly to (in common with) their brethren. d. before a sentence (Ges' 156 "), 1 Ch 25 s (strangely) ^33 |bg| nB$£ (v. Ke) correspondingly to (the principle) of as the small so the great; EC5 16 K3B> nsjp>3 quite exactly as he came, so shall he go (but Lambert RijxoLO Eah I fs Th.Lt.-z. 1896, 687 nB^3). 6. nB^D (v. JB 1 c, 9 a) i K 7 20 close beside. t ii. nay n.pr.ioc. Jos 1 9 30 , v. ^ay.
T "-.
pQV n.pr. gent. Amnion, ® fifiav, Anpav (As. Bit Ammanu C0T Gl0M ); — always (except 1 S 11" [where however ® rds. 'y ^3], yr 83", which have 'y alone) JlBy 'JS, connected by J with 'ByjS son of Lot Gn 1 9 s8 (and mean- ing of name doubtless sought herein by J; cf. 11. Dy) ; people apparently akin to Isr., but usu. »