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Tt2V Prop.s.«,3By_ 1- Absalom's general 2S17 2626

9" + 8 t. 2 S 20, 1 K a 6!ls I Ch 2' 717 , ® A M «r<r(a)«, 

®L An«r<ra. 2. Ephraimite 2 Ch 28 12 . T^toTSJ? n.pr.m. (cf. foreg.); — 1. warrior of David 1 Ch 1 2 19 (van d. H. v 18 ), Apaou, perh. =W3« (2 S 23 18 ). 2. Levites : a. 1 Ch 6 10M CF98). y>- 2 Ch 29 12 . c. priest 1 Ch 15 s4 . "MplTftJ? n.pr.m. (prob. textual error for foreg., 01 >™ cf. Thes 1044 );— a priest Ne 1 1 13 , A/iaema [-<rai], = , E'SO I Ch Q i2 (Maaacua [-a"]). m 2JJ7 (-/oi foil.; cf. NH 3?}?=BH; Ar. ilSe id.; Sab. 3y3N vineyards SabDenkm 47 ; Moidtm ZMOlUa887, ' 309 - 3S4 ; S:N3|»; perh. also As. inbu, fruit (andnot=3Sq.v.),"cf.Hom A " , ' aAW ). t33V n.m. G ° 40 ' n grape(s) (on formation cf. Lag BNI53 );— 'l>abs.Dt32 u (coll.); elsewhere pi. tr33y Gn 4 o 10 +; cstr. "?|» (Ges S20h ) LV25 6 Dt32 K ; sf. iO?J5| v 32 ;— grapes Gn4O 10 "(E), Am 9" (all as yielding juice for drink), Ho 9 10 (sim.), Is 5 24 (parable), Je8 I3 Ne 13 15 Lv 25 6 (H) ; 'V rnft? Nu6 3 (P), poet/rDI Gn49 u Dt32 14 ; 'V n.133 Nu 13 20 , 'V i?i3f« v 23 (JE); eaten Dt 23 » so 0^31 D-nS ']> Nu6 3 ; 'y WS H03 1 raisin-cakes; If" 'y Dt 32 s2 grapes of poison. tnDV n.pr.loc. in hill-country of Judah Jos 1 1 21 15 60 , Ai'a/3(o>0), A»<»|S[i<], mod. Mna&, 18^ miles SW. from Hebron, Buhl ** 1164 . "t"1^2y n.pr.m. 1 Ch 4 s , Uvvav, ®L Awo/3. t[J^, Lag BN3 '] vb. be soft, delicate, dainty (NH id. Pi. make soft, pliable, live or spend in, enjoyment; Ar. li£ wse amorous behaviour, affect langour) ; — Pu. Pt. f. rnsyen Je 6 2 daintily bred, fig. of Jerusalem. Hithp. 1. be of dainty luxbit, Inf. cstr. aa.ynn Dt 28 s * (woman, || IpY. 2. take exquisite delight, Pf. 3 pi. IMynm consec. ^37" (^ rei);

mpl. Dnaaynrn consec. Is 66" (|B rei); TVrc/i/. 
ms. Jjyn! Jb 27 10 ; 2 ms. asynn Is 58 14 , asynn 

Jb22»(all c. [*B>) / Hf); 3 fs. aaynijl Is 55 s (3 rei); Imv. ms. '^y aaynn 1//37 4 . 3. c. by, in bad sense, make merry over, make sport of, impf. 2 mpl. usynn •"D-by Is 57 4 . T 33JJ n. [ m. I daintiness, exquisite do- light ; -'y »i$vj is if; 'y njl6 "«"j^ 5s 13 . t'JJW adj.dainty;— 'ynDt28 H man; HJJJjn v M woman; Is 47 1 (Bab. personif.); all || [n]3"i. tni^ri n.[m.] daintiness, luxury, ex- quisite delight; — 1. luxury: 'n Pri9 10 ; else- where pi.; cstr. ntoyn Ec 2 8 . 2. sf. ijwjjjg ♦» Mil 16 <% dainty sons; n^aajjn IT3 2 9 /ter (their) dainty house(s), > of tender love (rdg. >.3 2 9 ) We Now. 3. <fe%A< of love, pi. abs. DWyro Ct 7 7 (Perles*-"- 22 '- conj. S&& T13). t[^TJ^] vb. bind around, upon (cf. Ar. xLs- turn aside fr. way; Syr. «LX defecit, defuit; cf. also HBy (for Vpy));— Qal Impf. i s. <TJJJ^ V Jb 3 1 36 (obj. garland, in fig.); /nw. sf. Dl?y Pr6 21 (fig.; |p^). T,TVl3*7J>D n.f.pl. bonds, bands ; so appar. no'3 '» nB*j?nn Jb 38 31 (by metath. or err. from Vnjy, v. Di Bu).— i S 1 5 32 v. 'O p. 588 supr. I. n^i/ vb. answer, respond (NH id., respond, make response ; X N3i? ; Syr. jhO* ; Aram. Palm. nay; cf. Ar. [ jj;, He intend by saying); — Qal P/. 3 ms. 'y Mi 6 6 + ; sf. "Oay

S 28 15 +, tjjy is 3 o' 9 Je 23 s7 , way 1 s 9"+; 

1 s. W?? Ho 1 4 9 , etc. ; Impf. 3 ms. »$£ Gn 4 1 " + , jyilAm 7 14 + , sf. My: Jb 20 3 +, etc.; Imv. nay Mi 6 3 Pr 26 s etc.; 7w/. cs<r. niij? Gn 45 s + [2 S 2 2 36 v. may]; p<. nay Ju ig^+i etc.;— 1. answer, respond to sthg. said, actual or implied, Ju8 8 1 S4 20 Jb9 15 + ; esp. a. of men, c. ace. pers. Gn 45 s (E), Ju 5 s9 2 K i8 36 =Is 36" Jb 5 1 + very oft. (c. no t.); specif, be responsive, i.e. answer kindly, grant request 1 K 1 2' (sf. pers.); =6e amenable, docile (toward ) Ho 2 17 (of Isr. in fig.) ; seldom and late, c. ace. of thing replied to, Jb 32" 33 13 (De Di Bu), 40 2 . b. of God answering (graciously) : usu. c. ace. pers. ; by oracle 1S14 37 28 6,6 +, fig. Hb 2"; by deed 1 S 7' 1 K 18 3737 , cf. B*C3 v 24 1 Ch 2 1 26 , and esp. Ho 2 ffl - 24 14 9 , v. also Mi 3 4 Is 41" 49 s Je 33 s Jb I2 4 +, esp. fyfr, e.g. 3 6 4 2 20 2 + 33 t., etc. (in all c. 77 t.). c. rarely c. ace, or cl., of answer : ny-13 tfOfhNQ 'HI Dvfot Gn 4 1 16 , Jb 1 5 2 Pr 1 8 s3 ; Ne 8" they responded, Amen! 2 S 19 43 they made reply against Isr. (c. ?y against, onlyhere), + quoted answer ; c. ace. pers. + answer I S 20 28 Jonathan answered Saul, David asked leave, etc.; c. 2 ace. (c. 20 t.) 2Ki8 36 =Is36 21 , Jb2 3 6 + ; so = grant, vouchsafe to, CJJfJj niS"ii3 ^ 65 s terrible things dost thou [] vouchsafe to us. d. oft.+1?N Gn 18 27 Abr. answered and said. Ex 4 1 (J), 19 8 (E), Jb 4 1 6 1 etc.; +^« i»«  Gn27 M +i6t.; + £> '« v^+S t.; 'y + acc. per?. + ^D^{, 1 S 9 8 /*« answered Saul and said, + 2 3 1. (in all c. 130 t.); seldom + lbN.b tNu 3 2 31 (P),