Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/795

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  • , D i>°? 47 6 (but v. infr.); pi. 0*i?^ Mi i 4 ,

sf. ^pO? Is2 2 7 ; — vale, valley, lowland, opp. Dnnn Mi i 4 , amid mts., e.g. about Jerus. Is 22 7 Jesi 40 , bo perh. TW 'V Gn I4 ,7 = ^sn 'V v 17

S i8 18 , cf. inan 'y Gn 37 14 (J), fiyaaa ']? l s 
J1 , Jos 8" (JE), nb«n 'y 1 S 17 s19 2i'» (perh. 

Wady es-Sant, in Shephelah, W. of Bethlehem, GASm G ~« r!B6 ); airn n-ajj ib>k 'y j u 18 28 in extreme north ; in Moab Je 48 8 (|j [opp. ?] lit?'!?) ; or wider, e. g. Ju 5 15 (scene of Sisera's defeat ; rd. perh. 'y also for hoV v 14 GFM), 7*jffi. 'V JU6 33 Ho i 5 Jos i7 16 (JE), cf. Juf*f 1 S31 7 = I Ch 1 o 7 , these all perh. narrow ends of plain (cf. GASm ,c ), but v. 1 K 20 s8 (opp. D^nn ; |piB"D v 23 ; = open country, cf. Aphek v 26 ); of Jordan-valley Jos 13 1927 (P); of maritime plain (opp. inn) J u i 19 - 34 ; fit for chariots, so also H? 'yn Jos 1 7 16 (P), cf. Jb 39 21 ; 'yn ruts* j e 21 13 , cf. Nu 14 25 (v. Gie Di); cultivated iS 6 13 Je 49" Jb 39 10 , fertile 1 CI127 59 f 65 14 Ct2 1 ; v. also rti»K, K3a, nana, n . vnn obe^t, niaD -rtay, psp, tWfi, Dnb; 'yn n»j} v. p. 112 a.— For Dijcy Je 47 s rd. Dj?aj? ^wofe'wi ® Thes Hi Gf Gie Co Rothst; so also (more dub.) 1 Ch 12 16 (van d. H. v 15 ) Gf Gie, where otherwise 'yn = people 0/ valleys. iptiy n.[m.] depth; — abs. Pr25 3 ; pi. cstr. 9<W 'jJDJf 9 18 (Ko" 1 - 32 ). t[pOV] adj. deep, unfathomable; — pi. cstr. nab' ^(Ges* 9311 ) i.e. unintelligible of speech Is 33 19 Ez 3 s 6 .— Pr 9 18 v. poy. pb^ i adj. deep (cf. Ba NB,23b );— 1. 'j> lit. Lv 13M-6 t. Lv 13 ; f. ngBj? f cup Ez 23 s5 , trench Pr2 2 14 23 s7 (all 3 in sim.); biNE>» 'V Jb 11 8 (fig.); pi. D^Cg D^p ( s im.) Pr 18 4 20 s . 2. = unsearchable pby. f 64 7 Ec 7 24 - 24 ; pi. nipcy (Baer O^BJJ, van d. H. rfpDJj) Jb 12 22 . tpiQj; a priest Ne 12 720 , Azotic. t O^jPO^Q depths; — abs. 'd ^ 1 30 1 (fig.); cstr.'lit. VTW& Is5i'°; fig. tTO 'D Ez 27" (fall of Tyre), f 69 315 (distress). I. "IQJ^ (/of foil.; mng. dub., perh. related to Ar. Z+s- be abundant (of water), surpass, overtop; NH lOiy, -V»y = BH; * *7?ty xTpy^BHi.toy).

†i.ini? n-m. 1 " 23 -" sheaf (swath, row of fallen grain, Wetzst Z. f/ Eathanol. 1873, 273 (Syr. Drechtafel) ag. him Vogelstein L »" d - irU, * ch *" lnr "' 61 who trans. heap of sfieaves); — 'y abs. Dt 24 1 ' Lv 23 11 " 15 , cstr. v 10 ; fig. of food (abs.) Jb 24 10 ; pi. D , "!»}{ lit. Ru 2 714 .

†II.(Symbol missingGreek characters) n.m. Ex 16,22 omer (cf. Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) small drinking cup or bowl; relation to I.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) obscure) ; — a measure, only Ex 16; — the meas- ure itself v 18 - 32 - 33 ; amount measured v 16.22 ; = {{sfr ephah v 36 ; (Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingGreek characters).

†1.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n. m. LV 23, 11. (swath, row of fallen grain (hay, as Mishn., ace. to Vogelstein l.c. 74 f (who is then compelled to rd. ncy Mi 4 12 ), cf. Syr. i*xL±.grass, Schwally Idl °'- "•) ;— Am 2 " (on cart), Je 9 21 (falling behind reaper), Mi 4 12 (brought to threshing-floor), Zc 1 2 6 (inflammable). t ["ITSJ?] vb. Pi. denom. bind sheaves (NH id., so $* ,M ' 7 ,cf.ChrPalAram. Schwally Idlot - 69 ); — PODyD f 1 29 7 (in sim. ; || "IXip). fH. fE^] v b. Hithp. deal tyrannically with (3) (Ar. y^s- cherish enmity, rancour, malice, in. plunge into a conflict, t^_c rancour, malice); — Pf 3 ms. ""IBJffirn consec. Dt 2 4 7 ; Impf. 2 ms. nsynn 2 1 14 . Trpfoy Gomorrah, Top.oppa (r = p ; V II. -oy ace. to Lag BN54 ) ; — alw. c. D'"ID q.v.; Gnio 19 +8t. Gn, in sim. Am 4" Is i 9 13 19 Dt 2 9 22 Je 49 18 50 40 Zp 2 9 , cf. Dt 32"; fig. of iniquity Is i 10 Je 23 1 *.

III. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ((Symbol missingsymbol characters) foll; cf.Ar.(Symbol missingArabic characters) live, live long; also worship; Template:Arabic missng etc.; RSK 266 prop. mng. worshipper, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) By worshipper of (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (cf. WE Skizzen iii. 165 ), against him No 2 " Gl,(I886) ' I8S , who cp. meaning live,^i-,£j. life). "HDy 1. Omri, king of Israel (MI 4 57 noy; in As. Humri COT G,OM );— 1 K i6 16 + 1 1 1. 1 K 16, 2 K 8 26 = 2 Ch 22 2 , Mi 6 16 , ® (z)a^i/3p(f)i. 2. a. name in Benj. 1 Ch 7 8 . b. in Judah 9 4 . c. in Issachar 27 18 . DTD3* (7-iDy No z " 0xl(1886U8S ; poss. ffl + Dy Thes, cf. Gray Pro " N * s - 47 ' 51 ); — 1. father of Moses Ex 6 ,8i!0!,0 + 4 t. P, 1 Chs 28 - 29 4- 4 t. Ch ; A M (/3)pn M [i.]. 2. Ezr 1 o 34 . t^Jpnpy adj. gent, of 1, c. art. as n.coll. NU3 57 i T Ch26 ffl . tony v. DDy. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (cf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)? or read (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (II. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), We Isr. u Jüd Gesch 24 , cf. Gray