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nsy mulcted. Niph. Impf. + Qal Inf. abs. t?l3V $}%. Ex 2 1 22 (E) he shall be strictly fined ; more gen. Pf. ^JS?. Pr 2 2 3 be mulcted, punislied= 2 7 12 . TriDy n.pr.m. father of Shamgar Ju 3 31 5 6 , Avad (Aupux, Ktvafl); — v. also flUy fV3, HJJ? '3 (cf. Tel Am. n.pr. Anati, Wkl 126 - 43 ; As. n.pr. AetusAnatu (Jastr E " B * blM ; hence) in Syria and Ph.— also Egypt— njy (Muss-Arnolt JBI "" <,892>80 Pietschmann™"- 149C Hal JA "- 7 ' * am) ' Vi ' »«><"™. =<»)). tninjV and (i K 2 26 ) hftSlt. n.pr. va6vd; 1. loc. (cf. goddess Anat, ref. sub foregoing); —Is io so i K 2 26 Je i 1 ii 2123 32 ? - 8 - 9 Jos2i 19 (P), i Ch 6 45 Ezr 2 23 sb Ne f, Ne 1 1 32 ; mod. 'Andtd, c. 3 miles NNE. from Jerusalem, cf. Buhl 0eogr - 175 GASm " 081 - 315 . 2. m. a. i Ch 7 8 . b. Ne io 20 . ty»h3? adj. gent, of foreg.;— '»n J e 29 s7 1 Ch 12 3 2 S 2 3 27 = "riin!!yn 1 Ch n 28 27 12 . tn»nh^ n.pr.m. Benjamite iCh8 24 , Avu>6ai8, Ava6a>8(i)a. UuV vb. press, crush, by treading, tread down (NH rpp'py crushed wheat; cf. Ar. ,L£ go the rounds, [tramp], prowl; Syr. «aoL explore,^. Brockelmann) ; — QalPf. 2 mpl. fig. B*#VI OniDjn Mai 3 21 (consec).


D3^SVv 5 ; Qr in all D""!ni?(3), nhtJ, D^-ihO, v. [-v^ntj]. f II. [73J^] vb. perhaps be heedless (Ar. Jii be Iieedless, neglectful, inadvertent); — tD^oy n.m. ' sweet 'wine (prop, pressed out juice) ; — abs. 'y Am 9 13 (v. Dr and reff.), Jo i 6 4 18 ; in sim. Is 49 26 ; cstr. "'&>! D'py Ct 8 2 . tD^DV Kt, EN$ Qr n.[nt.]pl. foliage (cf. Ges S93z ; Aram, loan-word, X, tOBy foliage, Syr. Jiacii- flower, branch); — ^ 104 12 . fl./SV **• swell (?; so Thes; inferred fr. deriv. ; Ar. Jl£ is a tumour in the vulva or anus, Jic appar. denom. (cf. 11. ?sy) v. As. uplu, prob. tumour (D1 HWB 7 wWm, but v. Jen Th Lz 1895, 250)) • _ p n . pf 3 f s . fl^By Hb 2 4 SCC. to MT (subj. WM, cf. GASm); but subst. needed, Brd 8K1889m SZJ3P, We Now ^?n, c f. Gu K,u .— Hiph. v. II. be>y. •j-i. 7D]} n. [nt.] mound, hill, only as acropolis; — 'y abs. 2K.5 24 +, cstr. Mi 4 8 ; — fortified mound or hill within city, of Jerus. (cf. Kob BBL2e7 Gu 2 ™' 0882 326 ) Mi 4 8 Is 32"; S. end of eastern hill Ne 3*1 1 21 2 Ch 33 14 'V.n npin Ne f 2 Ch 27 3 (cf. bsyn ncn b nrnp MI 8 *); of Samaria 2 K 5 s4 . fn. yDV] n.m. 186 - 4 tumour ;— only pi. Kt D^3J> : (3) IH28 27 iS5 6 - 912 ; cstr. ^ay 6 4 ; sf. Hiph. sfiew heedlessness, Impf. 3 mpl. v?P!] ni?yp Nu 14 44 (JE) they shewed heedlessness in going up (went up heedlessly), so de Dieu, cited (and allowed) by Di Buhl 1 "; >Thes al. shev:ed presumption (I. ?sy, this sense dub.). t^Ey n.pr. loc. in Benj., 'y? Jos 18 24 , ®L A<pVT). rpzy v. niy- I. ~EP (v^f folk; mng. dub.; cf. ArJiE dust, As. eprw, epiru, Tel Am. haparu and aparu (Canaan, glosses); 5! "l?y, Syr. )jS>'v ; NHi?y = BH). t"ICy n.m. L,u 42 dry earth, dust ;— abs.'y Gn 2 7 + T , cstr. 1BJ| Gn i 3 16 -r ; sf. V$V : Ez 26 12 , hsy Dt 9 21 , etc.; pi. cstr n^By Jb 28 s Pr 8"; — 1. lit.: a. dry, loose earth, thrown (in malice) 2 S 1 6 13 (|| D'33N) ; trSO^y 'V »^p Jos 7" (JE ; sign of grief), so Ez 27 30 La 2 10 , and (c. P1J) Jb 2 12 ; loose earth (on surface of ground) 1 K 18 38 Am 2 7 Mi i 10 Is 34" Lv 17 13 (H) Ez 2 4 7 (in fig.), Nu5 17 Jb 1 4 19 38 s8 39 14 , Gn 26 15 (R), made into siege works Hb i 10 ; of sand-storm Dt 28 24 ( + P?«); as serpent's food, token of punishment and humiliation, Gn 3 14 (J) Is 65 s5 (cf. Mi7 17 2 e infr.); '» ^qt Dt 3 2 24 (poem; cf. 2 e). b. specif, as material of human body Gn 2 7 3 19 (J), Ec 3 20 , cf. Jb 4 19 8 19 + 103 14 , to which it returns ("?£ Sit?) Gn 3 19 Jb I o 9 yjr 1 04 29 EC3 20 ; so(c.i>y) Jb34 15 Ec 1 2 7 . c. = surface of ground Ex 8 121313 (Pj H? n ^>), Jbig^Is 25 12 2 6 5 (both ||H?)» surface of (whole) earth Jb 4 1 25 , 'V ni^RD Is 2 ' 9 (for hiding), so 'y alone v 10 , cf. '» nh Jb 3 o 6 ; =soil, Jb5 8 14 8 . d. powder of anything pulverized Dt 9 21 21 (cf. p^ ||Ex32 20 ),2K23 6 - 61216 ,soiusim.2S22 43 =fi8 43 ' hence = ashes v 4 Nu 1 9 17 . e. debris, of ruined city 1 K 20 10 Ez 26 412 Ne 3 14 4 4 ^ 102 15 . The foil, are late : f. earth of the grave : 32^ 'Vi> Jbf so (c. i>y) 20" 2 1 26 , cf. 17 16 ; 'V Hli" ^2 2 30 , 'V , ?.3t5' Is26 19 , 'Smp-lN 13^ Dni2 2 ; ni.D"nsy ^22"; 'y in fig. i/'SO 10 . g. mortar (i.e. dried mud) for plastering houses Lv I4 4 '- 4245 (P). b. (iron-) ore Jb 2 8 2 ; 3nT nnDy ^gold- dust (but v. I'Bp). i. material of earth Is 40 12 , cf. 5>3J1 nnsy Wl PrS 26 the first of the earth-