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asy particles of the world. 2. fig.: a. of abun- dance GnI3" u,, 28" (all J) 2 Ch i 9 Jb27 16 ^ 7 8»(||D'Q: 9n), c f. 3hp leg Nu2 3 10 (JE); with added idea of commonness, worthlessness Zp i Zc 9*. b. of worthlessness (alone) Jb 22* 1 . c. sim. of the scattered, dispersed 2 K 13 7 ; 'yf Is 41 2 (so van d. H. Ginsb ; Baer 'IB ; on meaning v. Du Che, rdg. DO'fe'n for |W). d. of self-abasement Gn 1 8 27 ( + 1BK), 'Jrby nTOnjI 1SN1 Jb 42 6 , WB 'ya fW La 3 s9 . e. of humilia- tion (sitting or lying in dust) IS47 1 cf. 29 4 ' 4 , Jb 16 15 40" f 7« 44 26 1 i9 2S , sim. Jb 30"; lick- ing dust yjr 72 s Is 49 s3 Mi 7 17 , cf. TelAm. tikalu ipra (of enemies, v . Wkl A,,orF ° r " oh -" IJ91 ; also of serpent 1 a supr.); of raising from the dust iS2 8 =V'ii3 7 , 1K16 2 ; of lifting oneself Is 52 s . t hCi'] vb. denom. Pi. TMffl isyi 2 S 16" and kept dusting (him) vnth dust (throwing [lumps of] dry earth at him). II. "1SJ7 (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. is. young of mountain-goat, NH "iSiy young of animals). T^sTis) n.m. c ' 4 ' 5 young hart, stag; — cstr. vh?tn ']) (|| ns) Ct 2 917 8"; pi. abs. *9^l D^SJI nj3V 4* 7 4 (all in sim.). t-iry n.pr.m. A<ptp, etc.; — 1. 'son' of Midian Gn 25* = 1 Ch i 38 (®L Tofrp). 2. in Judah 1 Ch 4 17 (A ra<f>ep). 3. in Manasseh 5 24 . nncy v. ^n^p. 112 supr. T niDV n.pr. 1. loc. : a. in Benj. Jos 1 8 s3 t: t " (P), <t>ap, etc.; 1 S 13 7 Tcxjxpa ; prob. = p"*)? 2 and D?!?^ 6 ; perh. mod. et-Tayyibeh, c. 4 miles NE. from Bethel, cf. GASm*"* a2 Buhl 080 "- ,77 . b. in Manasseh, E<ppa6a : Ju 6" 8 s7 ; cstr. HlBy njyn 'as 6 24 , but '131 rinsy 8 3J ; c. n loc. nrney. JU9 5 . 2.m.inJudahiCh4 14 ,ro<pfpa,®LE<ppa0. tplEV n.pr.E<ppwi>: — 1. m.Hittite,Abr.'s time, ace' to Gn j^mmmmm* 49 » pay 23° 25 s 49 : * 50 18 (all P). 2. loc. 2Chi 3 19 Kt (ir-?y. Qr). cf. -Tisy l a. 3. mont. TTHJ, on N. border of Judah Jos 15 9 . Y^Zy 2 Ch i 3 '» Qr v. filBy 2. trnSV n . m .J.e.»(.iT«»i.(jr) lead (/dub.; prob. foreign word; cf. £ &H?K Z^ao", Syr.Jii(, and (as Aram. loan-word) Ar. .Q [v. Dozy], Era "*; perh. also As. aharu, a metal, magnesite ace. to Hilpr A, •" toc •" (UM) • 80,, • Hpt' b83 );— 'y-i33 Zc 5 7 a round weight (disc) of lead, 'iy?-|3K v s ; with other metals (v. H?) ! *V Ez 2 2 1820 27 12 , rrjBjn Nu 3 1 ^ (P) ; 'By also Jb 1 9 s4 (with which chiselled letters are filled ace. to Di and most; Bu rds. 'y3 in [a tablet of] lead) ; also (as flux) Je 6 M (rdg. Qr; so Gf Co; emend. Gie); 'iy in sim. Ex 1 5 10 (song). nnCQ? v. ns<y S ub n. spy. yy v. II. nvy. fl. [H^] vb. hurt, pain, grieve (NH Nithp. and in deriv.; X 3Xy be in pain (rare); Eth. (MM; be liard, difficult; Lag B!,50cfa)1 cp. Ar. J^-£i be angry, but dub.); — Qal Pf 3 ms. sf. i2Sy 1 K i 6 his father had not pained him (® KloGriixy, but v. Benz); ins. 3??? (with other words) 2 S 13 2 ' 1 ® Ew Th We Kit Bu HPS; Inf. cstr. sf. '^V ,r ?i>ai> 1 Ch 4 10 that it (HfJ) way not pain me; Pt. pass. cstr. HT1 nalSJ? Is 54 s /m»-< tn »pm< (of Zion under fig. of deserted wife). Niph. Pf. 3 ms. a???. 1 S 20 s4 be pained for (^f pers.; del. ® HPS); 3g$ 2 S 1 9 3 the king is in pain (is grieving) for (?? pers.); Impf. 3 ms. axy^ 1 S 20 s lest lie be pained; + Di !] 3 instr. Ec io 9 shall be hurt by them (i. e. D^aS; only here of physical pain); 2 mpl. ^ypl Gn 45 6 be not grieved ( + "W ; sq. >| <Aai! ye' sold me), cf. Ne 8 10 " (abs.) do not grieve. Pi. Pf. 3 pi. 13*? c. ace. Is 63 10 they vexed his holy spirit ( + ^9); Impf. 3 mpl. law 4 ; , !a' : ! i 1 / 56 s my affairs they vex (Thes al.), but improb., < Che 'V) "0"ia with speech they vex (me). Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. sf. Wtt'WjJ •>// 78 40 tfiey used to cause him [] ^ai«. Hitbp. /»»;>/. 3 ms. *.3^N asyn>l Gn 6 6 and he was vexed to his heart (of  ; ||Dn3?l); 3 mpl. laSJHVl Gn 34* ( + "»£!, sq. clause with ^B). f 1. 222 n. [m.] pain, hurt, toil ; — 1. 'y 2>ain Gn 3 16 (of travail), Pr io 22 . 2. hurt (of mind), 'ST"!? 1 ) Pr 15 1 a word that hurts (opp. ^irnjyo). ' 3. toil Pr 14 23 ; pi. B*?^n Dr6 // 1 2 7 2 iread 0/ (gained by) toils ; sf.^-asy Pr 5 10 . fi. "22$ n.[m.] pain; — 'y 1 Ch 4' (of travail); 'JTJ^ V' 139"* hurtful way (of any wicked habit ; >% Thea way of idolatry; 11. 3Sfc) ; sf. lasy. Is 14 3 of the pain of exile. t[223?,>3S?3 n.[m.] toiler (prop, suf- ferer; less weH 35fy toil ThesKo" 1 - 2 ' al.);— pi. sf. IS'"?! Da/ap Is 58 s (d. f. dirim. Ges»* h ) your toilers ye drive on; Klo Che 03T3 Bay (cf. Vrss in i>art) money lent on phdge ye exact.