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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/806

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Dt2i BJS ; lab* (in Pers.) used for executing criminals (? by hanging = gallows), YT's'S n ?$ Est 2 s * + 8 t. Est. t c. of idols, J3W Y8 Dt 4^ 28 s6M 29 i6 2 K i 9 »_ Ig g^ Ez 2Q w cf Je 2 27

9 Hb 2"; so W alone Ho 4 12 Is 40 s ", cf. 44" 

45 s0 ; JT^? *&* Dti6 21 . d. (fire-)wood Jos 9 s3 " 7 (J), v 2 '(P), Dt 19 6 Is 3 o M + , rd. D75? also Ez 24 s (for JIT D'DVy) Bo Ew Stn Co Berthol Toy; esp. for sacrifices 1 K i8 2323 + , Gn 2 2 79i ' Lv i 7 + 6 t. Lv (all P), 2 S 24 18 || 1 Ch 2 I 23 , + ; n^iy 'Xy Gn 22 36 (P). e. n.K(n) YV. cedar-wood, used in purifications Lv 14"*"* Nu 19 6 (all P). f. yyn ^riK'B Jos 2 6 woody-flax, i.e. flax on the stalk.— Je io 8 Gie prop, ln'xyb 7X for MT Kin J»J> B^yOn.— YYbz n 9? to Ez 2 1" is dub., Sm prop. )*r^ "DKO, Co 8r^ 'DKb, Berthol Tr^3 ^BNCfl ; Siegf ^ Toy leave untranslated, t n. TT2V n.f. coU. trees Je 6 6 , but rd. r=lSJJ (rj? c. sf. 3 is.), so Orient. Codd. @ <S 33 X Hi GfGie.— 1. nsy v . sub^- III. 7V£)f (Vol foil.; meaning dub.; cf. As. esen-seri, esen of the back, prob. spine; Ar. tl_c o* cruris, Lane 206sc 6cm« 0/ </ie shank, (joJLic os caudae coccygisvey Tn2J5? n. [m.] either spine or os saorum, bone close to fat-tail, TO Lv 3 9 . IV. TV&V (7 of foil.'; Lag BN157 cp. Uli* a Zand abounding with the trees called L*Lc). t"122 p^V n.pr.loc. usu. raer<a>» [rw.] rn/3fp, near Elath at head of Gulf of Akaba 1 K 9^=2 Ch 8 17 , 133 'V 1 K 22 49 =2 Ch 20 36 ; 1M |7J? Dt 2 8 Nu ss 35 - 36 (P). t[7XJ7] vb. MTipb.. be sluggish (NH in der. species, and deriv.; cf. Ar. JJai III. stick fast in coitu, Lane 2086 ; Syr. "%^. be stufridY, —Impf. 2 mpl. n$$ 'J^SVJPl-^tt Jui 8" be not sluggish in going. ^V adj . sluggish, lazy ; — alw. 'y abs. ; — yVTH Pr2 4 30 ; elsewhere subst. sluggard Pr 6 6, + iot. Pr + 'Vn io 26 . trP!£? n.f. sluggishness;— 'y Pr 19 16 ; du. intens. D^pSV Ec io 18 double (i.e. great) sluggishness (so Thes De al.; rd. then perhaps Q !0?¥J? ; > fr. ?S? a sluggish pair, i. e. hands Ew al), but improb.; tTT JWBB>, whence Bi conj. nibxy, Siegf D?r r£xy.


trvhxif n.f. id.;— 'y Orb Pr 3 i 27 . tI.[DXT, cf.Lag BN31 l, D2^ vb.be vast, T T mighty, numerous (NH Nithp. contend stren- uously, and in deriv.; Ph. in niDVy mighty deeds, DOVy bones; Ar. lla-c be great in bone, or anything, llai bones; Eth. 061°'. id.; Aram. NI?By, )^£ thigh);— Qal P/. 3 ms. DSyi consec. Dn 8 24 1 I 23 ; 2 ms. PlDSy Gn 26 16 ; 3 pi. iDxy Is 3 1 l + , «W| ^ 38 20 ; iwp/. 3 mpl. iosy>i Ex i 7 - 20 ; /w/. Mfr.nVfg Is 47 9 ; sf. i»?y Dn 8 8 ; — 1. 6« mighty, Gn 26 16 (J; c. f? comp.), Dn gs.24 j 1 23 2. be numerous, ||121 etc., Is 31 1 , nxo qyjan nosya 47', je5 6 3 o 1416 Exi 7 (P), v 20 ^), V'SS 20 6 9 5 '; c. JO comp. Je 15 8 Vmo 6 - 13 ; alone 139 17 . Hiph. ma&e strong, Impf. 3 ms.- sf. ino'syn ,/, ios 24 -*- )0 comp. TQ2J? n.[m.] might, bones; — 1. might, cstr. *T 'y Dt8 17 , T£ "* Jb 30 21 ; sf. nD?y Na S^Ges' 938 ); +irm 'ya Isn 15 (Thes ah; for MT") D^3). 2. 6orces(coll.): sf. n?flf ^i 39 15 a: my frame. trroSV n.f. might ;— Is 40 29 (|| 03). . D^y jr n.f.* 85 ' 10 (c. pron. masc. Ez 37 M etc., cf." Albr. 2 **" 1 ' 18861 - 73 ) bone, substance, self ;— abs. 'y Gn 2 23 + ; 0X5? Pr 15 30 16 24 ; cstr. DSy Ex24 10 + ; sf. I^J Jbig 20 -!-, etc.; pi. ntoSJj 2 Kz3 16 + ; cstr. nioxy Jos24 22 + ; sf. Tlbsy Jb4 14 + , etc.; also D^ Ez 2 4 4 + , sf. "■psy; Gn2 23 +, etc.; — 1. bone : a. of living pers. Mi 3 2 ' 3 (hyperb.), Jb 1 o 11 1 9 20 La 4 8 ^ 1 02 6 Ec 1 1 6 + ; fig. of close relationship iVXVQ D?y Gn 2 2S , cf. 29 14 (both J), Ju 9 2 2 S 5 1 = 1 Ch 1 i l , 2 S 1 9 1314 (all + T?). b. 'y + T» = 6<^2/, Jb 2 s ; pi. = bodily frame Je 20 9 (sim.), limbs, members, <Wffli2 Ju 9 29 i.e. Ztm6 6y Zim6 (GFM); as seat of vigour Jb 20 11 , etc. c. (poet.) as seat of disease and pain Jb 30 1730 and (esp. of personif. Isr.) ^ 22" 31 11 102 4 La i 13 Hb3 16 +. d. pi. as representing entire person = one's whole being, (esp. of personif. Isr.) ^ 6 3 (&2). v 4 ), 35 10 (|| Bte3 v 9 ), Is66 14 ; of individ. (inch physical and moral) Pr 3 8 1 4 30 1 5 30 1 6 24 . e. sg. = external body La4 7 Ew Tb al., but dub.; Bi Bu bones ( = branches) of coral (D^B); Lohr D~^V their skin. 1. esp. of dead Nu I9 ,618 (P), Ez 37' + ; oft, (pi.) = remains Am 6 10 G1150 25 Exi3 1919 J0S24 32 (all E)+. 2. bone of animal Ex

46 Nu9 12 (both P); Ez2 4 4 - 6 (symbol.); of 

(living) hippopot. Jb 40 18 . 1 3. sg. sub- stance, self (cf. Dl? 3) : BJ^J T)3 Ex 2 4 10 (JE),