like the substance of the sky = the sky itself; ton 'S3 Jb 21 23 i. e. full prosperity; esp. 'TTi» nvi Di>n Ez 24 s this selfsame day, "131 '1>3 24 2 40 1 Gn 7 13 1 7 ,3S6 Ex 1 2" MM Lv 23 21 28 ' i9S0 Dt32 w Jos 5' 1 (all P), '131 Tiy Ez 2 3 Lv 23" (P), Jos io 27 (R).— Ez 24" rd. D»Wn (Bo Ew al.); v 10 del. ntoSJJn (Co Toy) ; Jb 7 1S rd. "ni3Syo (Heiske Me Bu Du'al.) ; ^ 53 s rd. peril. nxy.D (cf. || f 1 4 6 Bae ; v. Hup Che al.); 6 9 6 rd. 'nibxyD (for MT WDXD), @ 01 Che Bae al. fn. D2y Kaon, etc., in Negeb of Judah, DSV Jos 15 29 , Simeon 19 s 1 Ch 4 s9 (DSJ?). □1!2J> adj. mighty, numerous; — 'V Gn i8 18 +, T pl. D^'Sj; Is8 7 + , QW5| Mi4 3 + ; sf. TOIxy. ^ 1 o 10 ; — 1. mighty, esp. of people, strong in numbers (oft. R32, frlJ) Gn 18 18 Ex j 9 + 3 t. JE ; Dt 4 38 + 6 1. D, Mi 4 3 - 7 Zc 8 K Is 60 s2 (opp. "Vyx), of locusts Jo i 6 2", cf. v 11 ; so of !wj Dn ii 25 ; D«y *6 DS, i.e. feeble Pr30 26 (of the JSB*); less' oft. of individ. '» D^O f 135 10 ; of waters Is8 7 ; '» alone Pr 18 18 the mighty, Dn 8 24 ; ^ io 10 Aw migMy ones (i. e. claws, of lion, so Ew De Che Bae al.). 2. numerous, count- less (all || 31): Am 5 12 ^ 35 18 ; as subst. = »i«ny Is 53 12 Pr 7 26 .— Is 41 21 v. no«| sub III. DXy. t [rra^ri] n.f. might; — pi. intens. ft ntosyn 1 ! yf, 68 36 strength and abundant might, TVi?32J?, on extreme S. border of Canaan, Nu 34 s , c. n loc. nj&y. v 4 , ruioxy. Jos 15 4 . fii. [DSJ7] ▼*• shut t,ie e y es ( NH Hi P h - i poss. connex. with Syr. . v»v = id., Ar. ^Ja^s-, JJJ, iv (on u i= i v. No™^ l «'«); NH H?V rfo«e eyes of dead; cf. Ba K8M );— QalPt. |D WJf DXyi Is 33 1S shutteth his eyes from see- ing.' " Ti.'lmpf 3 ms. D^JT"? DS^ 1 - Is 2 9 10 /ie Aa<A %A% shut your eyes (cf. I. nxy). III. UXP (^of foil., si vera 1.; cf. Ar. 1^-c defend, protect, l^JLz defence, v. Du and cf. Thes; >De Di al. your mighty things, strong arguments (fr. D«V> sub *• Q W, which foil, perhaps imitates in vocalization)). t[rra?y] n.f. defence;— pi. sf. na'ntoxi; (so Baer Ginsb; van d. H. 'DX?) Is 41 21 bring forward your defences, defensive arguments (Che Hpt M'niavy yow idols, after Gr, [so Lo Klo explain 'nxy, as mightiest aid, I. DVJ?]). ■my(n) 2 s 23 s , v. 1 nv sub 1. pp.
~)^J7 vb. restrain, retain (NH id.; cf. prob. As. eseru, retain, restrain, T)l awB1M Jiiger ba« i.483 Zennpfund'"-' 00 ; Eth. ORd: press, Ar. >!*; X ■*?, Syr. £* icZ.);-Qal P/ 3 ms. 'V Gn 20 ,8 + , sf. »?2P 16 2 ; 1 s. WTJI Dn io 8 ", etc. ; Impf. 3 ms. ■*£ 1 S 9" + , ~W 2 Ch 2'; sf. naiSg! 1 K 18 44 , etc.; Inf. abs. "fry Gn 20 18 , cstr.^ 2CI122 9 , iVVl Jb 4 2 (Ges* 28 "); i>«. pass. "Wf" Je 33' + , etc.; — 1. restrain, c. ace. pers. Gn'i6 2 (J; + f», i. e. prevent), TW"&? DITpi iy3 20 18 (E), cf. abs. Is 66 9 (opp. T?to); sq. inf. 2K4 24 ; c. ace. pers. alone 1 K 18 44 hinder, stop ; c. ace. of sky (hindering rain) Dt
1 17 2 Ch 7 13 ; pt. pass. abs. shut up, or hindered
(for reasons not given) Je 36 s Ne6'° (? by a vow, or by ceremonial uncleanness, cf. RS 8 "" 1 .4*3 r.. &>de<i.4»f.). — s ] m t up (c. 3, in prison) 2 K ", pt. pass. Je 33 1 39 15 , fig. 20 9 ; on 2*K "TO? (5 t.), v. I. 3ty ; ^ n 1^V. 1 S21 6 women have been kept away with ref. to us (cf. RS 1 "); "NS? , 3Bp 1 Ch 1 2 1 kept away from before Saul ; = detain, c. ace. Ju 13 1516 ; in Jb c. 3, ? , ?'? 3 'J' 4 s , cf. 29", so D?B3 1 2 5 ; 'Bja 'V 1 S 9 17 is rule over, etc. (si vera 1.); ins. also (with other words) 10 1 © We Dr al. 2. (late) retain, c. ace. 03 CI113 20 22' Dn io 816 ii*; +inf.= 6e able to 1CI129 14 2di2 s ; om.0'3 i 4 >» ( + 1B?), 20 37 ( + inf.). tWiph. be restrained, stayed, of plague: Pf. 3 fs. 1T)i$ Nu 17 16 ; Impf. 3 fs. -ixyn 2 S2 4 21 = iCh2i' 22 ,ixvrn.Nui7 ,3 25 8 (P)
S 24 s5 yjf 106 s0 ; be shut up (of sky), Inf. cstr.
ixyru 1 K 8 s5 = 2 Ch 6 26 ; be under restraint or detention Pt. "MM 1 S2i 8 + "' »$ (?i.e; kept by a vow, cf. HPS and Ne 6 10 supr.). t-rey n.[m.] restraint (?), only 0* && Ju 1 8 7 a possessor of restraint, i. e. ruler, but © S> wealth, so Thes al., text very dub., cf. GFM ; Bu conj. that 'y combines readings 1XN and 12>y. t^2?y n.[m.] restraint, coercion; — 'y abs.: BEBtoOl / yD Is 53 8 from (as a result of) coer- cion and judgment he was taken off; cstr. n$n 'y ^ 107 39 ; Drn 'y Pr 30 16 restraint of womb, barrenness (so ^ 107 s9 Perles AMlM ). t iT^^y , nTi'5 »•* ■ assembly ( ? as confined, held in);— abs. nnxy Is i I3 +2t.; nnj^ Dt i6 8 + 3t., ffjjpl 2Ch7 9 ; cstr. JTjilg Je 9 '; pi. sf. DSWi/y Am 5 21 ; — 1. sacred assembly, re- jected by '<, Is i 13 and (at Bethel, etc.) Am 5 21 ; for Baal 2 K 10 s0 ; Dt 16 8 (last day of Massoth), Lv 23 s6 (P), Nu 29 3S (P), Ne 8 18 (all of day after