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iSiya 2 K 23 s5 ; in 12 5 read fj? (for MT 131V) money of a man's valvation © Benz Kit, and prob. del. 131? HiB'B? f|D3 (?'J my '3 Kit) as gloss (Sta ZAW "' (I885) - ai8t ); *$"}$? f 55 14 amanacc. to my valuation, fig. for »iy equal; elsewhere P, of priest's valuation of trespass-offering Lv 5 lil9a , vows, and redemption-money 2'j i - 3 - 3A + i7t. 27 (IIIV *103 v 1519 , 1fiJ?n np3» v 23 [del. n], cf. v 2 " [del. «*.]), Nui8 16 .— Jb28 13 read ns-n © Di al. T["r["1J?] vb. denoni. Hiph. value (for taxation), T tax (from T$l 2);— Pf. 3 ms. V!%} H-?'?"'" 1 ? 2 K 23 s5 ; in P, 'PHI consec, c. ace. pers. Lv 27 s - 12 c. sf. v 14 ; Imp/, 1PT$ v 14 ; sf. tta^Jf v 8 . TL^JiypJ n.[m.] arrangement; — pi. cstr. 3T , 3"]5?P Pri6' to man belong arrangements (plans) of the mind (cf. 3? 3). T !"D~y?D n.f. row, rank, battle-line ; — t t": -

. a. 'd battle-line 1 S 4 2121616 ; 1W pfl 17 22 and he ran to the battle-line, so v 28 (on ref. here to Isr.'s line cf. HPS), '0 riKipi> 'D v 21 ; '» T^» 1 Ch 12 39 (van d. H. v 38 ); nearly = battle Wm 'Qn-^K Ktfn 1 S if. b. pi. ra7Wb=army; cstr. 'fe* nisiyn 1 Si7 10 - 45 , "h* nbiyo v 8 ; '» D»n D'n^K v 26 - 36 ; D'Jjl^B 'D 23 s and 17 s3 Qr, so (Symbol missingsymbol characters)A (v. om. B) S3 S ;' sg. (Symbol missingsymbol characters)L(Symbol missingsymbol characters) ( (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Kt (Symbol missingHebrew characters)). '2. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex:39:37 lamps of the row, i.e. arranged in a row.

TrO^JMD n.f. row, line; — only of the rows of ' shew '-bread ; abs. 'o Lv 24', l"OiyD v 6 (P); elsewh. Chr: 'BH Dr6 1 Cho 82 23 29 *Ne 10 34 , 'an jnf»ef 2Ch2 9 18 , cf. iCh28 16 ; cstr. E$ n?7!J?P 2 Ch 1 3"</i« row of bread, so TOfl'D 2 3 <A« row 0/ continuity, bread continually pre- sent in rows ; pi. abs. n^S'JVP 0]n$ Lv 24 s . ' 'V ( Vof foil. ; meaning dub. ; cf. Ar. iJtc foreskin ; Aram. KT^TW, J L'ci^ » ox ; NH = BH ; also Egypt. karnaOd Brugsch Xz 1876 - 128 Krall SB d,r Wiener Ak., hUt.- phll. CI. civl (1888), 659 f. PO^V^n.f. foreskin;— ']) Gn34 14 Je 9 s4 ; cstr. rtjrtH Ex 4 M Dt io 16 , etc.; pi. niinvn (not $) Jo8 5 3 (Ko"-'. 158 ); cstr. tfin» Je 4'+ 2 t.; Q'TD^V 1 8 1 8 s7 ;— foreskin 1 S 18 2627 2 S 3", cf. nl^TJjn nV33 Jos 5 3 AtH o/i!/te foreskins, near Gilgal ; of circumcision, 'y ma Ex 4 25 (J), T I'B'I Gn 1 7" + 5 t. P (v. II. ^D), IB* B*K '» *£ Gn34" (P), i.e. one uncircumcised; cf. per© Je9 24 ; fig. of fruit trees, inb"iy Lv i9 a (P; v. [h?]); fig. of heart, 33^ 'y Dt io 16 Je 4 4 . t[W] vb. denom. count as foreskin, i.e. as uncircumcised; — Qal Pf. 2 mpl., c. ace. cogn. inb"iy Drip-TJ?l Lv I9 23 ye shall regard its fruit as uncircumcised, and not eat it (for three years) ( > SS remove its foreskin (its fruit), as 23, cf. ® TTCpiKaOapitiTf rrjv aKadapaiav avrov). Niph. Imv. ?1Vn Hb 2 16 be counted uncircum- cised, i.e. be object of mockery ; but dub., read probably i>tfin reel (® @ We Now Buhl 10 "). T^y adj. having foreskin, i.e. uncir- •T 35 A cumcised ;— '5? Ex 1 2 48 + 5 1. ; cstr. TJjf Ez 44 9 - 9 ; ^ EX6 12 - 30 ; f. I^ngj j e 6 10 ; pi. D*^Qj Lv 19 23 + 20 1.; cstr. vTJ Je 9 s5 + 2 t.; — uncircumcised person Ex 1 2 48 Jos 5' (P), Philistines Ju 1 4 3 1 5 18 1S14 6 17 2636 31 4 2 Si 20 iChio 4 ; of other nations IS52 1 Je g 2b , esp. as slain Ez 28 10 31 18 32 I9 + 9 t. 32 ; in v 27 rd. D?iVO so Hi and most (v. on meaning Toy 31 ' 18 ); "I3T ?iy uncircumcised male Gn 1 7" (P); 1E>3 'J) Ez 44 79 uncircumcised of flesh/ fig. of fruit trees Lv 19 23 (cf. p!?] supr.); ETZ& "jl fig. of incapacity to speak Ex 6 1230 ; of character, 3^ 'y Je 9 25 Ez 44 7 - 9 , cf. h.VnD33bLv2 6 41 (P), DJ]K fibijj J e6 w their ear is uncircumcised (unreceptive). any, oh», Dins? v. 11. my. " ' T ' T f I. [D^] vb. Nipt, be heaped up (cf. Sab. WD-1JJN, pi. of [my] dam, so Ar. 'j£, cf. T)R - K zuaii*w».m: VOJ1.S5 who cp BH n ^ > Aj . lljlc (which Fra 135 thinks Aram, loan-word), cf. <pl±. Pa. Aeajs up; >-Wetzst Ze "* chr ' fllrKtl " >o1 - Kn.narr.DMMM) who cp . — 8trip [ whence fiDiy infr.], and thinks rimy— &are heap); — -P/. 3pl- D ' D! " 3 1J'? EX15 8 . TntUri^ n,f - he ap; — abs. 'y Bu 3 7 ; cstr. tVn% Hg2 16 Ct7 3 ; pi. ntony : abs. Ne i3 16 + , cstr. 3 34 ; abs. D'OI^ Je 50 26 ; — heap of rubbish (13V) Ne 3 34 ; 'y = ruin-heap Je 50 26 ; = grain- heap (of threshed grain, i_.tc unthreshed, ace. to Wetzst lc ), Hg 2 16 Ne 13" Eu 3 7 ; D'Bn 'V Ct 7 s ; of grain and fruit 2 Ch 3 i«-»-7-»-«. II. Qiy (Voi foil.; cf. Ar. y/ strip flesh from bone (to eatit),s<rtp leaves from trees (said of camels); V^e. bark of tree (stripped off)). TpQiy n.[m.] plane-tree (as stripped of bark);— 'v Gn^{3); pi. D^biy Ez 3 i 8 .