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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/813

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T» fig. of Egypt Is 2 o 4 (gloss ace. to Du Che Di-Kit), Bab. 47 3 , of Jerus. Ez 16 s7 23 1029 (TM Ttflgl all three obj. of act. vb.); chiefly euphem. for cohabit., 'V nb Lv i8 6 + (v. n^J Pi. 1 a); fig. of Jerus. (vb. pass.) Ez 16 3 *; 'J? i">N"l in same meaning Lv 20 1 ' 17 (H ; of both sexes) ; 'y also i8 81<U6 (H); 'y HB? cover nakedness Gn 9 23 (J), Ex 28" (P ; 'V -»'B>3), Ho 2" (fig. of Isr.), Ez 16 8 (of Jerus.); reviling words are 1J3X "S nt2>3? 1 S2o 30 (cf.Doughty Ar » bI)M " ,m1 - 269 ). %."$] nvny nakedness of a thing, i.e. prob. indecency, im- proper behaviour Dt 23 15 24 1 (v. Dr). 3. fig. H? 1 ? '» Gn42 91J (E), i.e. its exposed, unde- fended parts (Ar. iTlc). Tn^iy n.f. nakedness; — alw. abs. 'y ; — )"IB>3~'y Mi 1" (in) nakedness, (in) shame (fig. of town Shaphir); of Jerus. 'V D^IJJ Ez 16" +3 t. (v. DTy sub II. my); of bow' Hb 3 9 (v. II. my).

  • [f^?l ^V? »•["»•] bare, naked place

(hence MapaB&v, Marathon, ace. to Lewy Fren,dw - 144 ); — 1. bare place, or space: cstr. jnjvnyBD Ju 20 33 6are (open) space of Geba' (si vera 1.; but v. 11. 3"iyo) ; B*»r-18PJ 1 K 7 M according to the clear space on each (plate, v. Dv). 2. sf. 'niVP Na 3 5 fig. of Nineveh {pudenda exposed in shameful punishment; cf. ^Jljf). tn"Vy?3 n. pr. loc. in Judah Jos 15 s9 , MayapaS, A ®L Ma(a)pa>6. tiyn n.m. y62 ' 4 and (Is 7 20 ) f. razor, sheath; — 1. a. razor, abs.'D3 njw Isj 20 (fig.); subj. of «Mr^8 -ny; t6 Nu 6 6 , obj. of its "^yn

7 (P), cf. cstr. rj^sn 'n Ez 5 1 ; abs. Bfc£o 'na 

^52 4 (sim. of tongue), b. cstr.lBBn'n Je36 23 = penknife. 2. slieath, always sf. of sword : PHVna 2 S 20 8 ; of drawing sword, 'fit? *£?' 1 S i 7 »/"np tOtfn Ez 2 1 810 , Til? t«n v 9 ; of sheath- ing, WIB^S *?9*S Je 4 7 6 ; ^n^K 3^3 E z 2 1 85 - TTmS? n.[m.] wild ass (prob. Aram, loan- word ( = Heb. *".?), 3: KTiy, «"lil5? ; Syr. tf £x; Mand. NltOH, cf. Horn* 8 " 3 );— Jb 39 s . t"^T™) ( y vb. arrange or set in order (NH id.; also roll dough, X ^n$| id.; Ph. naiy CIS* ™'* valuation, Bloch, but dub. ; Ar. ajte ill. contend in battle, isJIjL., ISjjtJ. battle- ground); — Qal P/. 3 ms. 'y Jb 32 14 2 Ch 13 3 , 'yi consec. Lv i 12 6 5 ; W^ Nu23 4 + , etc.; Zmp/. 3 ms. Tig! Ex2 7 21 '+, etc.; /ran. nan); Jb 33  »"!» Je46 s 5o 14 ; 7m/. a6*. ?fiy L321 6 ; c«<r. *pj[ Ju 2o 22 +; Pt. act. pi. D'aiy IS65 11 , etc.; pass, ^Viy J e 6 2:, + , cstr. Ipny. Jo 2 6 , etc.; — not in D ; — 1. a. arrange in order, seven altars Nu 2 3 4 , i.e. I have built seven altars in a row (cf. fU3 v 1 ), flax-stalks Jos 2" (both JE); esp. b. set or lay in order, as wood Gn22 9 (E),

K 18 33 , cf. Tophet Is 30 33 , Lv i 7 ; offerings Lv 

i 812 6 5 ; lamp(s) EX27 21 Lv2 4 3 - 4 (all P),lamp(fig. of dynasty) yjf 1 3 2 17 ; 'she w '-bread Ex 4o 4 ' 23 (upon pV] sacred fn^ ; both c. ace. cogn.), Lv 24 8 (P). C. in common life (cf. RS 8 « ml - im - a, "" ,da > '), ar- range a table (i. e. dishes in order upon it), jnpB* Is 21 s Pr 9 2 (fig. of wisdom), Ez 23 41 (of Jerus. in fig.); 1// 23 s 78 19 (fig.; subj. God); in idolatr. worship Is 65". d. arrange a battle, i. e. draw up in battle order, nenpo 'y Ju 20 s2 1 S 1 7 8

S io 8 = 1 Ch i 9 9 , 1 Ch'i2» (van d. H. v M ), 

2Chi 4 9 , nori^o 'any 1 Chi 2 s436 (van d. H. v 33 - 35 ); "O ^nj) Jo 2 5 ; +n« with, i.e. against Ju 2o !0 Gn 14 8 , D? 2 Ch 13 3 ; +WO$ 1 S 17 2 1 Ch I9 17 "; njnpb nanyo 'y 1 S 17 21 ; t^so V**8 nenjjisfc J e 6 23 50 42 ;' obj. om. Ju 20 2233 , +ri*$? 1 S 4 2 2 S io 910 = 1 Ch 19 1011 , 2 S io 17 ; + $«  against Ju 20 30 Je 50 14 1 Ch 19 17 *, ? against Je 50 9 ;— Jb 6 4 read Way? Di Bu Du. e. arrange weapons of army in order for battle Je 46 3 > 1 Ch 1 2 9 (van d. H. v 8 ). f. arrange words (P?D) Jb 32 14 (+ -^ against), so (obj. om.) 33 s ( + '???), 37" ^5* (prob.; > of arranging a sacrifice); cf. recount things in order, y n?"iy' Is 44 7 . g. state in order, set forth a legal case Jb 13 18 23 4 , so prob. (obj. om.) of God 1// 50 21 ( + TJEfhi » nd (Pass, of nna) 2 S 23 s (cf. Dr).— T^E* Ipjrn Jb 3 6 19 is difficult: Di will he set thy cry (i$V) in order I Bi (for *6) b T? !fS£n shall thy cry be set in order unto him 1 (sense good, although Nipli. not found) ; v. al. in Di. 2. a. compare (as result of arranging in order): "ip-'yn niDVnp IS40 18 what likeness will ye compare to him 1 1 yK ipy f*X j, 40 6 . b. intrans. be comparable, c. p, ^ 89 7 (|| HOT), c. sf. of thing compared Jb 28 1719 . J")_y 83 n.m. Lr "■ 25 order, row, estimate; — cstr. 'y Ju 17 10 Ex 40 23 ; sf. 'any f 55", laiy Lv 5 15 + , etc. ;— 1. order, row, DHJa 'y Ju IJ M a (complete) suit ofclotltes (laid out in order), © B 0T0X17K l/iar&iy; Ctn? 'V Ex 40 23 i.e. loaves arranged in a row, so 'y alone v 4 (P); taiy Jb 4 1 4 his symmetry (v. PC sub pn). 2. estimate, valuation, made by ordering, classifying : E^X