isny pyn Dt 7" + ; 2 fs. *#$B is 47 1J ; > s. p->y« Jb 31 s4 , etc.; Inf. estr. p${ Is 2" + ;— 1. cause to tremble (i.e. strike with awe) c. ace. H? 1 ? Is 2 IM1 (subj. "»; ins. prob. also v 10 ); TJ? nj^l 'J!J? Jb 1 3 s3 wtft thou strike with awe the driven leaf? abs. cause trembling = inspire awe Is 47 12 (of Bab.), ty io 18 . 2. intrans. tremble, feel dread (D), Dt i 29 7" 20 3 31 8 Jos I 9 ; c. ace. Jb 31 s4 because / stood in awe of the great multi- tude. Niph. Ft. HJH i>« ^ 89 s .tfZ, tem'Me in the company of the holy ones (||T)i3). Hiph. 1. regard, or treat, with awe, as awful: 2 mpl. Wn$,TI i&) Is 8" (ace. it^O); 3 mpl. ?nji; 29 13 ace. 'fc* 'fPSTJW?. 2. inspire with aJT(cf. Qal2);— Pi.'sf. C®f$Q «*> Is 8 13 fte shall be your awe-inspirer. I^Viy] adj. dreadful (prop. Pt. pass.) cstr. D^O? r ,n 5'!? Jb 30 6 in the (most) dreadful of ravines. ty^y adj. awe-inspiring, terror-strik- ing ;— '/of ' ny n,3 3? J e 2o "; P 1 - M subst - D^'IV. J n bad sense of formidable adversaries, personal, Je 15 21 (|| DT!), Jb 6 23 (|l"W) f and national, * 54 5 (ll Dn 4), = T ""!$! 86 M (ll^!), 'V fiOL]Is29 5 (P3; esp. of Chaldeans Is 1 3", cstr. D^ia , S , 1V mo»< terrifying of the nations Ez 28' (l|BTi) 30" 31 12 (IJOni), 32 12 ; so (prob.) sg. PI? Is 4c; 26 (rd. 'y also for W* v 24 , so Lo Ew Che Gr al.); without specif, ref. DTTJf D?ia Is 25 s awe-inspiring nations (Du Che take J! as subst.), '» DTI v 4 (del. as gloss Di al.), 'V "Vq v 5 (del. verse as gloss Du Che) ; late, of wicked in gen., as ruthless '!> Van 'JTtO f 37 s5 / Aaws
- em a wicked man ruthless/ as subst., Is 29 20
(lir!?), Jb 15 20 (Hjwh), pi- 27 ,3 (ll^-)> Pr" 16 ; rd. also (D , ) T " , "!y Is " 4 ( for MT H$i s0 Che Br" p DuGral.'(||y?n). Tn^y^ n.f. awful shook, crash; — Is io* 3 , of v s lopping off (tree-)erown (fig.). t [p"UH vb. gnaw (Ar. <_^c id.; Syr. osji. Pa.);—Qal p t . pi. n»V D^iyn Jb30 3 they who gnaw the dry (ground ; fig. of scanty subsist- ence); sf. TTfy v ir my gnawing (pains) do not sleep. T^jpiy adj. gent. Arkite, inhabitant of city •Arka (As. Arka COT 010 " DF' 282 , TelAm. Irkat(a), Egypt. Arkantu, cf. As. n.gent. Irka- natai COT '"--, Ency. Bib. 1810 );— only / J>n' as n.coll. Gn IO 17 , w 'Apouxaioi', = I Ch l 16 , A id., ®L top ApaK« : mod. 'Arka, near Mediterranean, c. 60 miles N. of Beirut (cf. Ency. Bib. 1 - ). I. "njf (./of foil.; on this [and not my] v. No M0 "'" (1 ™ l ' 4W Lag s,mm "- 91t ; cf. Palm. Nmyo sepulchre). TTXSfO n.f ■ cave ;— abs. '0 Gn 1 9 30 + ; cstr. 1-pyp 23 ,9 + ; pi. nn^rp Ju 6 2 + , cstr. irf. Is 2 19 ; — cai-e, esp. as place of sojourn or refuge Gn^J),! S24 3 - 3 - 7 - 810 (Ginsb; v 48911 vand.H. Baer), 1 K 19 113 , Ez 33" Jos io 16 (ITJgW '») + 7 t. Jos 10, Ju6 3 1 S 13 6 1 K18 413 , cf. V57 l 142 1 ; D'lV nhyp Is 2 19 , hence BT!t '» Je 7 11 robbers' cave; Is 32 14 dew (of wild beasts); — D^iy t> 1 S 22 1 2S23 13 , whence in || 1 Ch n 15 , rd. prob. 'y ni*» or m.SO We, cf. Dr, Bu Kit HPS;— as burial place, nSsatsn 'D Gn2 3 9 + (v. nbB3D)='D alone 2 3 »- WS0 49* M (& 11 P )- Ci'TiT? ">E>|!! '» Jos 13 4 (D), cave -region in Lebanon E. of Sidon, mod. Mughdr Gezztn, ace. to most, but dub.; perhaps, rather, near TyreBuhl" ^ 1895 ' 65 . til. pH^/] vb. strip oneself (||form of my, 11. niy);-Qai Imv. n# is 3 2» (||ne% ace. to Ges* nok Hi De al. ms. with fpl. subj.; ace. to Ew' 226 * Du Di al. fpl., shortened from nny etc.). Po. Pf 3 pi. ™$*fl* ^P Is 23 13 they have laid bare (the foundations of) lier palaces, i.e. destroyed them ; so Pilp. Inf. a6«. + Hithpalp. Impf. 3 fs. TO? VS Je 5 1 58 be laid utterly bare, cf. my Pi. 1. t ,_ VHJ? adj. stripped, specif, childless; — 'V Gn is 2 (JE), J622 80 ; pi. &T% LV20 20 - 21 (H). tnj71V adj. stripped, destitute ;—"&} as subst i// 102 18 the prayer of the destitute. — Je i7 6 v. ijrt-ig. +4t.*WVW n.[m.] prob. a tree or bush; juniper? {kv.y^s- juniper (or cypressl v. Lane), so Tristr NHB " Rob BB11 - 124 ; on format, v. Lag BNi6s Ba 1 " 160 );— I3"iea lyiny Je48 6 , +17 6 , where rd. prob. ttfijfr ^y," (for MT TffJB; >Gf al. conversely, rd. 1?"]? 48 6 ). ApoTjp, MP" ">yny; — 1. city onN.bank of Arnon, S. limit of E. Jordan Isr., I^J! Nu 3 2 34 (JK), Dt 2 s6 3 12 4 48 Jos 1 2 a (D) 2 K io 33 1 Ch 5 8 ; "^ Jos 13 9 (D), v" (P), 2 S 24 s ; Moabitish Je 48 19 (cf. MI 26 ); once liny Ju 1 1 26 ; mod. 'Ar'dir Buhl