rrew o««r. 2 « 9) Trigtr Mo.bi29B. 2 . city near Kabbah in Amnion, Ipy Ju 1 I 33 , 'nj? Jos 13 25 (P), site' unknown. 3. city in S. Judah, "IJP5J 1 S 30 28 (© Aporip + Appa8n, latter orig. ace. to We, indicating form myiy; ©L PayomjX); + Jos 1 s M rdg.'y (or rnj/ny) f or MT nnny, © B a^x, We 183 * 28 (cf. Dr HPS), Di*""*- Benn Steuern ; poss. 'Ar'dra c. 9 miles S. of E. from Beersheba, but cf. Buhl G,,0,tr - 183 .— Is if rd. n$> "Hy rn.V © Lo Lag Sem - 1 - 30 Che Buhl 1 * 1 al. (for MT TJHJ ny). —Vid. also Che Enc »' Blb - 3 ' 7 . t">-)V^y adj . gent, of foreg. ; in 1 Ch 1 1 44 . l2HJ/j(-/of foil.; cf. Ar. yS^ ioo<A, «fod, throne, ^J^j£- grape-trellis, woman's (camel-) saddle; Eth. 0^: booth (1 also 06*: 6«d); As. irsu, bed, couch; NH HD'TJ? cradle, X N P"]5? , Syr. (jx>;-£, Palm. Wiy ; the common idea is appar. that of a wooden structure, frame, cf. J^ZMGxl(1886). 737 tfcn$ n.f. Jb7 ' ,3 couch, divan ;— cstr. 'y Dt 3» + ; abs. feny Am 3"; sf. 'feny Jb7 13 +, etc.; pi. sf. DHifeny Am 6*;— couch, divan, Am 3 12 6" (linitSD), + 2S 17 28 (rd. 33B>? nfeny Klo Ne M,r|! - 18 HPS, cf. ®); for lying' at night Jb 7 13 f 6 7 (JjnfP), Pr7 16 , W Eny + 132 3 <A« comcA 0/ (consisting in) my bed ; couch of sickness 1// 4 I 4 ; marriage couch Ct I 16 ; perhaps transf. to sar- cophagus, as last couch bra feny ifeny Dt 3 11 (v. Dr). WlV (Vof foil.; meaning unknown). +rr|Bh^ n. pr. m. Benjamite i Ch 8 s7 , Icurapattt, A lapaffta, @L Itjiaui, IZ&ft? (-/of foil.; mng. dub.; cf. As. eiebu [bear fruit], 11. I, causat. (Dl Pr87 ), isbu, perh. = H ; Ar. ^ .?, c is 6e </ry, but J^JLc fresh, juicy herbage;' NH = BH, cf. £ N3py, Syr. Unix, Palm. KUCy). ta^y n.m. Gnlu herb, herbage;— ']) abs. Dt 1 i ls + ; cstr. Gn 2' + ; sf. D3by I s 42 1S ; pi. cstr. ni3|>y (d. f. dirim.) Pr 27 s5 ; — herb, lierbage, in oldest use oft. gen. (therefore incl. grass [Hjft]): rnfrn 'y Ex 9 22 (E), Gn 2 6 ( + D'fe>) Ex 9* ( + ft?), 1 o 15 ( + id; all J) Am 7 2 , so f^n 'y Ex io"(E),- r }>J? i ? Tf v 15 (J), whence V' 105 35 ; appar. gen. also in psn 'y Jb 5 25 ^ 72 16 , 'y alone 92 s ; r q| y p - ^ | 'V Je 12", 'y alone Dt32 2 (||NBn), Is 42' 15 V 102 512 , and Dt 29 s2 Mi 5 6 Pr 19 12 ; hence 'y as food for cattle Dt 11 15 i^ic^ 20 cf. Je 14 6 Zc io 1 ; onn nn#y p r 27 s5 (H«n, "*'¥0)> DU t as human food (hence excluding
- ft) n-TBTi 'y Gn 3 18 (J); esp. P Gn i 29 (+ Y%
'V PTH v 30 9 3 , hence 'y 1/. 104" (|| "VXn for cattle); 'y disting. fr. KBH, f5? also Gn I 1112 , fTlfe> '» + KBH, TXn 2Ki 9 26 -|-Is37 27 . I. TWV vb. do, make (NH = BH ; T T 2622 ^ MI' 23 - 26 Ticy, I- 39 BT7N1, I- 2 ' Imv. 1B>y j OH n.pr. Wy, rwsb». , VWyo ; not Aram., and not cer- tainly found in S. Sem. lang. ; on Sab. v. esp. DHM 8BB.rl.Ak. 18 86 > ^._Q al25M py g mg Q n ' + , sf. Wfc| Ho8 6 + ; 3 fs. flfty Dt22 21 +, nfe/yi consec. Lv 25 s "; 2 ms. n'fe'y Gn 3 14 4- , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. nfe^J! Gn 1 S n + , nfe/y>! 1 K 1 6 s5 + 3 1., fe'Sa Is5 2 + ; nfe/JC Is 64 s , 2 ms. nfe/yn 1 s io 8 , nb/yn Gn 2 6 s9 Jos f, juss. (c. ?*<) byn Gn 2 2 12 4- , nfe/yVl 2S13 12 Je40 ,6 Qr(Kt't?yJB); is. WJIK Gn z M + , nbyto Ez 20 14 Dn 8 27 , B>yKl Dt io 3 + 4 t. Ez; etc.; /jni>. ms. nfe^f Ju io 15 + ; fs. "BT? Je 6 26 + , etc.; /«/ a6s. nfc^ 44" + ; iby 7 5 4-' 2 t. (4 18 van d. H. *>¥); cstr. niby Gn 2 4 + , nby so 20 -!- 2 1., Vb^| 31 28 , sf. incy 4 i 32 4- , Wcy tEx i8 18 ,etc; Pt.'act. nfV Is 5 5 + , sf. W? JImo 19 (butv. infr.); pi. D^V Gii2 4 49 + ; A tyf Jb 35 10 (yet v. Ges« 124k ), etc.; pos*. ^ Ex 3" + , 1'OTn Jb 4I 26 (Ges» 76k ); f. Wjfc^ Ez 2i M + , etc.; — I. 1. do (1560 + 1.): a. (1) c. ace. act. Gn 3" (J) 2O 10 (E) + oft.; do right in eyes of '"> 2 K 12 3 i 4 13 -|-, evil 8"™+ (cf. 1. ft? 3 c); rfo God's commands, statutes, etc., Dt 16 12 30 8 , Nu I5 39 (P); ^0 'V 1 Si 4 48 + domight, i.e. mightily, valiantly; Pr 31 39 do efficiency, i.e. efficiently; = commit (offence) Lv2o 13 (H), Dt 20 18 ; sq. JO part., nariD nriSO n'tt'yi Lv 4* and shall do a single one of them (things prohibited ; v.|D3b (<')), cf. "< nis»-bp nn« sbyi V 13M 5 17 (all P) ; do= perform a work, c. ace. cogn. HE'yD Ex 1 8 20 23 12 (E), also (* subj.) Dt n 7 Dn 9 14 Ec3"; c. ace. nssbtp Gn 2 2 - 2 (J), Ex2O 910 =Dt9 13 (10 Words); c.acc. T?11 tls58 13 ; fy T^bo 'y 1 K2i 7 = exercise sovereignty over; of performing signs (nhk) Jos24 ,7 (E), Nui4 M (JE), Dtn 3 , so Moses Ex 4 and (^D'HSta) v 21 . ( 2 ) do something to one (b pers.) Gn 20 9 (E), Ju9 56 4- ; c. ^y reflex. Je 26 19 do evil against ourselves; esp. subj., c. i>, do good to Ex 1 8 9 (E), 2 K 8**, or evil Gn 42 2s (E); in phr. so may God do to me, etc. 1 S3" 2 K6 3 '+ (v. ejD" Hiph. 1). (3) do something for one (7 pers.) Gn 30 31 1 K n 8 + , dir. obj. om. 1 S 20 4 ; + 7 rei Ju 2 1 716 what shall