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(Symbol missingHebrew characters)
(Symbol missingHebrew characters)

2K:6:8 . From (Symbol missingHebrew characters) arose by contraction (or conflation, PerlesAnal. 82) (Symbol missingHebrew characters) †Dn:8:13 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) to that certain one who spake.—II. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) v. p. 813.

† [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] vb. cleave (Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) cleave ; Aram. (Symbol missingAramaic characters) (usu.), (Symbol missingAramaic characters), are till, work, serve [ = (Symbol missingHebrew characters)]); —Qal Pt. ψ:141:7 of cleaving, ploughing, (Symbol missingHebrew characters). Pi. Impf. 1. cleave open, through, 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) of piercing kidneys Jb:16:13, liver Pr:7:23 (both fig.); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2K:4:39 of cutting up (fruit) into pot.2. cause to cleave open, 3 fpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb:39:3 of animals bringing forth young, rd. perh.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) ( 21:10 ).

†[(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] n.f.Jb 41,16 cleavage, mill-stone (mill cleft betw. the stones? cf. GFJu; (Symbol missingsymbol characters)(Symbol missingHebrew characters));— (Symbol missingHebrew characters) abs. Jb:41:16 , elsewh. cstr.;—1. a. mill-stone, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) mill-stone of riding, i.e. upper stone, wh. is turned (cf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Ju:9:53 2S:11:21; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb:41:11 lower mill-stone (sim. of hardness), b. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1S:30:12 a cake of figs (from shape?). '2. cleavage, split, hence slice (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ct:4:3 = 6:7 sim. of human temple (from colour, cf. Wetzst in DeComm Excurs A ).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) (Baer (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) n.pr.m. post-exilic name Ne:10:25; (Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingsymbol characters)L (Symbol missingGreek characters)

† [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] vb. escape (NH id.; Ph. in n.pr.; Ar.(Symbol missingArabic characters) iv. escape, Vulg. Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters); OAram. (Symbol missinglanguage characters) Pa. rescue (Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingHebrew characters), Syr. (Symbol missingSyriac characters));—Qal Pf. 3 pl. consec. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ez:7:16 and (if) escapers of them escape. Pi. causat.: Impf. 3 ms. sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Mi:6:14, etc.; Imv. ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ:17:13, etc.; Pt. sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 18:3+;—'1. bring into security Mi:6:14; esp. of (Symbol missingHebrew characters), deliver, c. acc. pers., ψ:22:5.9 31:2 37:40 71:2 (+(Symbol missingHebrew characters)), 82:4 91:14; +(Symbol missingHebrew characters) from 2S:22:44 =ψ:18:44,ψ:18:49, ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2S:22:49), 17:13 37:40 43:1 71:4; pt. c. sf., my deliverer 2S:22:2 =ψ:18:3, ψ40:19 70:6 144:2. 2. cause to escape, cast forth, of cow calving Jb:21:10 (cf. [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] Hiph., also (Symbol missingsymbol characters) vomit out, and so (Symbol missinglanguage characters)). 3. appar. intrans. be delivered, c. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb:23:7, but dub.; Bu Qal ('perh.'); (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Du read (Symbol missingHebrew characters) as obj. (but elsewhere (Symbol missingHebrew characters) subj. of Pi.). Hiph. bring into security; Impf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is:5:29 of Assyria, under fig. of lion, carrying off prey (opp. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) ; 2 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Mi:6:14 (cf. Pi. 1).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.m. 1. 1Ch:2:47, (Symbol missingGreek characters) [(Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingGreek characters)].

2. 1Ch:12:3, (Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingGreek characters), etc.—Vid. (Symbol missingHebrew characters).

i. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) adj. gent. v. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)

(Symbol missingGreek characters) n.[m.] deliverance (si vera 1., prop. Inf. of foregoing);—(Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ:32:7 shouts of deliverance (dub., v. Comm.); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 56:8, read (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (Ew Hup al.) for (their) iniquity weigh to them (retribution), or (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Bae.

†t(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.m.Am 9,1 escaped one, fugitive; — (Symbol missingHebrew characters) abs. 2K9:15+; pl. cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ju:12:4 + ; sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ob:14 , etc.;— Am:9:1 1K:9:11 Gn:14:13 Ez:24:26.27 33:21 (+(Symbol missingHebrew characters) loc), v:22; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jos:8:22 Je:42:17; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 44:14 La:2:22; c. genit. subj. Ju:12:5 fugitives of Ephr. (del. in v:4 , see GFM), so c. sf. Ez:6:9:7:16 Ob:14; c. genit. obj., escaped of, i.e. from Is:45:20, so (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je:44:28 Ez:6:8.

†[(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] n.m. id.;—pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Nu:21:29 (as appos., or adj.), (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is:66:19; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je:44:14, +(Symbol missingHebrew characters) from 50:28 51:50.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.f. escape (on form cf. BaNB 144 , 166);— abs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn:32:9 +, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex:10:5 + ; cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2K:19:30 +; 1. escape, deliverance Gn:45:7 (E) Je:25:31 2. elsewh. prob. alw. escaped remnant: a. of green things (fr. locusts) Ex:10:5 (J) Jo:2:3. b. of pers. Gn:32:9 (J) Ju:21:1; Is:15:9 Je:50:29 1Ch:4:43 2Ch:12:7 20:24 30:6 Ezr:9:8 Dn:11:42;+(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2S:15:14. c. specif, of those of Judah escaped fr. Assyr. 2K:19:30.31 (+ (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) = Is:37:31.32, cf. Is:10:20; fr. Bab. Ne:1:2 Ezr:9:13.14.15 ,cf.Ez 14:22 ; after (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s future judgment Is:4:2 Ob:17 Jo:3:5.

†ii. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.m. (Symbol missingGreek characters) (perh. abbrev. fr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters));—1. Benjamite Nu:13:9 . 2. second husband of Michal 1S:25:44 (= (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2S:3:15).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.m. priest Ne:12:17, (Symbol missingGreek characters), etc.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.m. (Symbol missingGreek characters): 1. Nu:34:26. 2. 2S:3:15 (=(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1S:25:44),(Symbol missingsymbol characters) L (Symbol missingGreek characters).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters), (Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.m. (Symbol missingGreek characters), etc.:—1. (Symbol missingHebrew characters), a prince of people Ez:11:1.13. 2. (Symbol missingHebrew characters), grandson of Zerub. 1Ch:3:21, perh. = Ne:10:23. '3.; (Symbol missingHebrew characters), Simeonite 1Ch:4:42.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.m. Asherite (on form cf. Ba {{sup|NB 144,166); 1 Ch:7:33.33 , also v:32 (Gi (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); (Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingGreek characters), etc., (Symbol missingGreek characters)

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) adj. gent. c. art. as (Symbol missingHebrew characters) coll. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) the Japhlites Jos:16:3, family or clan on SW. bolder of Ephraim; (Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingsymbol characters) L (Symbol missingGreek characters)

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.[m.] escape (Hup Bae) or place of escape (We Du);—ψ:55:9 s si vera l.; (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Che (Symbol missingGreek characters) deliverer.