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ins 8 27 ""J") 5 adj.gent. Perizzite (poss., but not certainly, connected with above V) ; — only 'BH as n.pr.coll. 6 (oi) *€^e£ruo? (-aioi), of ancient inhab.ofCanaan.+ ^IO [q.v.] Gni3 7 34»°(J), Ju i 4 ' 5 ; also in list of peoples dispossessed by Israel Gn 15 20 Ex 3"+ 17 t. f I. n~)2 vb. bud, sprout, shoot (N II Hiph. =BH Hiph. 2 ; Ecclus ma Qal=flourish, Hiph. cuusat.,49 ul 40 19 ; Ar. ^^i 11. hatch, also sprout, ~-js young of bird (v. O^BK infr.), twig, sprout; As. pirhu, n.sjrrout; — on mng. cf. GFM jBL*(»i).t7)._Q al pf 3 mg / fi Ezv I0 +, etc.; /mp/ 3 ms. rns< Hoi4 6 +, 3 fpl. "jnnan is 66", etc.; Inf.abs. D^ 3 35 2 ; cstr. nnas ^92"; /^.f.nrn'BGi^o 10 ; — bud, sprout, send out shoots, of vine Gn 40 10 (E), Ho 14 9 (sim.), Ct 6" 7"; fig-tree Hb 3 17 (<® We Now rnBPI); rods Nu j ^50.23. me t a ph. of restored Isr. Ho 14 6 Is 27 s , cf. of bones Is 66" (N'fp); of righteous + •J2 7 DID

13 Prn 28 ; of wicked (3a>5? 103, + 92 *; also 

of steppe (nfijj) i s 35 l , man rns v 2 ; fig. of judgment Ho io 4 (B^NIS ; but on text v. Now); of Jint (q.v. p. 268) Ez 7 10 . Hiph. Pf. 1 s. Mnrnan Ezi7 24 ; Imp/, rns: Jbi 4 9 , etc.;— 1. cause to bud or sprout, c. ace. J*5? Ez 1 7" 4 , VI) Is 17", both fig. 2. sliew buds, sprouts, of tree Jbi4 9 ; fig. of righteous ^9 2 14 ; =: flourish, of D'-lB" bnk, Pr 14 11 (all Qal in — ace. to TJZMG 11111(1889), 180l tpHQ n.m. N "' 4 bud, sprout ;— abs. 'a Is I 8 S + , ma Ex 25 M 3 7 ,9 ; cstr. rns Na i 4 + ; sf. am? Nu 8 4 , Dma i s 5*. p i. s f. mnu Ex

5 3, + ;—bud, Is 5 24 , of vine 18 5 (both 'fig.), 

Nu 17 23 ; !toi> 'a Na 1 4 <fo sprout of Lebanon (i. s. of its cedars) ; of bud-shaped ornament in temple I K f° (fWB> 'B) v 40 =2Ch4 5 (nSPitf 'B) v 21 ; in tabern. Ex 2 s 31 - 33 - 33 - 54 3 <jVJ»At.» jj u 8 4_ tnrnQ n.m. coll. brood (? as of shoot, offspring}; — 'a Jb30 12 , i.e. the wretched crowd. t [n^ps] n.m. JbS9 ' 30 young one, pi. young ones, young, of birds (Eth. XfCJiT: id.); — D<rnBKDt2 2 6 - 6 ; sf.inia^ Jb 3 9 30 , rcnias ^g4 4 . f II. MjS vb. break out, of leprosy and like eruptions (in P) (usu. taken as=I. 'a, but dub. ; NH id., also decay, ferment Vogelst L.nd-irth5ch.rtm. g yr> ^ spread, of leprosy, etc.; NS. jfcC*6i£ leprous spots); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'B Lv 13™ (of pna), 'B1 consec. 14 43 (of I»3); of Djns, 3 f s . nrrvj i 3 :o "- 5 , also Impf. 3 h. + Inf. abs. man nhsV 2 , and Pt. f. nrn'a v 42 ; of pntf Pt.m. Pn> ExV 10 . fill. [ri"lD] vb. fly, Aramaism, si vera 1. (Nil id., esp.fly away; Aram. mB, vl&fly; )ki~Ia insect, bird);— Qal Pt. fpl. rfirna? Ez I3 20 ' 20 /o»" ('ike 1) flying things, i. e. birds, but del. © © Hi Siegf in v* (where prob. ins. from v b ); Co Toy Berthol Krae in v* b . TnVIE n.pr.m. in Issachar i K 4 17 , © QovaiTovH, A <bappov, ©L Bup<raoi>x. t[DH2] vb. very dub., Qal Pt. pi. Van «r^J D't?-]3n Am 6 5 (N H 6rea£ o#", divide, so* Syr. ^b; NH nana, Aram. KOna, small coin, change, hence) AW RaAEKi divide words into parts (in singing), AV chant; and Thes scatter (cf. B^B) empty words ; poss. also would be stammer (of broken speech ; said contemptu- ously): — (Ar. A^i is precede, act hastily, IV. act extravagantly, talk immoderately (v. further Dr Am236 ), hence) AW (as altera.) improvise carelessly, idly. tt2~!2 n.[m.] the broken off, i.e. fallen grapes; — cstr. ^O"!? 'B Lv 19 10 . "PS v. IT*. I. "P3 (7of foil.; NH T]1S rub, chafe, crumble ; As. pardku, display violence ; Ar. ells rub and press, also hate violently; Aram. ^H?, yls rub, crumble). T^p.3 n.[m.] harshness, severity; — in phr. 'S3 Lv 2 5 53 , *$$ v 4346 (H P), Ez 34 4 (all c. rm rule harshly); Ex I 13 (c. "3$n), v' 4 (c. rrtb^j both P). II. "™T™ 13 (/of foil.; cf. As. pardku, bar, shut off; parakku, apartment, shrine; Syr. Jits shrine (v. PS'™ 113 - 283 ); v. also Muss- Arnolt JBL, " (18il2) ' 77 Kb" 1 - 201 ). n3"^Q 2B n.f. curtain, before Most Holy Place, in tabern. (P) (prop, that which habitually shuts off, i.e. *parrdku (Lag™ 88 ) Ko"- 1 ' 20 ');— 'a abs. Ex 26 31 + 1 7 t. P; cstr. ^Den 'B Ex 35" 39 s4 40 s1 Nu4 5 , &$n 'B Lv4 6 , A nVi!;n 'a 24 3 ; in temple 2 Ch 3 14 . f [D )S] vb. tear, rend garment (NH = BH ; Ar. ~~ji chop up onions, etc. (Landberg

  • "•«»>); Syr. yls, cut, rend) ;— always c. QHJ3 j