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HS Qal Impf. 3 ms. tty Lv 2 1 10 (H), 2 mpl. ttnsn io«(P); Pt. pass. pi. COiS i 3 « (P). t t^rHTQ^E n.pr.m. son of Haman Est o 9 , Mappa<nii(i>)a. TTplE n.pr.m. of Zebulun Nu 34", &ap(a)va)(. D"^D n.pr.terr. Persia, n* pa<o» (genit.), Dn 1 1 2 t.v ntpoLSi (© et e), 2 Ch 36 s0 m^Swk (OPers. Pdrsa, Persian, Persia, Spieg AFK2:il , NPere.^tJ, Jfi; Ar. J-,U);— 'a 2Ch 3 6 22 +, DTB v»+ ;— in lute lit., 2 Ch 36 20 , v*""»=Ezr 1 112 , Dn 1 o 1 + 1 1 1. Ezr Dn + (c.HO) Est I 3 "-' 919 io 2 Dn 8 20 ; 'a Ez 27 10 38 s is doubted by Toy (who, 2 7 10 , rds. 55*13, after Gr), but Krae defends. Mp~]S a dj. gent. Persian; — 'an Ne 12 23 . t [D"1S, erron. t£H2 N6 ZA1417 ] vb. break in two, divide (NH in der. forms ; As. pardsu, divide, hinder; Ar. J1j break neck, etc.; Syr. UiS hoof, $ KPOTJ (v. HOn? infr.); cf. No ZAI - '"');— Qal Pf. 3 pi. *HM Mi 3* they have broken up bones, as in kettle (? rd. Impf. 'BHBJ1 N6 lc ); Inf.abs.T^b 35n^> O^B ls^8'a breaking for the hungry thy bread, so Impf. 3 mpl. 'D"|B? DH^i Jc i6 7 (Dr6om.; hut read !?3N-^K Dr6 'V Gie, cf. [in part] @ 93 Gf ); Pi. Dr6 fena La 4 4 (ace. Dr6 om.). Hiph. Pf 3 fs. npnan Lv 1 1 6 , etc.; Impf 3 ms. DnST v 5 ; Pt. DnDO v 4 + , riD-iBO v :, + , etc.; — 1. c. ace. fip")3 divide hoof i.e. have divided hoof (>denom. have hoofs), Dt 1 4 6 - 78 and || Lv n*****, so also Lv 1 1 26 ; "DnBD 'Bn Dti4'='sn "D-iBO Lvn 4 (H). 2. pt. abs. denom. >r 6a :<: having hoofs ( + HP!?). ID"lD n.[m.] a bird of prey, perh. bearded vulture (gypaetus barbalus),' ossifrage ' (Tristr xhb in , ffp n . from <ea „- w? ; ts prey ) j_f rbidden as food Dt i 4 12 =Lv n 13 (H). nD~|E n.f. hoof rprob. orig. divided hoof; cf. m*"<m>.*B f ] a ter of any hoof (v. 2 infr.), even Aram, of foot-sole of dove 3; " kGl ' 8 .» ( an d ofmen(Je47 3 + ),cf.No , - c );— 'Babs.Exio 26 +; pi. r()0-B Dt 14 6 Lvn 5 ; cstr. id. 18 5™ + ; sf. TO'Dia Mi 4 13 , jrpp-ia Zc 1 i' 6 ;— 1. of ruminants Ex io 26 (E; meton. for animal itself), Mi 4 13 (fig. of Zion), Ez32 13 Zc 11' 6 (fig.); esp. VDp 'D (<Ff) Dti4 6 =Lvn s , Lvii 7 , and c. DIB Hiph. (q.v.) v 3 + 10 t. Lv 1 1 Dt 14. 2. of horses (not divided) Is 5 28 Ez 2 6 " ( so X @), Je 4 7 3 . I. JHS (-/of foil.; cf. perh. Ar. c^ fttfar- <op, fig. excel; cj noble, eminent man; Sab. JHB 6e Zo/ty Os ZMGxl " (,86r,, " 8f -, JTB %/«««< ^art SabDenkm 90 , fig. best, DrlM 1 "- 32 '- CIS"- No - 2 - U3 , esp. of offering DHM ZMG """< ,8SS »' M1 »- (cf. Ar. Jjjj firstling offered to gods)}. . 3HS n.[m.] leader (?);— pi. abs. 5PB3 DijTlB Ju 5 2 /or the leading of the leaders (® A Be Bu al, but uncertain ; ® B Symm, cf. We I,ruJad - s "**" 1 " Mm -™&., for the loosing of locks [11. VIS], in vow of war ; on these and other views v. esp. GF.M * d loc - ; conj. also by Lambert Bftj ""• H0 Grimme ZMO1<1896> - 5 ' 2 Che j<i - Ju * 18 "- 561 [reading 1313]); cstr. S.'.iK niyia tHhQ Dt 32" from the liead of leaders of the foe ©DiSteuern al.; Kn Ke Dr al. from tlie long-haired heads of the foe. T [j*"^] VD - denom. act as leader, lead (1); — only Inf. cstr. 5pB3 Ju 5 2 , v. supr. tjiPjnQ n.pr.loc. in Ephr. (? s height; cf. Sab. n.pr. JHBiT he makes lofty Os ,c ); — Ju I2 15 , <bapa8a>p, A@L 4>paa6mu; perh. mod. Far'atd, c. 6 miles WSW. from Nablus, cf. Buhl (Jeogr. -in, (GASi

prop, top of Wady Farah 

NE. from Nablus). t S T

V") B adj .gent, of foregoing, Ju 1 2 1315 , 

1 Ch 27 14 cf.' "?hjra 2 S 23™= 1 Ch 1 1 31 . II- ^H2 ("/of foil.; cf. Syr. -^iS sprout; ks.pir'u, sprout, progeny, pirlu, hair of head; late Ar. c^S sprout (Schroeter in Me Apchlr ■'• 17, Dozy" 266 ), gj long hair of woman ; — on this and foil. V v. Schulthess H<>^, • WurI • ,,6 No zl^a " , (1900). 1M fn. JHE n.[m.] long hair of head, looks; — 'B abs. EZ44 20 ; cstr. WUh nyb" 'B Nu6 5 (P).— Ju 5 2 Dt32 42 , v. iJlS. fill. ^"13 vb. let go, let alone (NH id. unbind (hair), uncover; Ar. foibe empty, vacant, unoccupied(c. ^ rei), Syr. -^Is uncover ; X JHB = NH);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec. JH31 Nu5 18 ; sf. njna (Ges S7b ' c ) Ex 3 2 25 ; Impf. 3 ms. Vffl Lv 2 1'°, etc. ; Imv. ms. sf. Wjna Pr4 15 ; Inf. cstr. JjiB Ju 5 2 ; Pt. act. $nia Pr 13 1 ' 8 15 32 ; pass. 5»1B Lv 1 3 4i , y^B Ez 3 2 2i ; — 1 . 7,£< jro, let loose, people, i.e. remove restraint from them, Ex 32 s - 25 (E); cf. Jb 15 4 Che , «- Ju,I,M7 ' 677 (SHBri for JH3J?); unbind head (by removing turban, sign of mourning) Lv io 6 21 10 (forbidden to priests);