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BED t n. [C^£] n. [m.] horse, steed (less com- mon synon. of DID ( > explained away by Schwal"ly ZAW " ll(,8S8 '- 191 ); Ar. J£J horse, mare (oft.), so Eth. £.dtl, cf. Sab. DHB horse, Mordtm Bim.i M chr.7o^._ pl d ,^-,q (erron. for *D^S Ko "• 1 - S9 ) Ez2 7 ,4 + , sf. vena IS28 23 1S8 1 ' 1 ; — steedsEz2f* (-t-D^WD, D'TiB^from Togarmah; sim. of swiftness Jo 2 4 (|| D'DID); prob. also Is28 S8 Je 4 6 4 (|| D'pID, cf.GfGie), and perhaps 131 «ni VBHBa W3D-1D3 ft t^l 1 S8"(kg.subj.). fn. tTH£ n.m."* 3,3 horseman (i.e.*parr<M, cf. Ges' 84 "; Ar. J^G ; Eth. i.dh: ; Aram. Bn?, Llla);— abs. 'aNa 3 3 Je 4 s9 , also «h| Ez 26 10 (asifcstr. Kb 8 ""-' 81 "); pi. D^S Gn5o 9 +; sf. I'BHB Ex 1 4 9 + ; — horseman, usu. pi., esp. + 33/1 chariotry : Egyptian Gn 50 9 (J ), Jos 2 4" ( E), Ex I4« JUU " (all P), 15" (song), Is 31' 2 K i8 M =Is 3 6 9 , 2 Ch I2 3 cf.i6 8 ; Philistine 1 S 1 3 5 2 S i 6 (del. ♦3>a © We Dr Bu HPS); Aramaean 2 S io 18 (but read prob. tf'K, cf. || 1 Ch 19 18 , We Dr al.), and ( + fyfl &*) 2 S 8 4 = 1 Ch 18 4 , cf. 1 Ch 19 6 ; also D'EnDI DID'by 1 K 2 o" (si vera 1.); Isr., of Adonijah 1 K 1 s ( + 33T. , D'jn B>'N D'Bton) ; Solomon + 33T 19 - M io 26 - 26 =2Ch 8 6 - 9 i 1414 ,prob. also 1 K 5 6 ( + ta3-ic6 D'piD)= 2 Ch 9 s5 ( + W&D ni33-)01); Jehoahaz 2 K 13 7 ( + ^Pl); + 3SJ, fig. of Elijah 2K2", of Elisha 13"; +D , WD Ho i 7 ; Assyrian Is2 2 6 - 7 ( + 33:j), cf. Na3 3 , D'DID '331'B Ez 2 3 6J2 ; Babylonian Hb i 8S Je 4 M ( + nf% Hoi), Ez 2 6 7 ( + DID, 33-1), y 10 ( + 331J b>3), Scythian (Gog) 3 8 4 ( + D'pID); Persian' Is 21 79 ('B 1CX), Ne 2 9 Ezr S 22 ; of king of north Dn 1 1 40 ( + 331). TptLHE 11. m. copy (loan-word fromPersian through Aram., v. BAram.); — cstr. iWB>jin 'B Ezr 7 11 , cf. |jrt^. trM'TOftS n.[m.] only 'an NW Ju 3 m , read perh. tsna /<ec«« (93 $No CMer ""*- 18n Bu GFM). TShB v. Tfcna sub fens. • T MrPMtthE) n.pr.m. a son of Haman Est 9', Qapo-av (cot N«<tt<ui', *ap(rai'tOTai>, etc. TfPB n.pr. Hum. Euphrates, Kvcppanjs (As. Purattu Dl p * ,69ff -, whence OPers. (7/rtto, Spieg APK2 "); — the greatest river of W. Asia; 'B Gn 2 14 , 'D "irU 15 18 (both secondary phrases in J), 'B "TO also 2 S 8 3 (Qr, v.inj), J e 4 6™ M Dt i 7 11 24 Jos i 4 (D), 2 K 2 3 :9 2 4 7 'i Ch 5 9 18 3 ; iru om. Je 1 3 4S ' 7 (where Ew Hi Marti, after Schick ZPV " U1 , think of some other TT1B, but Gf Gie and most defend Euphrates}, 51 63 2 Ch 35 20 (cf. Gn 2 14 supr.); name not certainly attested before D Je ; on earlier "insn for this river v. '}. rPQ Gn 42" v. [n-)B]. T COJTJB n.m.pl. nobles (loan-word from OPers. fratama, first, Spieg APK232 , cf. Skr. prathama; Lag*™- *""*■ * 2289 );— 'Bn Est 1 3 6 9 Dn 1 5 . ni^3 vb. spread, intrans. (NH flDB id.; t_ r a V Ar. LLi ( .-ii) be divulged, spread, be exten- sive); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'b Lv i3 s + , 3 fs. nnba v 8 , nris-a y 2:i ; Impf. 3 ms. nb>B? v 35 , 3 f s . nbsn v' + ; Inf. abs. n'B'B v"+; — only Lv 13, 14, of leprosy and like eruptions: c. "1^3,1533, etc., Lvi3 5 +7 t. 13, i4 39 - 44 - 48 + -iiJB ('BB)ri^i; n'CB I3 7.K.:r,35. abg _ v 23.32.55 t[J/ttfS] vb. step, march (NH ypB; Aram. V0B,-*A°,); — Qal Impf. 1 s. ny'B'BK (Ges 510 ") Is 27 4 , c. 3 against. tjnrf n.[m.] step; njan pjfl ♦J'S'/aa 1S20 3 . Tn"2.'EQ n.f. stepping- region of body, hip 0/ buttock; 'Cnny 1 Ch i 9 4 ( = DiTriinB' || 2 S 10 4 ). t[plt^B] vb. part, open wide (NH pDB, Aram. PPP, ,aia9, all cut, sever, cleave); — Qal Pt. WTIB^ pVB Tr 1 3 3 i. e. one talkative. Pi. Imp/. aft. ^TDK "pfrBni Ez 16 25 (c. ^ pers.; sensu obsc). tttJS n. [m.] Jb 35 15 si vera 1. from V&WB (cf. Ar. i^^.^ weak in mind or body, ^IL-i very stupid); — i.e. folly; but read VB*B (® Theod Symm 93 Di Bae K * u Du). t [nti'B] vb. Pi. tear in pieces (NH nB : B; Aram-H^B 1 S i5 33 (Agag), -is, *JL&>);—Im$f, 3 ms. sf. »?n^B)l La 3 11 (of lion, in fig.). TTirUlJE n.pr.m. Uaax^p, <ba(&u)<rcrovp, etc.: 1. Je 20 , -"- :ui . 2. ai> 38 lb Ne 1 1 12 , cf. 1 Ch 9 1! . 3. Ne io 4 . 4. father of one Gedaliah Je38 la . 5. head of post-exil. family Ezr 2 38 =Ne 7 41 , Ezr io 22 . Cf. Mey Ent *" hun « 18 "-. T UWS vb. strip off, make a dash, raid (cf. lk.t. pai&fv,, expunge, obliterate; NH BK'B, Aram. 13!-?, Js^£>. arc stretch out, extend, make plain, so Ar..Llj) ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms/B Ho 7'+, 2 ms.ripB>B<l Ju9 33 ,etc; Impf.3 ms.tJ&BJl 1 S 19 24 ; 3mpl.^'B i B^Ez26 1 ,etc; Imv. ms. naife IS32";