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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/855

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chs Now, cf. Che. f. of princes and warriors slain by under fig. of sacrifice Is 34 7 Je 50 27 Ez 39 18 . . i~PE n.f. heifer, cow; — abs/B Is 11' + ; tt 26 sf. irns jb 2i'°; P l. nna Gn32 lf ' + , rn? 41 26 ; cstr. JlilB Am 4 1 ;- — as gift Gn32 16 ; in Pharaoh's dream 4i 23 - 3 -f 8 t. 41; drawing cart I S 6' 1214 + ni?y 'S v 7 " 1 cows giving suck, milch cows; 'B calving Jb 21 10 , grazing Is 1 1 7 ; nsiK 'B red heifer Nu 19 2 , cf. v 56 ' 10 ; sim. of stubbornness H04 16 ; J£/3nni"iaAni4 1 ,fig.ofluxuriouswomen. fit. mS n.pr.loc. in Benj., 'an Jos 18 23 , Qapa, A(j)pa. tli^™12 vb. spread out, spread (NH id.; Ar. (J^5; % DIB (rare), Syr. jojia; cf. As. parasu,fly (der. spec; prop, spread [wings]); v. also No ZA " 7 );— Qal Pf 3 ms. 'a La i 10 + ; 2 ms. PEHD1 Jb 11 13 II u 3 9 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. fehtf Dt 32" + ; 3 fs. fcNwpi 2 S 17", etc.; P<. «rt.fcn*Pra9*et<j.; pass. r 1 ? J°a 2 ; fs.~'fna Ho 5 1 ; pl. rm-}Q 1 K 8 54 ;— 1. spread out a gar- ment (nbtib) JU8 23 , + •$»? pers. Dt 22 17 ;— wings 32"" i K 6 27 (rd. DITB33 © StaKmpKit Benz), + ^5? Je 49 22 (fig.), + 15K 48 40 1 K 8 7 = 2 Ch 5 8 (^y), + i>Jb39 26 , nbyn!)Ex2 5 20 37 9 ; wings om. 1 Ch 28 ls and perhaps 2CI1 3 13 (del. "B33 Be); of ' YTK vbv 'S Jb 36 30 ; spread om< writing, V.?!> pers. 2 Ki9"=Is37 14 ,Ez2 10 ; sail Is 33 s3 ; fishing- net, JT1D3D Is 19 s (^y loc); net (fish) as snare, fig. Ho 5' 1 (?V loc), f 140 6 , "^ La 1", c. by P ers.Ho7 ,2 (of^),E ZI 2 13 =i7 20 ,'i9 8 32 3 ,Vl?V?"^ Pr29 3 ; D^3'ainprayer, + ^Ex9 29:a (J), iIC 8 W =2 Ch6 M , Ezr 9 5 Jb 1 1 13 , + b f 44 2 + D ^?

K 8^=2 Ch 6 13 (no^g'n), 1 K 8 M , no com- 

plem. 2 Ch 6 12 ; of almsgiving, "?$ "*"$ "H Pr 31 20 ; II 'B, c. ?y rei, Lai 10 of enemy's greed (si vera L, v. Bu); spread out as display i^MI nS.N BHD^ Pr 13 16 . 2. spread covering over

S 1 7 19 (ijDD + "Jf^y rei), "l33Bri over ($>?) face 

of another 2 K 8 15 , *|J3 s£irt, bv pers. Ru 3 9 Ez 16 8 (fig. of'); I.??, c. b$ rei Nu4 7(UU3 , c ^bliobo v"; "Of c. by_ rei v 14 ; ^jfcjT^i c - 1?^"^? Ex

o 19 ; tnnrps fens -ine 1 J02 2 ; of  fjy 'a 

^DdS ,/, 105 39 .— Mi 3 3 La 4 4 v. DIB. Miph. Impf. 3 mpl. ! fe r| .~■ , . Ez 1 7 21 </tey shall be scattered W^??j> J 34 13 read prob. Pi. n'.fcna? |NS (for niK'-, Ha Krae ; on emend, of context v. esp. Toy Krae). Pi. Pf. 3 ms. consec fcntt Is 25", etc.; Imp/. 3 ms-h?) v", 3 fs. fcTfFI Je 4 : "; Inf. cstr. fcHB f 68 15 ,'sf. B#Tr Is i 15 ; — 1. spread out : a. c. ace D'B3 in prayer Is 1 15 Je 4 31 , so c. 0?T ,/, 1436 (""^N), and of entreating people Is 65= (7$); n"T3 ftf '3 La i 17 . b. spread out hands as in swimming Is 25", and (D"t; om.) v". 2. = scaMer, (f)subj. '"», c. ace. pers. Zc 2 10 (© We Now |» njfjp, yet v. GASm); i/' 68 13 , in doubtful connexion. T[i!T!E?p] n.[m.] spreading out, thing spread ; — sf. ?l?HBJp Ez 2 7' ?Ay spread (canvas, as sail, cf. vb. IS33 23 ) 5 pl-cstr. 3y •fe^W? Jb 36™, so perhaps 37 16 (for 'BOB*?). ttto^B (Baer, Te>- van d. H. Gi), Inf. abs. Fi'lel (Ges i50 ) from bn? (si vera I), % 1-by 'S Jb 26" a spreading his cloud upon it (but Bu Du al. read fen'a, ena, or ena). + L [t^HS] vb. make distinct, declare (NH separate oneself, Pi. separate, explain, so Aram. £*!?, esp. Pa. ; Syr. jlZs separate, dis- tinguish, explain, cf.Mand.,No M221 ) ; — Qal Inf. cstr. "• »r$8 D?^ V^i? Lv2 4 12 (P) to declare distinctly to them. JTipb. Pt. Tfatyb} Ez 34 12 read prob. DIB'-, v. BMB. Pa. /"/. 3 ms. K>13 Nu 15 34 (P) what should be done to him had not been distinctly declared; Pt. ^"IBD Ne 8 s made distinct (cf. BAram Ezr 4 18 ), v. Be-Ry Ko* M *>,>interpreted, Ke al., Berliner 10 """- 74 . T[n©~lE] n.f. exact statement; — cstr.

  • |D3n n^i T a T Est4 7 , ^tv? "h? ' s io 2 -

fll. [l£H2] vb. Hiph. pierce, sting (?) (cf. As. paruSsu, stqjf (which pierces); Aram. NCHB, lii3 (in Lexx) ox-goad) ; — 7m/>/ 3 ms. ena: Pr 23 32 (*#Bff, ^ WW), of wine. III. Vf"Si (■/of foil.; cf. Aram. rOB p a . (rare) cause to break or 6wrs< forth (a serpent its brood), KPn*? dung; Syr. Ii2 Pa. ri^j o^>«w, JL'iS = 1. BQB ; Ar. cfjl iv. ri]) open stomach, and scatter contents (cf. vn), Cjji = 1. S5n. s ). < f 1. UT[B n. [m.] faecal matter found in intestines of victim ; — 'a abs. Mai 2 3 ; cstr. v 3 ; sf.itriaEx2 9 ,4 Lv4"8 17 ; aBnaNui 9 5 ; nena Lv 16 27 (all P). < tn. CHE n.pr.m. Manassite 1 Ch 7 16 , A ©L *apft. IV. t^lD (/of foil.; mng. dub.; against Lag BN5 ° (horse, one that breaks the ground, Ar. J^i) v. Fra 94 , cf. also No 2MGl, < 1886 737 ).