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nna Ct5 J ; mpl. *nri9 Josio 22 -)-; Inf.abs. OhB Dt i5 8 +; cstr. nhsb Ezai^+j i><. act. nns Ju " + ; pass. D^a Je5 16 -r, etc.; — open sack, i*>, Gn 4 2 27 (E), nnriDK 43" 44" (J), skin-bottle (11X3) Ju 4", hamper (nan) Ex 2 6 (E), pit (lis) 2i 33 (E; i.e. uncover it), mouth C?) of cave Jos io 2: (JE), grave Ez37 1213 (to bring forth dead), cf. (in fig.) Je 5 16 *5 10 ; nWB *^j Nu 19 15 (P) open vessel; door (fljl ; sts. opp. ~<3P) Ju 3 25 + V 25 (obj. om.), 19 27 1 S3 15 2K9" 2CI129 3 Jb 3 i 32 (capers.); fig.ofLeb. Zc n 1 ; W^fliil ^ 7S 23 (of sending rain); 'l = city-gates Ne i 3 19 Is 45' (|| 0*V$; "» subj., c. "jsb); *| om. Ct 5 2S 6 ; gate pW), of land Na 3" (Inf. abs. + Impf. Hiph. q.v.), cf. Ez 25*, "W of temple (-court) Ez 46" (c. 7 pers.), ^118" (id.), city Is 26 2 , obj. om. Dt 20" 2 K 15 16 ; window, J^D, 2K13 1717 , BSJfn n i 3 ?$ (by *• sending rain) Gn 8 6 (J), Mai 3 10 ; city Je 1 3", nnviB T? Jos 8 17 (JE); abs.lJD N7l'B Is 2 2 22 - 22 ;— 14 17 is dubious, Gr Perles A ""- 2!M2 Kit (in Di) read 'ST*? VVDk) KWn"3; >Bu Che Marti P'K rWB K? I'TDt* ^JVa? ; storehouse, armoury Gn 41 56 Je 50 25 (of '<), Je 50 26 (for destruction), fig. of sky, for rain Dt 28 12 (c. ? pers.; of'), cf. open ">3, expose for sale, Am 8 s ; open womb, i.e. grant offspring Gn 29 31 30 22 (J); open mouth (HB) to cry, speak Ez2i 27 Jb 3 1 Dn io 16 , hence = speak Is 53" Jb 33 2 * 39'° 78* (^ a ), 109 2 (c. 7? pers.), Pr 2 4 7 31 8 (c. 7 pers.), v 928 (norm); yfr 49 * either titter, declare, propound riddle, or open up, expound; have power of speech i/^38 14 ; of' giving power of (prophetic) speech Ez 3 27 33 s2 , giving speech to ass Nu 2 2 28 (J); open mouth, to eat Ez 3*, of earth, to swallow up, Nu 16' 2 26 10 , cf. ('"IB om.) yff 106 17 ; open lips, to speak Jb 1 1 5 (c. B? pers.), 32 20 (Gi v 21 ); of '< opening man's lips ^Si 17 , man's ear IS50 5 (As. uznd puttA); of eyes only pt. pass., c. 7N 1 K 8 29 = 2 Ch 6 20 , 1 K 8 52 Ne i 6 , c. ) 2 Cb.6 40 (by zeugma), 7 15 (all of ' s 's favour); open hand, in giving Dt 15 811 (c. 7 pers., +inf. abs.), of '« f 104 s8 145 16 ; book Ne 8 s - 5 , letter 6 s ; open river (channel) Is 41 18 (of'), rock, letting out water, ijr 105 41 (id.); open sword, = draw it Ez2i 33 f 37 14 ; of root B^|! ^ ,na *Ht Jb 20 "> i>e - with no obstacle intervening. — J*J1* nriBfl Is 45 8 is dub.; verb not elsewhere intrans.; Du Che Hpt Marti prop. HDm as obj.; Gr Kit (in Di) read nnan. Niph. Pf 3 ms. fTFIW Is 5 s7 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. nriB> Ez 24 s7 , nrtB^ 44 2 + , etc.; Inf. cstr. nnsn l 8 5 i» ; Pt. rww Zc 13 1 ;— &«  opened, of girdle Is S 27 (i.e. loosened), cf. of captive 5 1 ' 4 , and, of calamity, Je 1 " be let loose (c. ?5? pers.); gates Na 2 7 3 13 (of land, thrown open to (7) enemy), Ez 44' 46'-' Ne 7 3 ; impers. of man shut in by God Jb 1 2 U ; of windows of heaven Gn 7 11 (P), cf. Is 24 18 (of future destruc- tion); the heavens themselves Ez i 1 (for visions); fountain ZC13'; wine(-skin, c. neg.) Jb 32"; mouth, in speech 24 s7 3 3"; ears Is 35 s . Pi. P/3ms.nriB Jb3o" + ,n ; na i2 18 +,etc.; Impf. 3 ms. nr& Is 28 M , I s. nriBK Is 45 1 , etc.; Inf. abs. nriB Is 58"; cstr., id. f 102 21 ; Pt. DRBO 1 K 20 11 ; — loose: 1. free, i.e. ungird, camels Gn 24 32 (J): loins of kings Is 45' (i.e. disarm them); set free, c. sf. pers. ^ 105 20 , Je 40 4 (c. Jt?); c. ace. nrnon 'ja yj, 102 21 . 2. loosen (and remove) sack-cloth Is20 2 (c.^PD),^3o 12 ; armour 1 K 20" (obj. om. ; opp. 13H) ; bonds Jb 12 18 Vti6 18 , cf.Is58 6 Jb39 5 ; cord 30" 38 31 ; loosen ground Is28 24 (in tillage ; cf.Vogelst L * n, "" rth ' c,, * ,, 38 , As. puttA). 3. open gates Is 60", doors Jb 4 1 6 (fig. of crocodile's jaws) ; ear Is 48 s (rd. prob. either ^nFlB, 'JjinriB [© Du Marti], or nrupM [GrCheKit ia Di]; buds Ct7 13 (of blossom ; obj. om. ; or intrans., as sts. Ar. pj, v. Dozy). Hithp. Imv. mpl. innsnn Is 52 s Kt<Qr fs. "'HriBnn (so © ; of personif. Jerus.) loosen thee (Ges' Mf ) the fetters of thy neck. nriQ n.m. Ez8 - 8 (f. 2 S 1 7' but "We reads nns for nnK, and so Albr ZAW * vU1896, ' 8,i ) opening, doorway, entrance; — abs. 'b Gn4' + , rtTIB I9 " + , nnnan v 6 ; cstr. nna i8» + ; sf. Inna Pr 17 19 , nnriB Ez 40 38 ; pi. D'nriB i K 7 s Pr 8 3 ; cstr. "nns f 24 7 + ; sf. ,r jnB Pr 8 M , etc.;— door- way of nomad's tent, ?nkn 'B Gn i8'- 21l) (J), Ex 3 3 810 (E),Nu 1 1 10 i6 S7 (JE), Ju4 20 ,cf. (without Pnkn) Gn 4 7 (in fig.), Jb 31 9 ' 34 ; of sacred tent, 7nsn 'B Ex33 9 - 10 Nu i2 5 (E), 26 M 36 s7 39 s8 (P), Dt 31 ,5 , usu. (P) 15?iO 7HN 'B Ex 29*+ 6 t Ex + 40 629 ('» 7HK 13BT? t), Lv i 3 + 22 t. Lv, Nu 3*+ 11 t. Nu, Jos 19 s1 1 S 2 s2 , cf. 1 Ch 9 21 ; 'b fffiK Ex 35 15 , cf. 40 8 - 28 (all P); of court Nu 3 26 cf.4 M and (of temple)Ez8 7 ; doorway of (private) house Gni9 suu +22 t., cf. Ct 7"; in Pri7 19 Frankenb Toy rd. V3 for ^ruia ; f temple 1 K 6 M Ez 8 16 , so IVan 'B Ez 47^2 Ch 4 a ; l^ri 'B 1 K 6 31 , jfoffl 'B v 8 Ez 41" cf. v 1111 ; pi. 1 K 7 s ; various doorways in Ezek.'s temple Ez 40 13l3 + 13 t. 40-42 (v. also infr.); doorway of ark Gn 6" (P); of tower Ju 9 s2 ; in wall Ez 8 8 ; opening (mouth) of cave 1 K 19 13 ; iJJB'n 'B opening, i.e.

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