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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/860

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••SnM doorway, of gate Ez 40 11 ; of city *f$ 7& », i.e. the outer aperture of the gate Jos 8 29 20 4 Ju 9 M " Je 1" (pi.), cf. 19 s 1 K 22 ,0 =2 Ch 18 9 , 2 K 23" Pr 1"; so njNS'n 'B Ju 9 40 2 S io 8 1 i 23 2 K 7 3 io 8 , and (of farm or village) Ju 18 1617 ; so •vyn 'B 1 K 17 20 1 Ch 19 6 (=2 S io 8 supr.), cf. Gn 38"; pi. of city gates themselves (poet.) Is 3 M (personif.), DUnj 'B 1 3 2 ; tlbV ¥$» ,/, 24" (|| vn$#) ; cf. fig. I'B-'nns -fcf Mi 7 5 ; also 'B ". rva'iyc' j e 36'° Ez 8" 10" of. 8 3 1 1 1 40 4 46 s , '» 't? 'B Je 26' ; ynriB Mi 5 6 of entrances to a country; fig. ni~n 'B Ho 2 17 doorway of hope. tnnQ n.m. opening, unfolding; — cstr. -W ^nin 'B f 1 1 9 130 , so © and most ; > Symm Jer Bae nna (=<Ay words as a doorway). tfinriS) n.[m.] opening; — cstr. na Jinna opening of mouth in speech or song Ez 16 63 29 21 . t[nrPnE] n. [f.] drawn sword; — pi. ninnB f 55" (fig. of words ; cf. Ez 2 1 33 ^ 37 14 ). trPnPS n.pr.m. 1. priest I Ch 24 16 , Efe/ti;X, *e(9f t a, etc. 2. Levite Ezr io 23 Ne 9 s , (oAim, *<foia(r), etc. 3. Judahite Ne n 24 , Uttflmu, $>a6ata. triFlD 1 ] n.pr. 1. m. Jephthah, l«p8ae (he [God] openeth);—3u 1 1 ' ' + 26 1. 1 1, 1 2, 1 S 1 2 11 . 2. loc. iu the nW Jos -3* (P), A ®L le<£0a. T7N _ nPD^ n.pr .loc. ((rod openeth; cf. Sab.n.pr.m.^nriB^Hal 148 ' 1 );— in'BV.a(ra^a,X, Tat Km *#at>)X, A ©L Tat (l)« <}>8atj), valley betw. Zebulun and Asher Jos ig uv (P); prob. near Jefdt (Jotapata), and perhaps upper part of Wady'Abellin, v. Buhl 6 " 081109 ' 223 . I [nnS^] n.[m.] opening, utterance; — cstr. TlBtf nriBO Pr 8 6 i.e. that with which my lips open. Tnj-lDQ n.m. key (opening instrument); — 'D abs. Ju ■f 1 Ch 9 17 ; cstr. Is 22 s (fig.). t rrinD: n.pr.loc. Ma<pdo>, Na^«, in "i 'D Jos 15' 18 15 (P), on border of Judah and Benj.; usu. identif. with spring Liftd, near Jerus. to the NW., v. Buhl "" 110 '. BWIBJ v. p. 661. < , 11. , ri5, nvris v. sub nns. til. [nJ13] vb. Pi. engrave (NH Pi.id., nvia =- BH, and so X ; As. patAhu, bore, pene- trate; cf. perh. Ar. iiuj, iiJj ring (cf. Frii 232 ));— Pf. 3 ms. flFlB 2Ch 3 7 , etc.; Impf.

ms. rvm iKf; 2 ms. HFiBn Ex 28" ■ Inf. 

cstr. nnB*p 2 Ch 2 613 ; Pi. nriBO ZC3 9 ;— engrave, c. ace. +~$V, on metal 1 K 7 36 2 Ch 3 7 Ex 2 8 S6 (acc. cogn. Bnin ^nWB), on stone v 9 ; c. ace. J3K 4- ace. cogn. v" (all P) ; c. ace. cogn. only, Zc 3° (on stone), and, in gen., 2 Ch 2 613 . Pu. Pt. fpl. Dnin '"nina nhriBt? Ex 39 s (P) stones engraved with the engravings of a signet. TrV).nQ n.m. engraving; — abs. 'fl 2CI12 13 ; s f. Rjjjnf Zc 3"; elsewhere pi. D"nVia 2 Ch 2", etc.; — on (wood overlaid with) metal, HWa DWJ niV^ipt? 1 K 6 W (see v 21 - 22 ), in temple, so ty 74 6 '; on stone Zc 3 9 , esp. Dnh ^nVia Ex 28 11 " 136 39 6.u.so. in gen 2 ch 2 6.is tb^^riQ n.[m.] rich robe (?) (prob. foreign word) ;• — 'a abs. Is 3 s4 , ® xitwv p«ronr6p(f>vpos, 93 fascia pectoralis. t[7J"l21 vb. twist (NH Pi. and deriv.; - - ~ L Ar. Ji» ; Eth. &1*rt: ; Aram. 70?, chiefly deriv., in fig. senses ; Syr.^j£»); — Niph. Pf. 1 e. ny wflB? Gn 30 8 / have wrestled (lit. twisted myself) with; Pt. D^B? nxy Jb 5" the flan of the tortuous; B'ii'yi bfiBJ Pr 8 8 anything tor- tuous and twisted. Hithp. Impf. 2 ms. "By ?nann B*i3.y lr 1 8 27 with the twisted thou dost deal tortuously^ 2 S 2 2 27 (so rd. for imposs. ?sriri). t'TTlQ n.m. Jul6,9 cord, thread (twisted); — abs.'B NUI9 16 ; cstr. i»nB Jui6 9 +; sf. I^ne Gn38 18 ; pi. D^TIB v 25 , Q^HB Ex 39 s ;— * cord (from which seal was hung) Gn 38' 8 - 26 (J), 'B n-iyj Ju 16 9 (sim.), tPQff 'B Ez 40 3 (as measur- ing line); n^an 'B, for fastening, EX28 2837 39 2131 Nu 1 5 s8 , cf. ^nB alone 19 15 (perh. gloss, v. Di); threads (of gold) in ephod EX39 3 (all P). tbrbnp adj. tortuous; — « B^y !^ Dt 3 2 S . ' t [Q' 1 7 WD3] n. [m.] pi. wrestlings (cf. •/ Niph. Pf);— cstr. '« §*$ Gn 30 8 wrestlings of God, i. e. mighty wrestlings. "'T'nEO n.pr.m. et trib. Naphtali, N^- 8aK(i(ji), etc. (interpr. as my wrestling Gn 30 8 ; perhaps orig. crafty, cunning one); — 1. second son of Jacob and Bilhah Gn30 8 (J),35 25 46 s4 (P), 1 Ch 2 2 , cf. Gn 49 21 (poem). 2. as a tribe of Isr.: a. Ju i 33 4 10 5 18 Dt33 23 - 23 +; so(Hex,only P) 'J Via Ju4 6 Nu i 42 + 6t, '3 HDD Nu 2 s9 1 K7» + 5 t.; ') V.? 'T? 1 ? Nu io 27 34 s8 Jos 19 39 ; '1 "W