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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/862

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3, v, .Sw, eighteenth letter; used as numeral 90 in posh B.Hellrew.

[.1333], .1333, [wig] v. m.

1 1:431; n.m.pl. a kind oflotua(Rhamuus (more exactly Zizyphm), Lotus [Linn], thorny lotus (not sacred Emmi; Lam); Sud. JD, cfiAW Do’w“,syi.l‘ll$,v.mwv-m);4b 4am.

]N3 (/of loll; DIM“ m op. Amelia, adj., good, docile ; The: (of. Lag‘m”) up. NE [as irpéflm'av from npoflnl’vm] ; As. génuzBH 1242, and 30 NH 121., Ml" In; Ar. 5}; I'Aid TelAm gzmm is Cumunitish mm. to Zim“"‘“"“"”; mm. «all. and perhaps Palm. luv).

1R2 n :1. con. 1. “m” (puss. m. v’“+, K6”""""‘, but duh, V'" c.vb.pr, lls usually; in I s :5" join agar will. $ip ; v. further Albr ZAW mummy.) man “ma, sheep “d mm, flock. flocks;i'¥ abs. Gn 4’+ , cstr. 29'+ ; sf. int! (4.; 1123!): Ex 10", ugllllr 4, 144“; as pl. WEN! Ne lo" van (1. H. Gi (not Bner ; very late, si Vern. 1.), etc.;—1. lit. a. mall cattle, usu. of sheep and goats in one flock (ll/all“E ""7) Gn 30"” +; sheep specified also 2 1’1"“? hwy), 3 I“(’1' '5‘SH; sheep only I st’(+ D'n’); 30m specified Gn :7“ Je 50“; ’y as yielding (1) animals for food Am 6‘ (WE), I S l4“ 2 S 12‘ Ne 51-4. ; '2 4. 44m (in aim.)' (2) wool Gn31"+ (v.93). rs); (slum/x =3 Dt32" (fl goats’ milk, cf. Pl' :7”); (4) sown . victims (hi 4‘ (J), an 3° Nu i5=(ill P), “w (E), De 12"" "+ofl.; so WW}? 133 E1 36’“, cf. “.153? “‘2le “‘32? Ne 10”; in gen as property (oft. +12% etc.) On 12“ 13‘ 24” J1) l" 42“+uft. (v. 3‘50 "- Wham); lzift 0n 20" 21'“ 38‘7 (swat). Di. I5" 2 Ch 17“; booty x S 15"“+. b. ’3 fits. of a. definite number of animals (i. e. as pl. of om); No Is 7", four Ex 2:” (larger numbers v. I S 2 5”“l Nu 3 1"“ Na 5“ J b l‘ 42" impel—viii. also 1;: 7 b; n',>::u_2, my, "lull; :22, mg“, m5. 2. aim. of multitude E2 36”“, cf. 4’ 107"; of children Jb 2]“; of dead, with death as shepherd 4:49“; of (shep- herdlesli) Iar. Nu 21'7 l K 22”=2 Ch [8“, Zn In“ 137, wandering in sin Is 53‘; of Int. led by " W77" 78“ 80“, of. Z: 9“ (on text. v. We Now); Ez 34“; oi In. in distress,

\lr 44”, cf. (of wicked) ’3 Je 12'; of wish tel-ed Bab. In x 3". s. mempll. of multitude, In)" ’3’ E2 36”; of Isr. 2 S 24‘7=l Ch 21“, Je 23‘“ E2 34‘, and esp. sustained fig. 34" + l 7 t. 34, also 74: “7'”; n‘l‘g‘s ’3 ([5 50" Emma ’1’ 13’"; of Ian under "’5 clue, $5 ‘7) fl _ l 70' 79" mo” E2 34“, also "Z ’5' ‘J' 95’(ll ‘1’ 5mm; rd.perh.‘|l'fly1l_9 'x, 51; :12, so Che 9.1.); m5 '2 Miy"; also in combinations: 'ch "Ml Je 25"“, “911': W zc "*7 @4me _ W“ (9.1! on“); orEzlom'vu Je 49*“ 50“.

mag n.pt.loc. Mi I" leaap [v], perh.= I}! in the Shephelah 0f J udah J as l 5", 2evvn(p). [343533] v. mp.

1‘[N33] vb. wage war, nerve (Salli. “fl wage uni; with, also 11. army, campaign HDmChnnJi-‘lCISILM,LQDHMVDH.E‘ Run an: (>fi-fl’r.) wage war; As. 9M1», man, soldier; Nan,“ ""‘m‘ 7“ nl. cp. (on amount of Sub. Eth. §) Ar. conceal mlfi hence lie in wait; this is phonetically suitable, but better in lung. would be ll; gn ur cm forth (against one), etc, so Thes Lagn'”; I‘ll-3im up. ymmg man) ;-—-in Pf. 3 mpl. #33 Ex 38‘ Zo u“; Impfl 3 mp1. Nu 3 if; Inf. cm. tray? 1531‘; Nu 4” 8"; PL. pl. D‘ 5' Nu 3x“ Is 29"; sf. we? Is mass“; 1m); tpL 11ng Ex 38'; his?! I S 2“;-—1. wage war. fight, 2. 5y ayainst, Nu 317(1)) 1929” 31‘21: i412, o. sf. 132970); abs. Nu 3:"(P). 2. mm at sacred tent, Leviies, c. MC. R?! Nu 4” s” (P); women Ex 38“ (P) is 2". mph. Pt. um um mm) 2 K 25'“=Js 52" "mater.

N23 n.m.”""" (poss. I. 1840‘ Du 8", but

i i a. v. Albr“""“"""‘; Bev'”) army, war, war-

time ;——~al:a.'¥ Nu13+ Z: 9" v. p. 663 a); cstr. Nu lc“+; sf. Jb 14“, J11 8" 9”; N59? w [03" 148’ (Kt may; 50 read prob. in both), eta; pl. hi“?! Nu 20‘+ 278 t; cstl'. hing: Ex 12"“ L; or. 7‘; Doing: 6"+ , elm—1. army, haat: a. organized for war .lu 8‘ 9”(J) 1534’ Jesx' 2 Ch 28‘; his but Nu 2%. io t. a (P), waxy} iw a“+ n t. 2, lo, 33‘ (P); ’3?! ‘9?! 31“(P); haw"? z 011 2 51; urn) 5‘5 x Ch 20' 2 all 26"; fit "1“;

I, u. :13 v. I, [L :23.