mris Ez 48 s4 (in new Jerus.) ; '3 H9 » K 1 5=° 2 K 1 5 M , cf. Is 8"; '3 BHjJ Ju 4»; '3 in Jos 20 7 ; '3 fcj Ez 4 8 4 , '3 nef V s ; '3 "IV 2 Ch i6 4 . b. as terri- torial name Dt 34 2 (JE) i K 4 15 i Ch i2 41 (van d. H. v 40 ), 2 Ch 34 6 ; Ju 6® f 3 might be a or b. t QTQ n.pr.loc. Pithom, n(f)i&o, A Ui6an (Egypt. Patum, Per-Atum, house o/(god) Atum one of the niJSDO ny built by Isr. for Pharaoh Ex i"; identif.byNavillewith7W«Z-3/a*M^a, near E. end of Wady Tumilat, Naville p " hom ' 1885 Di-E,v* d loc ' Di 8BAk ' 1886,88 " r ' Bad E " , * <4), 1M . |J1S (v/of foil.; rang, dub.; Hilpr 8 *"-^^ CUT. P.nn„l,.ii 0898), 6S > cp Ag ^^^ i protect', whence two foil., ' serpent ' as protector, and ' threshold ' as asylum ; plausible, but exact meaning of patdnu still uncertain). T?riD n.m.* m ' s a venomous serpent, perh. cobra (|na Ecclus 39 30 ; Aram. tWia, Ufcia, whence perh. Ar. j^Ij); — only poet.: pi. t?X"> csna Dt 32 s3 (|| Dran npn), jb 20'*, 'a rrM-io V 14 ;' sg- m + 9 1 13 (II Wi *» '» 58 s , fna nn Is I I 8 . t]flSp n.[m.] threshold (cf. NH fQf cross-beam; ? Ar. ^yxll carpenter); — abs. 'o iS5 4 Zpi 9 ; cstr.|i3T rnao 1 S5 5 , JT3n 'D Ez 9 3 io 4 - ,8 47',nyK'n 'd 46 s . TynQ subst. suddenness (-/unknown: cf. As. ina pitti, ina piltimma, in suddenness, instantly, D1 HWB553 ): — Nu 35 s2 . . . KJffB*] iB"in if he have thrust him in suddenness, before he is aware what he has done (i.e. accidentally); + Dxna Nu6 9 , DNna ynaa vby no n io* w i. e. very suddenly ; yns? according to (p, p. 516b) suddenness, Is 29 s DKfia VTSi? iTm ■=■ at an instant, suddenly, 30" Nil* VTth DSna 1C- : N n"i3B'. As adv. ace, suddenly, Pr 6 15 ( = 29') -ob* yna, Hb 2 7 . tON/lS, once f 64 s (v. Baer) OiNrS subst. suddenness, usu. as adv. ace. sud- denly (from yna, with the term. D- (cf. OB$E>), and with j; weakened to N : Sta !296 Kb"- 256 '- Ba NBi2I6!> );— Nui2 4 rttfcrfcVj "TOW, Josio 9
7 ; esp. of calamity, invasion, etc., coming
suddenly, Is 47" 48 s Je 4 s0 ^Ijfc VnBf 'B, 6 W 1 5 8 1 8 s2 5 1 8 + 64 s i«o;> tfi>1 inn* 'B , v 8 Jb 5 s 9" Ec9 12 Pr6" 24 s2 ; also 7 s3 ' Mai 3'; thrice with Vna (q. v.). As a gen. +Pr 3 s5 'B inaD twrri>t« of the terror of suddenness, i. e. the sudden terror, Jb2 2 10 ; and with 3, in suddenness, t2Ch29 M -i:nn rr>n 'b3. I" l^)D vb. interpret (dream), only Gn 40, 41 (NR id., JAram.inB; appar. = Aram. I^B, iia, dissolve, fig. solve, interpret, cf. "^a) ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. nn?, c. b pers. Gn 40 s2 41"; abs. ina 40 16 4 1 12 ; c. ace. rei: Impf. 3 ms. y? - IRD>1 41"; Inf. c««OPIs£ 41' 5 ; P<. act. ina 40*41", 'ia 4i».
†(Hebrew characters) [Kö]!!.™, interpretation (of
a dream), only Gn 40, 41;—cstr. (
Hebrew characters) Gn 405
4111; sf. (
Hebrew characters) 4012.18; pl. (
Hebrew characters) v8.
† (Hebrew characters) n.pr.terr. = Upper Egypt, (
Greek characters), etc. (Egypt. p(ě)-tě-res, south land, in As. Paturisi, Erman ZAW x (1890), 118 f. Steind
BAS 1.344 WMM Hastings DB.; also (on As.) SchrKGF 283 f. DlPa 310);— alw. in connexion with (
Hebrew characters), etc.:
Is 1111 Je 4415 Ez 3014, (
Hebrew characters) Je 441 Ez 2914;
Hebrew characters) prop. also ψ 6831 (for (
Hebrew characters)) NeJBL x (1981), 152 (plausibly), cf. Cheib. xi (1892), 125 Kauψψ crit n.
†(Hebrew characters) adj. gent. pl. of foregoing, as subst. Gn 1014 = 1 Ch 112.
†[(Hebrew characters)] vb. break up, crumble (NH
id.; Ar. (
Arabic characters); Eth. (
Geez characters); Syr. (
Syriac characters)) ;— Qal Inf.
abs. of bread of nPIJO : rrna W1K rrtriB Lv 2 6 .
†(Hebrew characters) n.f.Pr 17.1 fragment, bit, morsel of
bread; — abs. (
Hebrew characters) Pr 171 a dry morsel; cstr.
Hebrew characters) Gn 185 Ju 195 1 S 236 2822 1 K 1711 Pr
2821; sf. (
Hebrew characters) Jb 3117, (
Hebrew characters) Pr 238, (
Hebrew characters) Ru 214,
Hebrew characters) 2S 123; pl. {(
Hebrew characters) Lv 26 614; insim. ψ 14717.
†[(Hebrew characters)] n.[m.] id.;—pl. cstr. (
Hebrew characters)
Ez 1319.