Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/876

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"P2 II. *VX (v'of foil.; 1 turn, revolve; NH "VX pivot (of door), hinge, so Ar. JbJa (cf. .LIU,, Dozy 1 -™"); perh. As. «m<; Aram.W?T?, jL'ilj). fm. [T2] n.fin.] pivot (of door), binge; — sf. pryirby 3iDn nSn p r2 6 14 (in || of sluggard).

  • fiv. ["^2j n.[m.] pang (prop.writhingy, —

pi. D'T? Is 138 21 s ; cstr. *?¥ 21 s ; sf. T| Dn io", nn.V 1 S 4 19 ;— pangs of childbirth iSV, so (sim.) Is 2 1 3 ; and, of terror, 13 8 ( + Dv3n), 21 s ; in gen., of physical effects of mental dis- tress Dn io 16 . , n 72 v. in. S6v. t [!77¥] vb. roast flesh (NH id.; so Ar. 5U (ts), Eth.RrtoJ:);— Qal 7mp/. 3 ms."?? rbv Is44 16 Ae roasteth a roast; 1 s.l'eo >"^XK v 19 ; Inf. cstr. Tfb^b 1 S 2 15 give flesh pfcQ) to roast. T , 72 adj. et n.itt. roasted, roast; — cstr. (as adj.) SW"^X (P) of flesh pB»3) Ex 1 2 8 ' 9 (opp. CTB3 ^30); abs. as subst cogn. IS44 16 v. [n$jf]. fl. [17 7^] vb.rush;— (Thesal.cp.SnpX, Syr. — ii., cleave, penetrate, then advance, v. foil.);— Qal Zy. 3 fs. nnpxi consec. 1 S io 6 ; 3 pi. Vlj«n 2 S i|f, 8 ; Vmp/ 3 ms." npx? Am 5 6 (v. infr.), 3 fs. npXRI Jui4 6 + ;— rush,)™ '*) 2S19 13 they ruslied into tlie Jordan (dub., v. Dr HPS), tipi' n"3 tW3 "i Am 5" lest he rush like fire upon the house of Joseph (or house, etc. GASm ; Now conj. EW3 1VSP); esp. of sudden possession by (DTii'K) * rtti , c. ^5? pers. Ju 1 4 6 the Spirit . . . rushed upon him, so v 19 15 14 1 S io 610 1 1 6 ; c. ?N pers. 16 13 and (of Hfl '« t*T) 18 10 . f II. [n7Xj rf/X] vb. advance, prosper (NH id.; Ph. Pi. causat. in; Ar. "_Li 6e in good condition, cf. Sab. nPXn Sab Deukm 93 ; Aram, npx, ^^ prosper) ; — Qal 7/. 3 fs. nn?X Je 12 1 ; 7m.j/. 3 ms. rQV. Je 13'+, etc.; Imv. ms. n?X; — prosper, of way of wicked Je 12 1 , cf. Nu'14 41 IS53 10 54 17 Ez i7 91 » Dn 11 27 ; c. b rei, = 6e jrocxZ /or anything Je 13 710 Ez 15 4 ; subj. pers., nbs., Je 22 3030 Ez 17", ^ 45 s 6e *mc- cessful ! n^bob 'nbxfn Ez 16" and thou didst prosper to royalty (dub.; del. © Co Toy; >Sta suw ,1 om). 337 r. Krae n3t6opi. e .hai-lotry). Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. O^xn Gn 24 21 ,' 2 ms. I?r6*™ 1 Ch 22 11 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. O'Sx! Ne 2 20 4- , n?X_»l 1 Ch 29 s3


CI132 30 , etc.; Imv. ms. npxn 1K22 12 -)-, nirbsn Ne 1 ", niv_ ^ 1 1 8 2S , etc. ; Pt. D'bxp Gn 24"+; — 1 . make prosperous, bring to successful issue, of י׳, c. acc. of man's way ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Gn 2421.40.42.56 (J), c. acc. rel Gn 39 323 (J), c. ace. pers. 2 Ch 26 5 ,Opers. Nei" 2 20 ; abs.send success tyi 18 25 ; human subj. c. acc. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dt2829 Jos 18 (D),Is4815 ^ 37 7 , so prob. i 3 (al. sub 2), 2 Ch 7"; c. ace. noitp Dn 8 2 *. 2. sAew, experience, prosperity, of men 1 K 22 ,2 - ,5 =2Chi8" 14 , Je 2 37 ( + b pers. in ref. to whom) s 28 32 s 1 Ch 22" 13 29 s3 2 Ch 13 12 14 6 20 20 24 20 3 i 21 3 2 30 (W'B'J?P"i'33), Pr 28 1S Dn8 12 (of horn), v 24 n 36 ; rvbxpV'K Gn 39 2 (J) a prosperous man; subj. i|7v ^ u ^ ( c ^ - V' * 3 supr.), י׳'s word Is 5511.

III.n7X (/of foil.; NH rvr6x=BH; cf. Aram. WVni^X, JfcLLaiL (in Lexx)flat dish; EthSAA: Amhar.Jrt'h; }W:(v.Pra An "' »i>'-*««=); Ar. £**, all bowl, dish; v. Fra 63170 ). t [nn^] n.[f.] pot for cooking ;— pl.nirfo? 2 Ch 35 ,T3 (+nn ,, p, D-IH). t/JTlfe n.f. dish ;— 2 K 2 1 13 (sim.), nr£y Pr^ 54 26 15 (v. JOB). tn^Ii^ n.f. ;^r;— nB»nn 'X 2 K 2 s ". ^2 v. nbx.

  • T

fl. [77S] vb. tingle, quiver (NH Sx^X w«rr(rare); Ar. JJi, Jjii; $ fy; Syr.^j);— Pf. 3 pi. ibW Hb 3 16 ; 7m;>/. 3 fpl. flj^pj 1 S 3", njbxPl (Ges 5578 ) 2 K2 1 12 Je 19*;— tingle, of ears, at horrid sound 1 S 3 11 2 K 21" Je 19 3 (all of dreadful news); of lips, quiver in terror Hb 3 16 . . [72?2] n.[m.] whirring, buzzing; — cstr. D?W3 i>x5>X jn.8 Is 18 1 land of buzzing of (insects') wings (so prob. ; other views v. inDi). fli. [?2b2] n.[m.] spear (fr. whizzing); — cstr. D'?^ ?X?X Jb40 31 ^s 7 i-spear, Itarpoon. "7272 n.m. a whirring locust (cf. As. sarsaru, Ar. J-^i, Syr. )»_.T, )*»i»i >' Lag G«.Abi,.i«Mi.9._ I ) t 2 8 42 (devouring; notidentif.; ip,.NBB313 '

0^7272 n.m. pi. musical instr. of per- 

clashing sound; NH ,,-'X2S6 5 ( + D'y?y?0 q. v.; |l I Ch 1 3 s B$Pft', cstr. Wj^f^f cussion, cymbals (with cfai ^x.Aram.PpxlsX, »J)— 'X