Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/877

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nb ■20 ^150', nyrtfl >X v 5 ;— cf. Now*"*-'-* 721 Benz Arch. 277 "yy ++Eu«. Tr. 232 t [n?Sp] n.f. bell (fr. tinkling) ;— pi. cstr. D^Dnni-)SDZci4 M . tQrp2Q n.f.du. cymbals (appar. later equiv. of tffrj>? where v. reff.);— '» 1 Ch 13 8 (H2S6 5 v. D^X?X), 1 5" 16 s42 25" 2CI15 1213 2 9 2S Ezr 3 10 Ne 12 27 ; B*»- 1 Ch 15" 28 25'. fll. [ 77X] vb. sink, be submerged (NH uZ./ As. saldlu, sink down, sink to rest, 11. launch (Hvt Frol " A "" r- Gr ' "" iU,LBi B *"' Gen ' N ) • Etli R Art; float, cf. Nes H4rx : Aram. ^?,"^-j> are filter, cla- rify) ;— Qal P/. 3 pi. D^pa nnsiy? 6{Sj| Ex 1 5 10 . fill. [7 /¥] vb. be or grow dark (cf. Ar. ji be black, JJj s/(ade; Eth. RAA: be dark; As. «t7lu, shade, saldlu, Pi. roo/ over, so Sab. bbSt [11.], n^I3 cet^, roo/, Hom Ch ""- ,26 , cf. Palm.NWon ; OAram. ^7D overshadow, Aram. K$B, Jb^ shadow);— Qal P/. 3 pl."^ % '1* Ne 1 3 19 the gates of Jerusalem grew dark, i.e. evening came on. Hiph. Ft. i>XD enh Ez 3 1 3 a shadowing wood (but del. © Co Toy Krae). t b~2 n.m.* 144 ' 4 shadow;— 'x abs. 2 K 20 9 + , cstr. Gni9 8 + ; sf. 1?>X *i2i 6 , ^t Ez 3 i 6 +, also iffi Jb 40 22 , etc. '; pi. tS»Js^y Ct 2" 4 6 ; . cstr. !??X Je6 4 ;— 1. sAarfow on dial 2 K 2o 9J0UU1 11 Is 38 s ; S^n^l Je6 4 , cf. Ct2 17 4 6 ; of mt. Ju 9 36 . 2. shadow,, as protection (fr. sun) : of branches, Ju 9 15 (in allegory), Ho 4 13 Jb40 S2 Jon 4 5 - 6 and (in fig.) Ho 14 8 Ez 17 23 3I e.i2.i7 ^So 11 Ct 2 3 (of refreshment, delight); of rock Is 32 2 (sim.); 'rnp 'X Gn 19 8 shadow of my roof; of cloud Is 2 5 4 and (fig. of י׳'s pro- tection) 4 6 25 4 , so prob. 16 3 ; T?? 3 ' x shadow of thy wings, fig. of י׳'s protection ψ 178 366 572 638; shade, in gen., Jb72, fig. of י׳ ψ 1215; hence = protectim, defence,of city (wall) Je 48 45 ; of' Nu 14 9 (JE), yjrgi 1 (v. also ^X3), cf. ^1J 'X Is 49 2 (covering prophet, under fig. of sword), 51' 8 (covering people); of human ally IS30" 3 , of king La4 20 ; also of wisdom Ec 7" money v". — RpV? Is34 15 appar. ref. to TiEp, but improb.; rd. perh. IVXS her eggs Du Che Bpt (Che HebHpt transp. rnrn H^M). 3. shadow as symb. of transitoriness of life Jb 8 9 1 4 2 V' ' 44 4 (in'iy ^>X3), Ec6 12 8"; "1123 ^X3 of an individ. life near its' end f 102 12 , so Mb?? ^'3 109 23 ; in sim. of emaciated members, ?S3 *1X*! Jb 1 7'.

D l, s 

t H^S wife of Lam. Gn 4**^ 2<X a . tTlW n.pp.m. (Thes expl. as «J l^X);— 1. Benj'., 1 Ch 8 20 , 2*Xn(9(<)i. 2. V^X, Manas- site, 1 Ch 12 21 (van d.H. v 20 ), 2 ff w&<, 2<A«0a, etc. trYipyS n. [m.] death -shadow, deep shadow, poet. (prob. = 73f+ Dip, ® (usu.) <riaa davdrov, cf. <S SB, soThesSchwaliy Leb «"" dTo,le ' 194 , v. esp. No ZAW " u <im> - ,8S * ; Ew Br and most mod. (afteroldercomm.)rd.nit3pSc/ar&«ess,<fe«p</ar&- ness, cp. Ar. Ilk iv, As. [taldmu], Eth. R^ff": be black, dark) ; — death-shadow, oft. || ^KTI, HTp, etc., and opp. "ip.3, "I1K. 1. = deep shadow, darkness (cf. ^ T»J , ^ H«): Am 5 8 Jb 3 5 1 2 22 24 1 '* 28 3 34 22 ; of eyes heavy with weeping 16 16 ; 'X Din?3 24" b terrors of the darkness. 2. fig. a. of distress Jei3 16 ^io7' 014 ; 'X Hv Is 9'- b. of extreme danger Je 2 6 ^ 23 4 44 20 . 3. characterizing world of the dead, 'XI 'HBTI )^K Jb io 21 , 'X bsk to? v 22 (text dub., v. Bu Du) ; 'X *)$&) 38" (® TrvXupoi St aSou; gllgrTJ^- ^bs, a¥yi, f&i v. ^r. "H}1E77-2n in Judah (</if« shade, thou <Aa< turnest to me /) 1 Ch 4 3 , EtnfKt^aiv, etc. . 77^ (v / of foil. ; meaning dub.; Eth. IV. floRrt^: is unleavened bread (Di 1S57 as pure, unfermented, cf.^i sub Ii. ?PX), more prob. would be designation of shape). tWS Kt, h"h"2 Qr a.m. cake, round loaf ;— enVf Dn^ qt Ju 7 13 (cf. GFM). Q7X (-/of foil.; No z * Qxl < 1886, ' 7S3 '- cp. Ar. iLijCMio^e.g. anear,anose); — NHDjX=BH, so As. salmu, Sab. ni>X Gildemeister 2 " 8 ""< 1870) - 18 ° CIS <; Aram.Kp^)X, lott^j, OAram. KD^v, so Nab. Palm, (also xnoW of woman's statue)).

072 n.m. Kz '"• '" image (something cut out, 

cf. ^DB ; No 'Schnitzbild') ;— 's abs. ■f39 7 , cstr. Gn i 27 + ; sf. to^X v 27 5 3 , «pbx 1", Dpi)S ^ 73 20 ; pi. cstr. 'Obx 1 S 6"+ , sf. VC&X 2 Ki i 18 2 Ch 23 17 , Da'ppX Am 5 Sf ; — 1. images of tumours and mice (of gold) 1S6 5511 ; esp. of heathen gods Am s 26 (text dub. ; del. We as gloss, cf. GASm Dr), 2Kn 18 =2CIi23 17 (both c. vb. rOf>), Ez 7 20 , so ">3J 'X 16 17 (i.e. in male form, ace. to fig. of harlotry for idolatry); DrODO 'Dps Nu 33 s2 their molten images; of painted pictures of men Ez 23". 2. image, likeness, of resem-