MD2 Gn3i < *(on text v.Ball Holz; ® r) Spaais). f2. prob.S.of Jabbok, JuiO I7 (q iTKonid), I I lls4 (Ma(r- <n>i<f>a ; so @L io 17 ), Ho 5 1 (t) oleoma); appar.= ii. HBXD 3, Buhl -"- 262 (HB-, HB-, seem to in- terchange); site unknown; v. conj. in Buhl '% cf. GASm °"« r - 586 . 1 3. near Hermon , **n }OK Jos 1 1 3 , Ma<7fVftav, Mao-cn;0a(fl), = nSSD"nyip3 v 8 , Mao-0-o.x, Ma<7OTj#a; V. Buhl Ge0 « r - 240 . 4. old sacred place in Benj., Momr^o, etc.; — 'B|? Ju 20*+, nnlxen iS7 5 + ;— Ju2o'- 3 2i'- 6 - 8 1S7 6 + 7 t. 1 S 7, 10, 1 Ki5 22 =2 Ch 16 6 , 2 K 25 2325 Je4O 10 +i2 t. 40, 41, Ne3 7 - 1619 ; = nSXBn Jos 1 8 s6 ; — mod. JVofti SamvM, 5 miles NW. of Jerusalem, v. Bul ! l G,K " n '" t "-. II. [!"TD2£] vb. lay out, lay over (NH Pi.=BH)^— Qal Inf.abs. n'BXn nBX L321 6 they lay out the rug! or the like, so most moderns, v. IVBX. Pi. overlay, plate : Pf. 3ms. 'IBS iK6 l5 + ; 2 ms. n'BXI Ex25 n + ; Impf. 3 ms. TO iK6»+, sf. W|»*J v 20 -!-; 2 ms. HBXn Ex 29 M ; 3 mpl. 1BX*1 2 Ch 3 10 , etc.; — overlay, esp. p/a<e sthg. with metal (gold, bronze), usu. 2 ace: 1 K 6 20!0 +6 t. 1 K 6, + io 18 , || 2 Ch 3 410 4 9 9 17 , Ex 25 1113 + 2i t. Ex 25-38 (all P); overlay, stud with precious stones, 2 ace. 2 Ch 3 6 ; also plate, ace. mater. om, 1K6 15 2K18 16 Ex25 n 38 29 ; ace. dir. 1K6 3235 ; c.acc + 3 mater, v 15 overlaid the floor oftlie house with timbers, f Pu. Pt. iiBXD Pr 26 s3 impure silver (Toy) laid over (?5?) a sherd; pl. (Hebrew characters) Ex 2632, pillars overlaid with gold.
P^lEl* n.[m.] metal plating; — of idols Is 30 22 , capitals Ex 38 1719 , altar Nu 17 34 . t]TQ2J n.f. rug, carpet (laid out); — HBX n-BStn Is 2 1 6 , so now most, v. esp. Che IntrIsl26 ; > watch, outlook (I. nBX), Ges De al. T nE2 n.f. appar. plated capital of pillar 2 Ch 3 » n22i (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. lli 11. make wide, broad ; i.x~J>-*> anything broad (stone, plank, sheathing, plating), Syr. )fcl»~3. plating ; also Eth. ftW-ilv. spread out, extend; Sab. (Lih.) nriBXn, nnSSN, platform, DHM Kpl ' !rD ' ! " km - 84 - 86 ; but (transp.) Ar. ii^l>, wide bowl, cf. Frii 63 ). t nnp2 n.f. jar, jug, of flat or broad shape ; — abs. nnEX 1 K 17 12 ; cstr.nriBX 1 S 26" + ;— jar or jug for water 1 S 26" ,216 1 K 19 8 ; for oil 1 K ^'"""(on masc. verb ">t?n v. Ew ,me , but prob. rd. rnpn SS Albr ZAWl "< 189 »' 89 , cf. v").
trtfTDS n.f. flat cake, wafer;— Ex 16 31 . tranS in Asher, 1 Ch 7 s5 , nate v 36 , ^aa6, 2<o$ar[p], ®L Sovfpa. ■»!», rrv?, jv«a v. 1. rm. jvds v. 11. raw. t|SX vb. hide, treasure up (NH id.; TelAm. sapdnu; set, of sun); — QalP/. 3 ms.'x Pr 27 16 :' 2 ms. WBX Jb io 13 + , etc.; Impf. fBT Jb 2i 19 + Pr 2 7 Qr (Kt fBXl), sf. "}JJ£ f2 7 5 , etc.; Pt. act. pi. sf. rWBX Pr 27 16 ; jj'ows. fiBX Pr. 1 3 ffi + , + 1 7 14 Kt ; t f^ Ho J 3"' etc - i~ 1. trans. Aide, c. ace. pers. Ex 2 2 (E), Jos 2* (JE), of hiding a quarrelsome woman, like hiding wind Pr 27 1616 (si vera 1.; cf. Toy); of י׳ 's hiding his servants (from evil) ψ 275 3121: = treasure up a thing, Pr 10", + TjIK with thyself, in thine own keeping 2 1 =7 1 , in (2) the heart Jb io 13 (subj. ^j of secret purposes), + 119", cf. Jb 23 12 ; + b pers. Pr 13 22 Ct 7", subj. /, Jb 2 i 19 rescrre penalty; blessings ^31 " Pr 2 7 ; + JO Jb 1 1* thou [God] hast treasured up their heart away from understanding, kept it therefrom; pass., of sin Ho 13 12 (abs.; || trqf); read poss. PBX for 1BX Jb is 22 treasured up for (^N) the sword (v. I. fiBX); J1SX = trea- sured, cherished place (i.e. Jerusalem) Ez 7 s2 ; = treasure + 17 14 Qr (Kt "jaw, v. fax), Jb 20 26 (on dub. text v. Bu); pl. of י׳ 's treasured ones, his saints jr 83 4 . 2. intrans. lie hid, lurk, abs. yjr 56', c. 7 pers. Pn 11 - 18 and (of eyes of wicked) f io 8 . JTipb.. Pf. 3 ms. 'BX? J e 16 17 be hidden from before ("H? ) '*'■ eyes (|| ^W); 3 pi. UBX3 Jb 2 4 1 + ,, !B*t? stored up on the part ofShadday; stored up for (7) one 1 5 20 . Hipli. At'de,=Qal: 7»»p/. 2 ms. sf. ^JBXri Jb I4 1S , c. 3loc; 3mpl.irBV» ^56 7 Kt(but<Qr v. Qal); Inf. cstr. sf. MpflJ (Ges S20h ) Ex 2 3 <o AiWe fa. t [pQS] n.[m.] treasure ;— sf. 1?"BX ^,17" Kt<13«X Qr, v. fBX pt. pass. I. pD2 5 n.f." 43 - 6 north (as the At'rfdero, dont; cf Thes Lewy FremdwI88t ; perh. Ph. i>BX north); — abs.'x Je26 26 + , njBX northward Gn 1 3 14 + , oftener njiBX Je 3 12 + , also PUi3X= fiBX Je i 13 + (after preps, and st. cstr.; cf. Ges' 908 ); cstr. !> i'lBXD JosS' 1 -!-, also 0Bjf9 i 9 14 Gi (cf. Benn'; van d. H. Baer 'VD), ) niiBXD Ju 21' 9 ; ('X occurs oftenest in Ez [46 t.], Jos [25 t.], Je [25 t.], Dn [9 t.]);— north (opp. S., E.,W.)