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Gn 13" 28 14 (both J), Ex 27" (P), +; * nSB north side Ex 26 20 Jos 15'+ (v. HNS); so 'X vb? Ex 26 s5 , 'an nn Ez 42", cf. njisx rojBn jjj^i K.16' 4 ; 'V ^33 Nu34 7 * «or<A boundary; 'X TI3T remote parts of north Is I4 13 (as divine abode)', Ez38 6,i +(v. [n?-V]); 'Jfn-i5?E>Ez40 3S - r , 'X nna 42 2 ; 'X nn Pr 25^ worffc wrcW, and so 'X alone Ct 4"; toward the north is n JiBX Jos 13' + (v. also supr.), and flDf^f Ec i 6 , '»n - ^ Ez 42 1 , nj'iBsn-^K 8 14 , fizxb 40 23 , fissn jjj v 20 , njtex 1 8 6S + , etc. ; esp. (in Je Ez etc.) of quarter whence invaders were to come, e.g. Assyr. Is 14 31 , cf. Zp 2", Babylonians Je 6 1M 15 12 46 2024 (TDJ); 47 2 , EZ26 7 , Cyrus against Bab. Is 41", cf. Je 50 3.9.4i 5I 48. more vaguely, Je i 1415 ('X ntoboo), 4« io 22 if 25 9M ('Sn 'jpp); of Gog's host Ez38 6l5 39 2 ; X V9J 32 30 (appar. of nearer [Aramaean'!] princes); 'X H? Je3i 8 is region of Carchemish, but Zc 2 10 o 6 - 8 - 8 of Babylon ; 'X J*JtCD (sts. + other countries) the exiles and dispersed are to return Je 3 18 i6 ls =23 8 , 31 8 , cf. Is 43 8 49"; '»D ^9 Dn ii««*"W denotes successive Seleucidae. fn. ^JiD2 adj. from foregoing, northern (so most); — c. art. as n. m. northern one, northerner, invader from north Jo 2 20 (of locust-swarm, cf.We Now Dr, GASm Pro,,h -"- 3M ). —1. 'JiBX v . JI'BX sub I. nttt f 11. pE2 n.pr.loc. on E. bank of Jordan, in tribe of Gad, 'x Jos 1 3" (2a0av[o> v ]), njiBX Ju 1 2 1 (jioppav, ©L SKpTjva) ; acc. to Talm. = mod. Amaleh, N. of Jabbok, GFM Buhl GM8r - 2! " (who doubts); Sapuna appears TelAmWkl" 0174 . ttBX, in jiSS 75?3 (q.v.), perhaps n.pr.dei, Bae 8 * 1 ' 22 No 2140 *'" 0888 4 ' 2 Grav Prop ' N134 t 0l)iTJB3 n.pr.m. 2o<povuK ('» hath trea- sured; OHeb.imBX, Ph. ^V33BV);— 1. priest, n;-Je2i 1 22 26 - 29 5 2 24 = ! inv2K25 ,8 (®L2 a ^.a f ), Je 37 3 . Elsewhere nj-: 2. the prophet Zp i 1 . 3. a Judsean Zc 6 1014 . 4. ancestor of Heman I Ch 6 2 ' (Satfawas ; b9P^M v 9 ). t[p22^] n. [m.] hidden treasure, trea- sure ; — sf. VJiaSO Ob 6 his treasures. tn3X?B 1~0D2 n.pr.m. (<vocaliz. Sapne- teph 'onh, i. e. the god speaks and lie lives, Egypt. D(d)-pnt{r)-ef-'nh (De-pnute-ef-'onh), V Steind Xzl889,41f ' i 189iKltt so Eb 8m " hDB<2, ' m8b Brugsch, v. Dr 11 "'" 775 *"*' Crum lbl - 685b Griffith


ib. in. sin bj. — Egypt, name given to Joseph Gn

1 45 , -iroiiOoiupavrfx, @L *o/. 

I. >/D2f (v^of following; meaningdub.,perh. hiss, onomatop., so Thes; NH pl>B?=BH). TyD2J n.m. a (poisonous) serpent (from hiss- ing 1); — Is 14 29 ; usu. taken as = following. t*jfa?B5 n.m. id.;— abs. 'X Is n 8 (|| tna), 'X T? 59 6 ; ^JfflXS Pr23 32 (sim.; || ETIJ); p l. D'JjfflX J e 8 17 (app. D^m) ; identif. dub.; Tristr NHB275 (<p 08S .') daboia xanthina, a venomous viper, but vipers do not lay eggs Furrer E1HWB 2, 1423. furrer proposes ailurophis vivax. II. ySX (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. xp, cacavit, ii_i , Eth. d<P0: excrew«n<). t [jPOJfj n.[m.] dung of cattle ; — pl. cstr. i|>3n T?? Ez 4 15 Qr (opp. Dnsn ^5), so Co Toy al., >Kt W3X. III. y£X (-/of foil.; meaning unknown), t [nyC!j] n.f. dub.; appar., fr.context, off- shoot;— pl. niy^jn i s 22 ™ ( ng . ; y cxxxxn). I" [ s "|Dl»']vb.Filp.ohirp, peep (onomatop.; NH Pilp. id. ; J Aram. 1XBX chirp; Ar. i.f n.a.^. sparrow, etc.); — Imp/. 3 fs. HXBXJil IS29 4 , 1 s. f|XBXX 38"; Ft. *)XBXD io 14 , pl. CT'BXBXDri 8 18 ;— chirp, peep : 1 . of birds Is I o 14 (fig. of conquered peoples) ; of mourning, 'XX . . . WD3 38 14 (|| nji>3 mns). 2. of spirits, ghosts Is 8" ( + Darren); 'xn ijmtpN nsyo 29 4 (like a spirit's). t PID!JD2 n.f. a kind of willow (? onomatop., from rustling; NH id.; Ar. ^iLlLi); — Ez 17 s . fl. p32i] vb. dub.;— Imp/. 3 ma. 3*^ ny^Sn ino nsri J u f let him return and (Vrss) let him depart, AV depart early (as Ki, fr. Aram. N"iBX, liSj morning, improb.), wholly uncertain; Gr-I3jn ; on difficulty of '3H "»np v . nvN 2 . andGFM.whoconj.fV*]? DBlX^l and soGideonput them to the test (cf. v 4 ), so Bu Now (cf. Dr H ***- ,,m "). II. iSK (v of foil.; cf. Ar.JU peep, tivitter, whistle (usu. of bird ; onomatop.) ; As. sapdru is cry, howl; NH iteX=BH, so Ph.nsx, $ ISX, Syr. iS* Mand.lNB'V, tnB'X No*" 02 ; also Ar. j jji-lc «parr<n«, etc., and (perh.)As. issuru, birdY i.liES, -|J3S <0 n.f.*" 3 -' (m. + 102 8 , cf. Ko Srnt.HK!^ S() io4 1 7i yet cf ^^ZAW^KI^Tl^ bird;— abs.iiax Hon n + 15 t.,l'ax Gn 15'° +