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f. מצרעת Ex 4 6 + , מצרעת Nu 12 10 ; leprous, of hand Ex 4 6 (J), of pers. Nu 12 10.10 (E), 2 K 5 27 2 Ch 26 20;אנשים מצרעים2 K7 3; as subst.= leper 2 S 3 29 2 K5 1.11 7 8 15 5= 2 Ch 26 21 a, 2 Ch 26 21 b, 23; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) LV 14 2.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.f.coll. hornets ((Symbol missingsymbol characters) as wounding, prostrating; NH=BH); — allies of Isr.; — (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex 23 s Jos 24" (both E), Dt 7 20 .

† צרועה n.f mother of Jeroboam 1 K 11 29, (Symbol missingsymbol characters) A (Symbol missingGreek characters).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.loc. (Symbol missingGreek characters), etc. (cf. also Lag BN 85), in the Shephelah of Judah (Tel Am. Sarha, named with Aialuna, Ajalon); — Jos 15 33 , but assigned to Dan 19 41 ; Ju 13 2.25 16 31 18 2,8,11 2 Ch n 10 Ne 11 29; mod. Sar(Symbol missingsymbol characters)a, 15 miles W. from Jerus., cf. GASm Geogr 210 Buhl Geogr. 195.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) v. foll.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) adj. gent. c. art. as n.coll. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 Ch 2 53 4 2 = (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 54.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) vb. smelt, refine, test (NH id. ; Ph. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) smelter; As. surrupu, refined, sarpu, silver, naṣruptu, crucible; Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) is pure, unmixed (esp. of wine); very doubtful is Sab. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) silver, money, cf. Mordtm Hlm - Inschr. pp. 14, 29 CIS iv, No. 291, 1, I); —Qal Pf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 6 29, sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 105 19; 2 ms. sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters), 17 8 , etc.; Impf. 1 s. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 1 25 , sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ju 7 4 ; Imv. ms.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 26 2 Kt, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Qr; Inf abs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 6 29; cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dn 11 35 , etc.; Pt. act. sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 9 6 , etc.; pass. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 12 7 , etc.; — 1. smelt, refine: Je 6 29 - 29 in vain hath he smelted continually (inf. abs.; fig. of purifying people); so smelt away Is 1 25 (acc. of dross ; fig.) ; of silver Zc 13 9 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 66 10 , (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 12 7 (all sim.); of (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 18 31 = 2 S 2 2 31, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 119 140 Pr 30 (Symbol missingsymbol characters) ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)); refine (men, by trials) Dn 11 35 ( (Symbol missingHebrew characters)). 2 . test Ju 7 4 I will test them (the warriors) for thee ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) subj.); — perh. also v 3 (v. I. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); more gen., of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)' s testing, trying (the hearts of) men (oft. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Je 9 6 Is 48 10 Zc 13 9 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 26 2 66 10 . 3. test (and prove true) a man (subj. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s saying) (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 105 19 . 4. Pi. act. as n. smelter, refiner, hence = goldsmith Ju 17 4 Je 10 9.14 5 1 17 Is 40 19.19 (but perhaps del. v b, cf. DuCheMarti), 41 7 46 6 Pr 25 4 ; as a guild Ne 3 6 32 . Niph. Impf. 3 mpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dn 1 2 10 many shall be refined (by suffering ; + (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ). Pi. Pt. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) as a. a refiner,(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Mal 3 2 (sim. of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), cf.'O alone v 3 ( + (Symbol missingHebrew characters)).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n. [m.] coll. goldsmiths; — only (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ne 3 31 i.e. belonging to the goldsmiths, a member of their guild.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.loc. (Symbol missingGreek characters) : on coast S. of Sidon (? smelting-place ; on strange form cf. Lag BN84. As. Ṣariptu Dl Pa 234 COT 1 K 17,9; Egypt. Ḏa-ï͏̥ra-pu-ti͏̥ WMM As. u. - Eur. 184 ); — (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Ob 20 ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K 17 9,10(so Gi; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) - van d. H. Baer); mod. Sarfend Rob BB ii. 474 ff. Pietschm Ph{{subst:o:n}}. 58 f.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.[m.] crucible (prop, place or instrument of refining); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr 17 3 27 21.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) vb. bind, tie up, be restricted, narrow, scant, cramped(NH id. ; Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) bind, tie up; so Aram. (Symbol missingAramaic characters)); — A. trans.: Qal Pf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ho 4 19 Pr30 4 ; Imv. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 8 16; Inf. cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr 2 6 8 (?); Pt.act. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb 26 8 ; pass. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ho 13 12 , f. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 25 29 ; fpl. † (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex 12 34 2 S 20 3 ; — bind or tie up, of kneading- troughs Ex 12 34 (E); fig. of a life preserved by (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 25 s9 ; of preserving prophetic teaching Is 8 16 ; of retention of guilt Ho 13 12 ; of (Symbol missingHebrew characters) s binding waters in (a garment of) cloud Pr 30 4 Jb 26 s ; =shut up 2 S 20 3;— (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ho 4 19 (si vera 1.) pregn., the wind hath wrapped her up in its wings, to carry her off; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr 26 s like the tying up of a stone, but unintellig. in context (v. Toy). Pu. Pt. pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jos 9 4 tied up (mended by tying), of old wine-skins. 'B. intrans.: Qal 'Pf. 3 fs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 28 20 ; Impf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr 4 12 ,† (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb 20 3 , † (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn 32 8 + , etc.; — be scant, cramped, in straits; of scanty bed-covering Is 28 20 (in fig.); of land too small for ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) its people Is 49 19 + Jos 19 47 (for (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Dr Expos,Jan.1887.69 Benn> cf (Symbol missingHebrew characters); of steps = be cramped, or impeded, Pr 4 12 Jb 1 8 7 (both in fig.); esp. inipers. c. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) pers., † (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn32 8 and it was narrow for him = he was in straits, distress, so Ju 2 16 2 S 13 2 Jb 20 22 , also 3 fs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ju 10 9 1 S 30 6 (v. Dr). Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dt 28 52.52 consec; 1 s. † (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 10 18 Zp 1 17; Impf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K 8 37 =2 Ch 6 † (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 28 20; 3 mpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ne 9 s7 ; Inf. cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 28 s2 33 12 ; — make narrow for, press hard upon, cause distress to, c. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) pers., Je 10 18 (subj. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Zp 1 17 (subj. id.); Dt 28 52M i K 8 37 =2 Ch 6 28, Ne 9 s7 (all subj. foe), 2 Ch 28 20 (subj. TP); indef. subj. 2 Ch 28 M (but rd. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) and join to v 21 , opp. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Kit Buhl Lex ), 3312.