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sns cf. Now.— 'V oft. + PTS q .v.;_ S ee, on Tyre, Pietschm™" 1 - 60 *- Rob BBII<6 " r - de Luynes Vo '*««"* Mer Morte (1871) l.28ff., «nd PI. xHI-nvlH -pi P»l. 3(1898), 307 IT. _ II. "IX {flint, knife) v. III. my. I'n^ adj. gent. Tyrian;— 'X t?'K i K 7 14 = 2 Ch 2 13 ; pi. as subst. Dnin the Tynans 1 Ch 22 1 Ezr s^both + D^'TSn), Ne 13 16 . t[J J*] vb. burn, scorch (As. sardbu, bum; Fi*"*" Ba E83S cp. Ar. '^Jbe kindled, blaze; cf. also mr);— Niph. Pf. 3 pi. consec. W#J] Ez 2 1 3 all faces sAaZZ 6e scorched. 'L^?3 Mi- burning; scorching (=*3$f Thesal.);— nans 0K3 Pr 16 27 (aim. of words). T ^51? n - f - 8c ab, scar, of a sore (lit. a burn- ing, scorching); — cstr. Kin pn$n ronx LV13 23 ; ton njasn 'x v 28 . ' *^7~ 1 ? n -P r - loc - home of Jerob. 1 Kn 26 , Vapttpa, A 2api8a; v. [rtP¥] JfnX. n/rTO 2 ch 4 1 ' v. jmx. T T " ; T ' T ;|t , 11. TO v. I, II. -nv. PHX (</of foil.; cf. Ar. £* (_,, tf ) of vein, nm Wood, Weed, j£i an odorif. tree, or its gum,cf.Hom A "" dAI - 4 , Sab. m SabDenkm 83 ; (Syr. )o»T fructus pini, etc. is loan-word); NH =BH ; as to form cp. Gk. aripa£ (hardly || in meaning, Lag" 1 - 234 - 384 , v. Ency. Bib. infr.), cf. Lewy Fremd - 41 ). t^tt and (Gn 37«)"nS(l)n.[ai.] a kind of balsam, as merchandise Gn 37 s5 (J), Ez 27 17 , gift Gn43 11 (J), medicament Je 8 m 46 11 51 8 (for national disaster, in fig.); — ThDyer- M'Lean in Ency. Bib. B,1,n think a resin, like (not necess. = ) gum of mastic-tree, pistacia lentiscus (otherwise Post H * st " wDB ). T'nS n.pr.m. a musician, 1 Ch 25 3 (2)oi V (e) l , = ^T- (q- v -) v " (l«r*P«, ®L Aatipt,a). TiT'HTX n.pr.f. Sapouia : mother of Abishai, Joab and Asahel; — "X 1 S 26 s + , nnx 2 S 14 1 16 10 23 : ' 7 ;— ace. to 1 Ch 2 16 * she was' David's sister; called 3KV DX 2 S 17 s3 ; elsewh. after cstr. "fa ()3): 'H? of Abishai 1 S 26 6 2 S 16 9 18 2 19 22 21 17 1 Ch i8 12 ; of Joab 2 S 2 13 8 16 = 1 Ch 18 15 , 2 S 14 1 23 18 and v 37 =i Ch n 39 , 1 K i 7 2 5ffi 1 Ch 1 1 6 26 28 2 7 24 ; pi. of all three 2 S 2 1S I Ch 2 16 ; Abishai and Joab 2 S 3 39 16 10 19 23 . f I. n jX vb. cry, roar (NH id., cry (of raven); As. sardhu, cry aloud, Ar. j££, Eth. RC1: g m.S Aph. (of bear), Syr. JL esp. Aph. and deriv.); — Qal P«. ac<. 1133 DK> ni> no Zp 1 u bitterly roareth there a hero, but abrupt in context and imprpb.; Gr (in part after ©) conj. "lis?? rnx? * bip (of. Hiph..). Hiph. /m^/. 3 ms. n'ns: Is 42" utter a roar (of '•>, going to battle; || J?'"!}). II. niX (/of foil.; cf. Ar. ^pdig&^J, also cleave the ground, rerad opm; 1-^-i «%JmZ- c/tra? chamber (with niches for bodies) ; Nab. nmy (cf. No in Eut N * b - Insc,lr - 66 Dr Sm - 76 )). TTTHS n.[m.] perh. excavation, under- ground chamber ; — 'x abs. Ju 9 49 , cstr. v 46 ; pi. D'CHX 1 S 1 3 6 ;— used as hiding-places 1 S 13 6 {+rfafi, D'Hjn, D^, rtrty; as refuge Ju 9* (where connected with shrine), v 49 CVrss strong- hold; on uncertainty of meaning v. GFM). ■nS v. 1. ->jf . "ng, ■ns, rTTS v. mx. "p¥ (-/of foil.; NH in| Aave need of; Ar. eJ^J oe needy, so Aram. ^"IX, ~J (y, — Oil); ChrPal. Uej xpf/a). J J t C^yii?] n-[m.]need.(Aram.); — sf. ^J3-lX - ^ri3

Ch 2 15 according to all thy need, cf. Ecclus 8 9 

+ often. ^1^ (-/of foil.; cf. perh. Ar. c^> throw down, prostrate; Sab. JHX humble oneself, DHM H„t,„. N „. 6 .l. 8Mordtm Hlm.I M chr.71 vbg denom in NH £). < MSHS M n.f. leprosy; — abs. 'v Dt 24 s + , njnx Lv i 3 2 + ; cstr. nyix 2X5" + ; sf. ininx

K 5™- 7 ;— leprosy 2 K s 36 - 7 - 27 2 Ch 26 19 ; else- 

where only in laws : 'X J/33 Dt 24 s , and Lv 13, 14 (P; 29 1.): 'Xn rnin I4 « ; 8p e C if. of a.human disease (as above) 'X V33 Lv i3 2 + 8 t.; without '3 i3 8 + iot. b. leprosy in a garment i3 47 - 49 - 5,.52. 5 9p 5 | 'y J,;, niiPl). c. in house I4 34 ('X JQJ), v 44 ; house or garment v 65 . — Exact meaning of b. and c. dub., perh. some fungus or mould; v. esp. Di Dr-Wh Baen. ^[^^]vb.denont.,onlyinpass.,be struck with leprosy, leprous;— Qal Pt. pass. tTtt jntX Lv 13 44 ; elsewh. as subst., =leper, v 43 14 3 Nu 5 2 (all P), Lv 2 2 4 (H). Pn. Pt. jn'XD 2 S 3^ + , jniXD 2 Ch26 20 ; pi. Byjto 2 K' 7 3 - 8 ;