- |TBM supplies cstr. & sf. forms). 1. of high-priest's ephod, cf. liBS 1 b, only ttnBK 33>n Ex 28 s 39 s the cunningly-wrought band of his ephod. . of sheathing of idol-images, ^ jjHJJ D3DD ITIBX Is 3 o M (|| ^JBD3 ^DB ■nax) c f. liSK 3 a. t[ft|»] n.[m.] palace (Syr. j£j' ; both from Pens, apaddna, cf. Spiegel Mtpen - K< " Uchr 128 , but this-<reaswn/, armoury, M. Schultze ZM<51885 ' «"•) folBK SlK Dnn 45 , of the 'king of the north,' i.e. Antiochus Epiphanes. tHS^ vb. bake (As. epu, Zim BP43 Aram. «?K, )ir)— Qal Pf 'ti Gn 19 3 ; WBN Is 44 19 ; toNI consec. Lv 26 s6 etc. ; Impf. 3 fs. sf. VIBTn 1 S 28"; 1BK' Ez 46 20 ; 1BXR Ex 16 23 ; 7mv. 1BX Ex 16 s3 ; jP«. nBN Gn 4 o' + ; DnBk H07 6 ; pi. D^BK Gn 4o' 6 + ; ™BK 1 S8 I3 ,etc— 6a£e, obj. Dr6 Lv26 M (H) l8 44 ls -" , (cf-Je 3 7 21 ); nto Gn io 3 '(J) 1S28 24 ; niso niay Exi2 39 (J); niVn Lv 2 4 5 (H); nn?T? Ez 4 6=Vl» Ex i6 a23 (P; — c. 2nd obj. of material Ex 1 2 39 P?3, Lv 24 s n?b, 1 S 28 s4 nop). P«. alw. as subst. baker Gn 40 1.J.S.16.17.20.B 4 jio ( all E ) h 7 «. Je 37 2i ' X n pno ou< o/</*e tours' s«ree<; also 1 S8 13 (|| HinsO, rrtni?!; only here fern.) Nowhere as a menial office, not even 1 S 8 13 where despotic power & growth of court emphasized. Niph. Impf. 3 fs. HBNri Lv6 ,0 Y 9 ; 3fpl. n^BKri Lv23 17 ;— pass, of Qal be baked, baken of Dnj Lv 23 1 '; nriJD f cf. 6 10 . t[nCNtD] n.[m.] thing baked, cstr. nrOD nan nsxp Lv 2*. tlSK (Jb 17 15 19 623 24 s6 ), elsewh. NlSN (cf. sn and Ni3"i), enclitic part, then (prob. from 13, a part, with a demonstr. force, cf. IB, it's here, with X prefixed. In the Targs. JIB is used somewhat similarly, e.g. Gn 26 10 Nu 1 i M Is i 9 48 1819 ), — used 1. in connexion with in- terrogatory pronouns or adverbs (like Spa, ttort, tandem) : KiBS » Gn 27 s3 who, then, . . . ? v 37 ntaM no NiBX nah and for thee, then, what shall I do, my son? Ex 33 16 NiBK r$ n031 and wherein shall it be known, then . . A NiBN n»N where, then? Jug 38 Isio 12 Jb^ 15 ; Ho 13'° tfDN ^3^0 NIK; IS2 2 1 KiBK 1]>>"nO what is there to thee, pray . . . ? 2. in a command or wish: a K io" NiBK ty] know, then; (in apod.)Pr 6 3 Jb 1 9 6 ; Jb 1 9 m $0 fO^ IBS in^O would, then, that my words were written ! . after DK, Gn43 u *>i|ntft triDK J3"DN if it be so,«Aen,dothis, Jb9 24 if not <^m, who is it? 24*.
"fTON n.pr.m. an ancestor of Saul 189' (etymology & meaning dubious). /D^ (A'"- ffi disappear, depart, set (of the sun)). T7DNn.m. Jb3,6 darkness, gloom (only poet.) — 's alw. abs. — 1. darkness, of night ^gi 6 (opp. OyVJS); deep in the earth, 'K |3K Jb 2 8 3 (||T]3'n, niOpX); darkness, gloom of underworld Jb io 2:!!2 (|| ?fn H?, ns^)} 'K, niojtt) ; personif. Jb 3 6 tltat night — let darkness take it 'N VngJ; fig. of spiritual darkness Is 29 18 (HT;?'" 1 ); of secrecy, treacheiy ^ n 2 . 2. esp. fig. of cala- mity Jb 23 17 (Iheri q.v.), 30 26 (opp. nix). T7DN adj. gloomy, of day of '< Am 5 s0 (lhe>n, opp. nai) c f. nbsx. T!i?DN n.f. darkness, gloominess, calam- ity— 'x Exio^ + j ^bk IS58 10 ; pi. nbm Is 59 s — 1. darkness Dt28 29 Pr7 9 (||nW> |WHt); of supernatural darkness in Egypt Ex 1 o 22 ; of day of '» (cf. Am 5 20 sub 5>BK) Jo 2 2 Zp 1 1S (both ||"JBTI, pJ7, ?Biy) sim. of wickedness Je 23 18 Pr 4 19 . 2. fig. of calamity Is 8 22 ( || n3E>n), 58 10 (Ih^n, opp. Dnns), 59" (||id., opp. ninjj). TL^^DN] adj. (darkened, concealed, thence) late, of crops; — HTBX Ex 9 s2 of wheat & spelt. "I^DN^ n.[m.] darkness, Jos 2 4 7 (E) dm '31 d3' l 3.' l 3 'O, between Hebrews & Egyptians. trPTBWO n-f- deep darkness (=W i>B8<D ace. to'Thes MV cf. Ct8 6 ^mni)^; but Ew
- 166b & on Je 2 31 rds. njbBSD, fem. of [^DNO],
der. fr. Hiph. Pt.; cf. Sta 5 ' 302 " H^BND; Jager BA8471 -tijiu^g this HJ an enclitic part, of empha- sis, & comp. As.) — only "O JHK J e 2 31 fig. of '•> in dealing with his people (II" 1 ?! )- khz** v. sub b%. t : v fSi^ (meaning dub., perh. turn, cf. nis). t JCIS, ttrtM n.m. Ezl ' 20 wheel.— abs. fBiN 1 K 7 32 +; JBiK Ez i ,6 + ; cstr. JB1N 1 K 7 s3 Is 28 s7 ; |BK EX14 25 ; pi. Cl^BiS iKf+i cstr.
- 3Bfe< 1 K7 30 ; On^DiN Ez io ls , etc.— a. wheel
of chariot (n33-)DJ Ex 14 25 iKf Na 3 2 ; of (threshing) cart {ffy$ Is 28^ cf. Pr 20 26 (as instr. of punishment), b. wheels in Ezek.'s vision Ez i' 616161919 - 20 - 20 - 21 ^ 1 - 00 ' 21 q 13 IO «-».»-«.».">-i<>. is.i2.i2.i3.i6.ie.i9 j ,22 4 C- w heels of the ten bases be- neath the lavers in Sol.'s temple ! K 7 30 - 32 - 32 - 3233 .