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|Q« 67 ' L]?NJ n.[m.] circumstance, condition (perh. lit. turning) only du. (or pi.) sf. VJBNT7JJ = in (right) circumstances Pr 25 11 (cf. Str ad loc, also Orelli *'"■ d - Ze " u - Ewl « , " ! " " f ). tnJWM * 88 16 (&r. Xfy. Dl FrI35t comp. As. ap]runa(ma) adv. = ma'dis, very, very much, but dub.; Thes MV form fr. -/pfl, & comp. Ar. ^S diminuit, mente diminuit (Frey.), hence be confused, helpless, cf. @ ifrfiroprfov; 53 contur- batus sum; others emend iWBK fr. 3*9 q.v. A vb. however is not needed for parallelism). tD3K (cf. DDS) vb. cease, fail, come to an end: only Qal Pf. 3 ms.; Gn 47 1516 (of money, IDS), Is 16 4 (extortioner: || '1P3, Dfl), 29 20 (terrible one: |j nb>3, rP33), -f 77* (VnDn : TDpN DDK, n.m. prop, ceasing, hence 1. end, extremity, only in the poet, phrase ""DBK H? (f 59 14 PNil '") ««<&, extreme limits, 'of the earth, used esp. hyperbolically : Dt 33 17 1 S 2 10 Mi 5 3 Je 16 19 + 2 8 59 14 72 s (=Zc9 10 ); + "b Is 45*" 52 10b (=f 9 8 3b ) + 22 s8 67" Pr 30 4 . 2. Expressing non-existence : a. as subst. (mostly a rare poet. syn. of PN): Is 3 4 12 and all his princes DBK V!T shall become nought, 41 29 ; 41 12 DUfSI flO W; 40 17 Whj DBKD (II f-^l) as made of nought and worthlessness are they accounted by him, 41 24 (rd. &??VB D.BND, || pKO, v. VB*); 5a 4 and Asshur op- pressed him DBN3 _/br nought. b. as part, of negation, prop, cessation of... (cf. • . • P$ nought of...), very rare in prose (2S9 3 ), chiefly a poet. syn. of P«: Is 5 s DipD DBK nj> till there is an end of place = till there is no place (cf. TV n y Vf4o' 3 ), Am6 10 (cf. p« JU4 20 ), Dt 3 2 36 (hence, in prose, 2 K 14 s6 ), Is 45* (cf. px 43 11 ) v 14 4 6 9 54 15 ; "fa *pB*] <?K Z P 2 15 Is47 810 isprob. to be rendered, 'I am, and there is none besides' (so Ges Ew Di etc.), the < being 'paragogic' as in ?$W etc. (Ges 590 ' 3 * Ew tmb ), cf. 1iV P» Is45 5 - 618 - 21 ; but ace. to De the • is sf. of 1 s. 'I am, and / am nought besides' (i.e. and I am nought besides my all-sufficient self). — DBN3 (like PK3, q.v.) without: Pr 14 28 26 20 Jb f Dn 8 s5 . c. as adv. of limitation: (a) only: tNu 22 s5 (cf. m v 20 ) 23 13 . (6) '3 DBS save that, howbeit (qualifying a preceding statement): +NU13 28 Dtis 4 JU4 9 Am 9 8 (+1S1 5 ® We Sta Dr). So DBK alone ta 8 ia M (the foil. ♦? signifying because). t [DDN] n.[m.] only in the du. QJDBK (not PEN '$; v. Baer), lit. the two extremities, i.e. either the soles of the feet (so AW Ges; cf. Aram. KriB'B, j^), or tf* ««&«* («, @ 3: sq^' & most): only Ez 47 s 'K *D wa ter of (i.e. reaching to) the soles (or ankles); cf. v 4 'D D.-inD water reaching to the loins. t Q">Sn DON n.pr .loc. in Judah, c. 1 6 miles SW. of Jerusalem, called in 1 Ch 1 1 ,3 O'DI DB, (meaning unknown; Lag BNW on basis ofMSS. of © would read £PD 13D edge or brink (jLo>) of water; but such a pronounced Aramaism is not probable), only 1 S 1 7 1 . t[VD«] VBSD Is 4 i« txt. err. for DBgO v . DBS; so k X Saad Thes Ew Di al. ni'DS v. sub nys. ^l|_ *J*J ▼•>• surround, encompass (As. ap<%>w Zim BP69 )— Qal i>/. 1BBN V^o 13 ; ^BBK ^i8 s +; — encompass (poet.) lit. Jon 2" (subj. D?P); fig., subj. evils & misfortunes nijTJ ^ 40 13 (sq. ^V); niD *3#>P 2 S 22 s , cf. 13 'ban ^ 18 s , also 116 3 . t[pSi$] vb. hold, be strong (so Thes wh. comp. Ar. ,jj| excel = multum valuit ; M V comp. also (jU)— o'nly Hithp. Pf. 3pUpBNrin L863 16 ; Impf. pBXm Gn 43 31 Est 5 10 ; 2 ms. pBNTin I s 64"; pB^m I S4 2 14 ; pSKTiXJ 1 S I 3 9— 1. force, compel oneself I S 13 12 . 2. restrain oneself, refrain Gn^ 3 31 45' L342 14 Est5 10 ; of * Is 64" ; of Yahweh's compassion Is 63 15 , TBrni ^pjftJ ^ptjMrUI ,l W (almost passive). tEpTDM] n.m. 2S22 - 16 channel (as holding, confining waters; poet.) — cstr. P^K Jb6"; pi. D^BK Ez6 3 + ; D'pBN Ez 3 2 6 ; cstr. ^BK Jo i»+;'sf. Ti?. ,B »? Ez 35 8 ; VP/BK Is8 7 — cAaW ^stream-bed, ravine, wady D?D 'N ^ 42' Jo I 20 cf. 4 18 Ct 5 12 ; also V' 18 16 , but better DJ 'N 2 S 22 16 ; D'bro 'X Jb6 15 ; of river-bed Is8 7 ; so also (without defining word) Ez3i 12 32 s 34" V-I26 4 ; HKJ! Ez6 3 35 8 3 6 46 ; fig. of bones of hippopotamus (as hollow) HBTI3 'N Jb 40 18 ; of furrows betw. scales of crocodile D'iiJD 'N 41". _D^B6< n»lD Jbi2 21 is dub.; Thes MV Di al. say girdle of the strong (p , BX=/?rm, forceful, or — Di — capable, powerful) ; || D'?^. tpDN,p , 'GH(Ja i 31 ) n.pr. loc. Aphek (perh. enclosure, or fortress). 1. city near Jezreel (As. Apku, cf. DI 1 "* 287 ) Jos 12 18 1 S 29' (ngJBJJ, so) 1 K 20 2630 cf. 2 K 13 17 . 2. city in tribe of Asher Jos 19 30 Ju i 31 (P'BS). 3. city NE. of i' 2